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Wait and Hope: or, A Plucky Boy's Luck

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Ben looked so cheerful and smiling that Tony asked: "Have you got work, Ben?"

"Not yet, Tony."

Mrs. Bradford shook her head rather despondently.

"We might as well go to the poorhouse first as last," she said.

"I don't think we had better go at all, Aunt Jane," said Ben.

"You can't find anything to do."

"Not yet, but I expect to some time."

"And what are we going to do till then?"

"I mean to fall back upon you, Aunt Jane. I think you will be able to keep us from starving."

"I don't know what you mean, Benjamin. I am sure I am willing to work; but last week I only earned a dollar and a quarter, and I don't feel sure of even doing that."

"I have got a plan for you, Aunt Jane."

"What is it?"

"You might take a boarder."

"Who would come to board with me?"

"Perhaps I can find you a boarder."

"Besides, any one that could pay a fair price would expect better living than we could afford."

"I don't think you will find that trouble with the boarder I have engaged for you."

"What do you mean, Benjamin?" asked Mrs. Bradford, in surprise.

"What would you say to boarding and taking care of a little girl of five?"

"Do you know of any such little girl?"


"What would her friends be willing to pay?"

"Seven dollars a week."

This was about twice as much as Mrs. Bradford expected, and she looked incredulous.

"I don't believe any one would pay such a price," she said.

Upon this Ben gave his aunt full particulars, and her usually sober face brightened up at the prospect of thus maintaining their home.

"I can hardly believe it," she said. "This Mr. Manning must be very liberal.

"The money doesn't come from him. He says the little girl has property, and can afford to pay well. He is coming round to-morrow morning to learn whether you will take her."

"Won't you take her, mother?" pleaded Tony.

"I shall be very glad of the chance," said Mrs. Bradford. "It will make us very comfortable."

"Still, Aunt Jane, if you would really prefer going to the poorhouse," said Ben, his eyes twinkling, "I will go round and see if you can get in."

"Never mind, Benjamin," said his aunt cheerfully. "I prefer to keep out of that place as long as I can."

"Would you like to have a little girl to play with, Tony?" asked Ben.

"It'll be bully," said Tony.

"Where did you learn that word, Tony?" inquired his mother, shocked.

"It isn't swearing, is it, mother?"

"No, but it is not refined."

"I'm too young to be refined, mother."

"But where did you learn it, Tony?"

Ben smiled. "Tony don't want to expose me, Aunt Jane," he said. "I suppose he learned it of me. It isn't a bad word."

"I never used it," said Mrs. Bradford primly.

"No, I should think not," said Ben, laughing. "I can't image you calling anything bully. It isn't a lady's word. You know, aunt, boys can't always use go-to-meetin' words. They want to be free and easy sometimes."

Here the discussion was dropped, and the evening was passed cheerfully.

The next morning Mr. Manning called. Admitted into the little cottage, he glanced quickly about him, and was pleased to find that, though the furniture was plain, there was evidences of neatness. Mrs. Bradford, too, in spite of her tendency to low spirits, impressed him favorable, as likely to be kind and judicious. But perhaps what influenced him as much as anything was the presence of Tony, for he held that a child companion would be very desirable for his young ward. He repeated the offer of seven dollars a week.

"I am afraid it will hardly be worth that, Mr. Manning, though it will be very welcome to us," said Mrs. Bradford.

"I prefer to pay liberally, since the property left to my young charge is ample. Besides, she will be more or less care. I shall have to trouble you to provide the little girl with suitable attire, charging, of course, all outlays to me."

"I shall be very glad to do so, Mr. Manning. When do you wish the child to come?"

"As soon as possible."

"Will you bring her yourself?"

"There will be some difficulty about that," answered Mr. Manning hesitatingly. "I can't leave my business."
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