"You are in a difficult position, John," he said, when he had finished reading. "You are very unpleasantly situated, I should judge."
"Very, sir."
"And this Mr. Huxter doesn't seem a very agreeable man to have dealings with?"
"I should be very unhappy if I expected to be obliged to stay with him."
"You say he is intemperate?"
"He drank several times on his way back in the stage, and the boy with whom I rode over says he has been intemperate for years."
"Certainly he is not a fit person to have charge of you. Does he know that you have come over here to-day?"
"No, sir."
"It is evidently Mrs. Oakley's intention that you you should not be allowed to communicate with me, or any of your other friends in Hampton. So, no doubt, she has instructed her brother. There must be some motive for this."
Squire Selwyn looked thoughtfully at John as he said this, perhaps with a view of drawing out John's opinion.
"I think," said John, hesitatingly, "that she is going to look for the will."
"I won't say whether I agree with you or not," said Squire Selwyn, cautiously. "It is not best to charge any one with wrong thoughts or intentions too hastily, but it is well to be prepared for what may be done to our disadvantage. Of course it is for your interest that the will should be found, provided the discovery is made public."
"Yes, sir."
"But would Mrs. Oakley make it public, if found, when it is for her interest to keep it concealed? That is an important question."
"She can do what she pleases so far as I am concerned. She has sent me away from home, where I shall know nothing that is going on."
"In one sense you are wholly in the power of your stepmother," said the lawyer; "but you will have some one to look after your interests. Your father was my friend, and you are my son's friend. I shall do what I can in your behalf."
"Thank you, sir," said John, gratefully. "I felt sure you would, and that is why I wrote to you at once."
"As soon as I return to Hampton,—and that will be to-morrow,—I will call on Mrs. Oakley, and, without letting her know how I came by the information, will set before her your present position, and demand that she pursue a different course. The result I will communicate to you. How do you wish me to direct any letter I may have occasion to write?"
"To Milbank, if you please, Squire Selwyn. If directed to Jackson, I feel sure that it would fall into Mr. Huxter's hands."
"And never reach you. Very likely you are right. Then I will direct to Milbank, and will write at once upon having my interview with Mrs. Oakley."
"Suppose Mr. Huxter ill-treats me in the mean time?" suggested John. "I think it is his intention to set me to work next week."
"Did he not say you were boarding with him?"
"That is what Mrs. Oakley said in her letter."
"Then if he is paid a full price for your board, I do not see that he has any claim upon your services. It is better, however, to avoid cause of quarrel until you hear from me."
"And if you cannot induce Mrs. Oakley to change her plans?" asked John. "You wouldn't advise me to stay with Mr. Huxter?"
"Didn't your father have a married sister?" inquired Squire Selwyn. "I think I have heard so."
"Yes, sir. Her husband kept a country store in the town of Wilton."
"That is about fifty miles to the westward. Well, though I don't in general approve of a boy's running away, it might be advisable, should your stepmother continue obstinate, and Mr. Huxter seem disposed to abuse you, to leave here, and seek out your aunt. Should you make this change, you would of course immediately communicate with me."
"Yes, sir. Thank you for the advice. I never thought of that before; but I think it is the best thing I could do."
"Have you any money, John?" asked Squire Selwyn, putting his hand into his pocket.
"Yes, sir; thank you. I have thirty dollars."
"Indeed!" said the lawyer, surprised. "Did Mrs. Oakley supply you with so much?"
"No, sir; but when my father was alive he gave me an allowance of a dollar a week pocket-money. I had saved up thirty dollars, thinking I might some time want to make a large purchase,—a row-boat, or something of that kind. When I came away with Mr. Huxter, I thought I had better bring it with me."
"It is lucky you did so. You may have occasion to use it. Does Mr. Huxter know you have this money?"
"He knows I have some money," said John, "but probably does not suspect how much."
"I advise you to take care of it then. Such a man is not to be trusted. If he claims the power of controlling you, he may demand this money."
"I don't think he will get it," said John, resolutely.
"I hope not. You were always a quiet boy; but I have observed that you were not deficient in firmness."
"I hope you don't think me obstinate, Squire Selwyn," said John, smiling.
"No, I don't think you that."
"If I find myself in the wrong I am always ready to confess it and give up."
"That's right, my lad. It's a thing that some of us who are much older than you find it hard to do. By the way, I suppose you wonder how I happen to be here so opportunely for you."
"I have been wondering all the time, but did not like to ask."
"One of my clients placed some business in my hands relating to property which required me to consult the county records of this county."
"You didn't come through by the stage?"
"No, I thought it too long and tedious. So I came by a roundabout way which left me only twenty miles' staging. I travelled a greater number of miles than you, but in considerably less time. Now, John, is there anything more I can do for you before I set about the particular business which called me here?"
"No, sir, thank you. At least I think of nothing."
"One thing at least let me say. We don't know how this affair is coming out. Your stepmother may prove wholly unmanageable, especially as the power is in her hands, as things are at present situated. Should there come a time when you have need of further money, let me know frankly, and I will see what I can do for you."
"You are very kind indeed, sir," said John, earnestly.
"I certainly ought to be. When I came to Hampton, a young lawyer and without acquaintances, your father took me by the hand, and placed his business in my hands, and influenced others to do the same. So I consider that he laid the foundation of my present prosperity, and therefore I shall not desert his son while he is in trouble."