Green birds almost confined to the tropics, 52 (#x2_x_2_i51).
Gymnocerus cratosomoides, 94 (#x3_x_3_i37).
Gymnocerous capucinus, 96 (#x3_x_3_i39).
Gymnocerous dulcissimus, 55 (#x2_x_2_i58).
Gunther, Dr., on arboreal snakes, 55 (#x2_x_2_i58);
on colouring of snakes, 102 (#x3_x_3_i51).
Gynecia dirce, 59 (#x2_x_2_i64).
Habits, often persistent when use of them has ceased, 234 (#x7_x_7_i7);
of children and savages analogous to those of animals, 235 (#x7_x_7_i8);
if persistent and imitative may be termed hereditary, 235 (#x7_x_7_i8), 236 (#x7_x_7_i8).
Hairy covering of Mammalia, use of, 344 (#x9_pgepubid00116);
absence of, in man remarkable, 345 (#x9_x_9_i66);
the want of it felt by savages, 346 (#x9_x_9_i68);
could not have been abolished by natural selection, 348 (#x9_x_9_i71).
Harpagus diodon, 107 (#x3_x_3_i58).
Heiliplus, a hard genus of Curculionidæ, 94 (#x3_x_3_i37).
Heliconidæ, the objects of mimicry, 77 (#x3_x_3_i17);
their secretions, 88 (#x3_x_3_i30);
not attacked by birds, 79 (#x3_x_3_i21);
sometimes mimicked by other Heliconidæ, 85 (#x3_x_3_i26).
Helladotherium, 300 (#x8_x_8_i45).
Hemiptera, protected by bad odour, 72 (#x3_x_3_i9).
Herbert, Rev. W., on song of birds, 221 (#x6_x_6_i50).
Hesperidæ, probable means of protection of, 176 (#x5_x_5_i28).
Hesthesis, longicorns resembling ants, 96 (#x3_x_3_i39).
Hestia leuconoë, 180 (#x5_x_5_i0).
Hewitson, Mr., 131 (#x4_x_4_i29).
Hipparion, 299 (#x8_x_8_i45).
Hippotherium, 299 (#x8_x_8_i45).
Hispidæ, imitated by Longicorns, 92 (#x3_x_3_i36).
Holothuridæ, 258 (#x7_x_7_i76).
Homalocranium semicinctum, 101 (#x3_x_3_i49).
Hooker, Dr., on the value of the “specific term,” 165 (#x5_x_5_i3).
Houses of American and Malay races contrasted, 213 (#x6_x_6_i40).
Huxley, Professor, on “Physical Basis of Life,” 362 (#x10_x_10_i25);
on volition, 368 (#x10_x_10_i31).
Hyænictis, 300 (#x8_x_8_i45).
Hybernia, wintry colours of this genus, 62 (#x2_x_2_i66).
Hymenoptera, large number of, peculiar to Celebes, 196 (#x6_x_6_i10).
Icteridæ, sexual colouring and nidification of, 244 (#x7_x_7_i38).
Icthyopterygia, 298 (#x8_pgepubid00098).
Ideopsis daos, 180 (#x5_x_5_i0).
Imitation, the effects of, in man’s works, 212 (#x6_x_6_i38).
Indians, how they travel through trackless forests, 207 (#x6_x_6_i28).
Insects, protective colouring of, 56 (#x2_x_2_i59);
mimicking species of other orders, 97 (#x3_x_3_i40);
senses of, perhaps different from ours, 202 (#x6_x_6_i23), 203 (#x6_x_6_i23).
Instinct, how it may be best studied, 201 (#x6_pgepubid00062);
definition of, 203 (#x6_x_6_i23);
in many cases assumed without proof, 205 (#x6_x_6_i25);