“Don’t he look familiar to you?”
“Yes; there was something familiar about his appearance, but I couldn’t place him.”
“He asked me if I couldn’t employ him in the store. I told him Mr. Ames might give him a chance at mining.”
“He said he would look round a little before deciding.”
“Did he buy anything?”
“Yes, tobacco.”
“Did you mention my name?”
“Yes, and he looked uneasy.”
“Ernest,” said Luke Robbins, with a sudden inspiration, “I know the man.”
“Who is it?”
“Don’t you recall any man at Oak Forks with whom you had trouble?”
“Tom Burns?”
“Yes. That’s the man.”
“Why didn’t we recognize him then?”
“Because he has grown a full beard.”
“That’s so, Luke. I understand now why he looked so familiar. I am sorry to see him here.”
“He’d better not undertake any of his rascalities or he will find himself in hot water.”
When Burns left the store he walked to the outskirts of the mining settlement, not wishing to attract attention. He wished especially to avoid encountering Luke Robbins, with the strength of whose arm he was disagreeably familiar.
He proposed to keep out of sight until night, and then make a visit to the store. It would go hard with him if he did not make a raise there, either in the shape of money or articles of value.
He came to a cabin standing by itself, at a considerable distance from the homes of the other miners. Sitting in front of it was a man with grizzled beard whose appearance indicated advanced age. There were lines upon his face that betrayed ill health.
“I wonder if anything can be got out of him,” thought Tom Burns. “I’ll see.”
“Good-day, sir,” he said, affably.
The old man looked up.
“Good-day,” he replied. “Who may you be?”
“I’m an unfortunate man, in search of employment.”
“When people are unfortunate there is generally a reason for it. Are you intemperate?”
“No, sir,” answered Burns, as if horror-stricken. “I hate the taste of liquor.”
“I am glad to hear it.”
“I belong to three temperance societies,” continued Tom, by way of deepening the favorable impression he thought he had made.
“And still you are poor?”
“Yes,” answered Burns. “Once I was prosperous, but I was ruined by signing notes for an unprincipled man who took advantage of my friendship. Do you think I can find work here?”
“I don’t know. Probably you can get a chance to work on one of Mr. Ames’s claims.”
“Is it Mr. Ames who owns the store?”
“I called there to buy some tobacco. Is the boy there his son?”
“No; he is a recent arrival in Oreville. He is a very smart boy.”
“Is he? Mr. Ames trusts him, I suppose?”
“Yes. Why shouldn’t he?”
“I – I would rather not answer that question.”
“Have you ever met the boy before?”
“Yes; I met him in the East,” answered Burns.
“Since you have said so much you must say more. I am a cousin of Mr. Ames, and if you know anything unfavorable of the boy, it is your duty to tell me.”
“I have nothing against the boy, and would prefer not to speak.”
“I insist upon your doing it.”
“It is only this. When I knew him he was employed in a store. He was trusted as he appears to be here. One night the store was robbed – that is, some money disappeared, and the boy claimed that it was broken into by thieves, who took the money, whereas he took it himself.”
“That seems bad. Was it proved that he took the money?”
“Yes. That’s why he was compelled to leave the place.”