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Timothy Crump's Ward: A Story of American Life

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“Peg? Oh, she couldn’t stay. She had important business to transact, my young friend, and so she has gone; but don’t feel anxious. She commended you to our particular attention, and you will be just as well treated as if she were here.”

This assurance was not very well calculated to comfort Jack.

“How long are you going to keep me cooped up here?” he asked, desperately, wishing to learn the worst at once.

“Really, my young friend, I couldn’t say. We are very hospitable, very. We always like to have our friends with us as long as possible.”

Jack groaned internally at the prospect before him.

“One question more,” he said, “will you tell me if my sister Ida is in this house?”

“Your sister Ida!” repeated the old man, surprised in his turn.

“Yes,” said Jack; believing, his astonishment feigned. “You needn’t pretend that you don’t know anything about her. I know that she is in your hands.”

“Then if you know so much,” said the other, shrugging his shoulders, “there is no need of asking.”

Jack was about to press the question, but the old man, anticipating him, pointed to a plate of food which he pushed in upon a shelf, just in front of the sliding door, and said: “Here’s some supper for you. When you get ready to go to bed you can lie down on the sofa. Sorry we didn’t know of your coming, or we would have got our best bed-chamber ready for you. Good-night, and pleasant dreams!”

Smiling disagreeably he slid to the door, bolted it, and disappeared, leaving Jack more depressed, if possible, than before.


THE anxiety of Mr. Abel Crump’s family, when Jack failed to return at night, can be imagined. They feared that he had fallen among unscrupulous persons, of whom there is no lack in every large city, and that some ill had come to him. The baker instituted immediate inquiries, but was unsuccessful in obtaining any trace of his nephew. He resolved to delay as long as possible communicating the sad intelligence to his brother Timothy, who he knew would be quite (sic) overwhelwed by this double blow.

In the mean time, let us see how Jack enjoyed himself. We will look in upon him after he has been confined four days. To a youth as active as himself, nothing could be more wearisome. It did not add to his cheerfulness to reflect that Ida was in the power of the one who had brought upon him his imprisonment, while he was absolutely unable to help her. He did not lack for food. This was brought him three times a day. His meals, in fact, were all he had to look forward to, to break the monotony of his confinement. The books upon the table were not of a kind likely to interest him, though he had tried to find entertainment in them.

Four days he had lived, or rather vegetated in this way. His spirit chafed against the confinement.

“I believe,” thought he, “I would sooner die than be imprisoned for a long term. Yet,” and here he sighed, “who knows what may be the length of my present confinement? They will be sure to find some excuse for retaining me.”

While he was indulging in these uncomfortable reflections, suddenly the little door in the wall, previously referred to, slid open, and revealed the old man who had first supplied him with food. To explain the motive of his present visit, it will be remembered that he was under a misapprehension in regard to the cause of Jack’s confinement. He naturally supposed that our hero was acquainted with the unlawful practises of the gang of coiners with which he was connected.

The old man, whose name was Foley, had been favorably impressed by the bold bearing of Jack, and the idea had occurred to him that he might be able to win him as an accomplice. He judged, that if once induced to join them, he would prove eminently useful. Another motive which led him to favor this project was, that it would be very embarrassing to be compelled to keep Jack in perpetual custody, as well as involve a considerable expense.

Jack was somewhat surprised at the old man’s visit.

“How long are you going to keep me cooped up here?” he inquired, impatiently.

“Don’t you find your quarters comfortable?” asked Foley.

“As comfortable as any prison, I suppose.”

“My young friend, don’t talk of imprisonment. You make me shudder. You must banish all thoughts of such a disagreeable subject.”

“I wish I could,” groaned poor Jack.

“Consider yourself as my guest, whom I delight to entertain.”

“But, I don’t like the entertainment.”

“The more the pity.”

“How long is this going to last? Even a prisoner knows the term of his imprisonment.”

“My young friend,” said Foley, “I do not desire to control your inclinations. I am ready to let you go whenever you say the word.”

“You are?” returned Jack, incredulously. “Then suppose I ask you to let me go immediately.”

“Certainly, I will; but upon one condition.”

“What is it?”

“It so happens, my young friend, that you are acquainted with a secret which might prove troublesome to me.”

“Indeed!” exclaimed Jack, mystified.

“Yes; you see I have found it out. Such things do not escape me.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” returned Jack, perplexed.

“No doubt, no doubt,”, said Foley, cunningly. “Of course, if I should tell you that I was in the coining business, it would be altogether new to you.”

“On my honor,” said Jack, “this is the first I knew of it. I never saw or heard of you before I came into this house.”

“Could Peg be mistaken?” thought Foley. “But no, no; he is only trying to deceive me. I am too old a bird to be caught with such chaff.”

“Of course, I won’t dispute your word, my young friend,” he said, softly; “but there is one thing certain; if you didn’t know it before you know it now.”

“And you are afraid that I shall denounce you to the police.”

“Well, there is a possibility of that. That class of people have a little prejudice against us, though we are only doing what everybody wants to do, making money.”

The old man chuckled and rubbed his hands at this joke, which he evidently considered a remarkably good one.

Jack reflected a moment.

“Will you let me go if I will promise to keep your secret?” he asked.

“How could I be sure you would do it?”

“I would pledge my word.”

“Your word!” Foley snapped his fingers in derision. “That is not sufficient.”

“What will be?”

“You must become one of us.”

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