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The Tin Box, and What it Contained

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But even then he could not be said to feel deep regret for his unworthyact. He was sensible of the inconvenience to which he was subjected byhis constrained position, and began to chafe and fret under it.

"I wonder how long he's going to leave me here?" thought Philip, though, in truth, he hardly knew whether he wanted Temple to return or not.

"Just as soon as I get away, I'll ask pa to have him arrested. Iwouldn't mind seeing him hung."

An hour passed – about the longest hour Philip had ever known. At lengthhis eager ears discerned steps outside the hut. It might be a friend! Atany rate, he would call, and perhaps the call would bring rescue.

"Hello, there!" he called out. "Come in; I need help!"



There were two persons outside, one of whom was our hero, Harry Gilbert. The other, though dressed in citizen's clothes, was an officer, who hadbeen sent to arrest Temple, on a charge of being implicated with Vernonin the robbery of the tin box.

Harry at once recognized the voice of Philip, and it is needless to saythat he was filled with genuine surprise.

"That must be Philip Ross," he said, in a low voice, to the officer.

"Who is Philip Ross?"

Harry gave a few words of explanation. He did not, however, mention themean trick which Philip had played on him.

"He is not a friend of Temple?" asked the officer.

"Oh, no! He must have got into some trouble with Temple. Please stayhere, and let me go in and see what is the matter. I have a reason forwishing him to think I am alone, just at first."

"Just as you say," returned the officer. "I take it for granted Templeisn't here, or the boy wouldn't have called. Suppose the man comesback?"

"Let him come in, and you can follow. Between us, I guess we can makehim a prisoner."

"You have plenty of courage," said the officer. "Are you not afraid tohave him come in upon you?"

"Not while you are near to help me," answered Harry. "In that cabin wecould pen him up."

"That's true. Well, go in to your friend."

"A queer sort of a friend Philip is," thought Harry, but he did notobject to the title.

Opening the cabin door, which Temple had closed, Harry regarded Philipwith amazement. He could hardly believe the testimony of his eyes whenhe saw his enemy, tied hand and foot, very much as he had been the nightbefore.

"What's the matter, Philip?" he asked. "What has happened to you?"

"Can't you see for yourself," demanded Philip, querulously. "I'm tied sotight I can't move."

"Who did it?"

"That thief, Temple! I should like to wring his neck!" said Philip, spitefully.

Though Harry was not a vindictive boy, it did strike him as appropriatethat Philip should have a chance to see for himself how it seemed to bebound. Deferring the gratification of his curiosity, he inquired:

"How do you like it?"

"How do I like it?" echoed Philip, furiously. "Don't ask such absurdquestions, but come and untie me."

"Wait a minute," said Harry. "Perhaps you have forgotten that this isthe way you and Congreve served me only last night. I suppose youthought it a good joke. Well, Ralph Temple has played the same joke onyou."

"Joke!" repeated Philip. "He'll find out what kind of a joke it is whenmy father has him put in jail."

"Do you think he deserves to be put in jail just for that?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then it seems to me that you and your friend Congreve deserve the samepunishment for what you did to me."

"It's entirely different; but stop talking and come and untie me."

"You didn't untie me. You left me to pass the night in the forestalone."

Philip eyed Harry attentively, and it struck him that perhaps it wouldbe better to drop his haughty and domineering tone and temporize alittle, if he wanted a rescue. He could afterward treat Harry as hepleased.

"I didn't think you'd make so much of a little matter like that," hesaid. "It was a mistake. I didn't mean you to stay all night. Congrevepromised to go back and untie you. Didn't he do it?"

"No," answered Harry, dryly.

"Then he broke his promise. Just untie me, that's a good fellow, andI'll make it up to you. I've got two dollars in my pocket, and you mayhave them if you'll get me out of this scrape. Be quick, for Temple maybe coming back, and he may kill us both."

"I don't want your two dollars, Philip," said Harry. "I am ready torelease you without that – "

"Quick, then; that's a good fellow."

"Hear me out. I was going to say, on one condition."

"What is it?" asked Philip, impatiently.

"That you will beg my pardon for the trick you played on me," said

Harry, quietly.

"What! I beg your pardon?" exclaimed Philip, haughtily.

"That is what I said."

"Do you think I would demean myself by asking anybody's pardon?" demanded Philip, his pride getting the better of his prudence.

"That is exactly what I expect, Philip Ross. If I had played such a meantrick on any one, I should think it no more than right to do just thatthing."

"No," said Philip, stubbornly; "I won't do that, but I will give you thetwo dollars."
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