“Thank you; I will trouble you to go with me as far as Broadway, and then I can get into an omnibus.”
She turned and addressed some words to the coachman, directing him to drive home as soon as the horses were quieted, adding that she would trust herself to the escort of the young hero, who had rescued her from the late peril.
“You’re a lucky boy,” thought John, the coachman. “My mistress is one that never does anything by halves. It won’t be for nothing that you have rescued her this afternoon.”
As they walked along, the lady, by delicate questioning, succeeded in drawing from our hero his hopes and wishes for the future. Paul, who was of a frank and open nature, found it very natural to tell her all he felt and wished.
“He seems a remarkably fine boy,” thought the lady to herself. “I should like to do something for him.”
They emerged into Broadway.
“I will detain you a little longer,” said the lady; “and perhaps trouble you with a parcel.”
“I shall be very glad to take it,” said Paul politely.
Appleton’s bookstore was close at hand. Into this the lady went, followed by her young companion.
A clerk advanced, and inquired her wishes.
“Will you show me some writing-desks?”
“I am going to purchase a writing-desk for a young friend of mine,” she explained to Paul; “as he is a boy, like yourself, perhaps you can guide me in the selection.”
“Certainly,” said Paul, unsuspiciously.
Several desks were shown. Paul expressed himself admiringly of one made of rosewood inlaid with pearl.
“I think I will take it,” said the lady.
The price was paid, and the desk was wrapped up.
“Now,” said Mrs. Danforth, for this proved to be her name, “I will trouble you, Paul, to take the desk for me, and accompany me in the omnibus, that is, if you have no other occupation for your time.”
“I am quite at leisure,” said Paul. “I shall be most happy to do so.”
Paul left the lady at the door of her residence in Fifth Avenue, and promised to call on his new friend the next day.
He went home feeling that, though he had met with no success in obtaining a place, he had been very fortunate in rendering so important a service to a lady whose friendship might be of essential service to him.
“Mrs. Edward Danforth,” repeated the sexton, on hearing the story of Paul’s exploit.
“Why, she attends our church.”
“Do you know Mr. Danforth?” asked Paul, with interest.
“Only by sight. I know him by reputation, however.”
“I suppose he is very rich.”
“Yes, I should judge so. At any rate, he is doing an extensive business.”
“What is his business?”
“He is a merchant.”
“A merchant,” thought Paul; “that is just what I should like to be, but I don’t see much prospect of it.”
“How do you like Mrs. Danforth?” inquired the sexton.
“Very much,” said Paul, warmly. “She was very kind, and made me feel quite at home in her company.”
“I hope she may be disposed to assist you. She can easily do so, in her position.”
The next day Paul did not as usual go out in search of a situation. His mind was occupied with thoughts of his coming interview with Mrs. Danforth, and he thought he would defer his business plans till the succeeding day.
At an early hour in the evening, he paused before an imposing residence on Fifth Avenue, which he had seen but not entered the day previous.
He mounted the steps and pulled the bell.
A smart-looking man-servant answered his ring.
“Is Mrs. Danforth at home?” asked Paul.
“Yes, I believe so.”
“I have called to see her.”
“Does she expect you?” asked the servant, looking surprised.
“Yes; I come at her appointment,” said Paul.
“Then I suppose it’s all right,” said the man. “Will you come in?” he asked, a little doubtfully.
Paul followed him into the house, and was shown into the drawing-room, the magnificence of which somewhat dazzled his eyes; accustomed only to the plain sitting-room of Mr. Cameron.
The servant reappeared after a brief absence, and with rather more politeness than he had before shown, invited Paul to follow him to a private sitting-room upstairs, where he would see Mrs. Danforth.
Looking at Paul’s plain, though neat clothes, the servant was a little puzzled to understand what had obtained for Paul the honor of being on visiting terms with Mrs. Danforth.
“Good evening, Paul,” said Mrs. Danforth, rising from her seat and welcoming our hero with extended hand. “So you did not forget your appointment.”
“There was no fear of that,” said Paul, with his usual frankness. “I have been looking forward to coming all day.”
“Have you, indeed?” said the lady with a pleasant smile.