"I felt it my duty to assist Cousin Hamilton," said she, "though I am sorry for that ungrateful boy. I will now withdraw, and leave you to confer together."
Mrs. Hill would like to have been invited to remain, but such an invitation was not given.
"What do you think, Mr. Lynx?" asked Mrs. Hamilton.
"I think your housekeeper does not like Ben Barclay," he answered dryly.
"And you don't think him guilty?" she asked eagerly.
"No; the boy isn't fool enough, first, to give his own name at the pawnbroker's, and next, to leave the ticket exposed in his room."
"How then did it come there?"
Mr. Lynx was saved the trouble of answering by another tap on the door.
"Who is it now?" he said.
He stepped to the door, and opening it, admitted Susan.
"What is it, Susan," asked Mrs. Hamilton, in some surprise.
"Did Mrs. Hill bring you a pawn ticket, ma'am?"
"And what do you know about it?" demanded Mr. Lynx brusquely.
"And did she say she found it on Master Ben's bureau?"
"Yes, Susan," said the mistress; "what can you tell us about it?"
"I can tell you this, ma'am, that I saw Master Conrad steal into the room this morning, and put it there with his own hands."
"Ha! this is something to the purpose." said the detective briskly.
"Are you sure of this, Susan?" asked Mrs. Hamilton, evidently shocked.
"I can take my Bible oath of it, ma'am; and it's my belief that he's tryin' to get Master Ben into trouble."
"Thank you, Susan," said her mistress. "You have done not only Ben, but myself, a valuable service. You can go. I will see that you do not regret it."
"Don't tell Mrs. Hill that I told you, or she'd be my enemy for life!"
"I will see to that."
As Susan left the room, Mr. Lynx said:
"You won't require my services any longer. It is clear enough who pawned the glass."
"You mean—"
"I mean the boy Conrad, whose mother was so anxious to fix the guilt upon your young secretary. If you have the slightest doubt about it, invite the young gentleman to accompany you to Simpson's to redeem the opera glass."
"I will."
When Conrad came home his first visit was to his mother.
"Has anything been found out about the stolen opera glass?" he asked, with a studied air of indifference.
"I should say there had," she answered. "I followed the clew you suggested, and searched the boy's room. On the bureau I found the pawn ticket."
"You don't say so! What a muff Ben must have been to leave it around so carelessly! What did you do with it?"
"I waited till Mr. Lynx was conferring with Cousin Hamilton, and then I carried it in and gave it to them."
"What did they say?" asked Conrad eagerly.
"They seemed thunderstruck, and Mr. Lynx very politely thanked me for the help I had given them."
"Has Ben been bounced yet?"
"No; but doubtless he will be very soon. Cousin Hamilton doesn't want to think him a thief and gambler, but there seems no way of escaping from such a mass of proof."
"I should say not. Do you think she's told Ben? Does he look down in the mouth?" continued Conrad.
"I haven't seen him since."
When they met at the table Mrs. Hamilton's manner toward Ben was decidedly frigid, as Conrad and his mother saw, much to their satisfaction. Ben looked sober, but his appetite did not appear to be affected.
"Your course is about run, young man!" thought Mrs. Hill.
"I should like to see you after supper, Conrad," said Mrs. Hamilton.
"Come into my sitting room."
"I wonder if she is going to give me Ben's place," thought Conrad, hardly knowing whether he wished it or not.
With a jaunty air and a self-satisfied smile, he followed Mrs.
Hamilton into her "private office," as she sometimes called it.
"Shut the door, Conrad," she said.
He did so.
"I have heard news of the opera glass," she commenced.
"Mother gave me a hint of that," said Conrad.