“Humph! That is not very encouraging.”
“If you will excuse my suggesting it, I think it is likely to be the nearest.”
“And why?”
“The pirates would probably consider one island as good for their purpose as another, and would select the first that presented itself.”
“That’s all conjecture.”
“That is all I claim for it.”
“At any rate, I hope your conjecture is a correct one. I haven’t much faith in your enterprise, and I am anxious to be detained as short a time as possible.”
Captain Richmond left Guy and went to his cabin. Guy understood that he did not care to speak further on the subject.
Early the next morning, as Guy lay in his bunk, there was a loud knock at the door of his stateroom.
“What’s the matter?” he called out, drowsily.
“Matter enough!” cried Abner Titcomb, for it was he. “We are in sight of land!”
Guy sprang from his berth and ran up on deck.
There, at the distance of half a mile, lay a beautiful island, a delightful sight after the thousands of miles of ocean they had traversed.
But, best of all, Guy noted with wildly beating heart that it was well wooded to within a mile of the shore; and toward the center there was a hill, or slight eminence, perhaps a hundred and fifty feet in altitude!
It was evidently the island of which he was in search.
When Guy scanned the island, and saw that it answered the description given in the papers bequeathed him by his uncle, his heart beat gladly. His pride was interested in the reliability of the information given him.
It was on the faith of these that Mr. Saunders, his employer, had risked a considerable sum of money, and now it looked as if he would be richly repaid for his investment.
As Guy stood on deck regarding the island, Captain Richmond walked up to his side.
“Well, captain,” said Guy, “we have been successful. This is the island I wanted to find.”
“Yes, it is the island; but what good will it do you?”
Guy had not made a confidant of the captain except in a general way. He distrusted the man, and feared that in some manner he would interfere with his plans.
“I can tell you better after a few days,” answered Guy, guardedly.
“I suppose you expect to find an immense treasure?” said Captain Richmond, with a sneer.
“Perhaps so.”
“Then all I can say is that you are probably doomed to disappointment.”
“Why do you say that?”
“All these stories of hidden treasures are old women’s tales.”
“If I am disappointed,” said Guy, somewhat nettled, “you will not be a loser.”
“I wasn’t thinking of that; but I hate to see a man make a fool of himself.”
“Am I the man?” asked Guy, smiling.
“No, but the man who has supplied you with money to make this expedition.”
“When you see Mr. Saunders you can tell him so.”
“Now, how long do you propose to delay my voyage in keeping me in this out-of-the-way place?”
“As short a time as possible, Captain Richmond. I should like to go on shore at once, if convenient, and commence my search. Mr. Titcomb and Mr. Clark will go with me.”
“Very well. I will send you ashore, as you desire. I have this to say, however, that I shall not be willing to remain here more than three days.”
“I protest against this limit, Captain Richmond,” said Guy, indignantly. “The contract which I made with your owners says nothing of any such limitations. I am paying a handsome sum for any detention which my business here may occasion.”
“You are paying–” began the captain, with a sneer.
“Yes, as the agent of Mr. Saunders,” responded Guy, firmly.
The captain turned upon his heel and left Guy, but he gave orders that the long-boat should be lowered, and in five minutes Guy and his two assistants were on their way to the island.
The Osprey anchored about a hundred yards from the shore, in order not to get into too shallow water. The boat trip was, therefore, a brief one.
It was a beautiful morning. The island smiled in the bright rays of a tropical sun, and the luxuriant vegetation that covered the hills and plains made it look very attractive.
“This is a charming spot, Guy,” said Abner Titcomb. “The pirates knew what they were about when they selected it.”
“I imagine they cared very little for its appearance,” said Guy. “It seems to be the nearest of the islands, and, therefore, the most accessible.”
“If I were well provided with comforts, I shouldn’t object to spending a few months here,” said Luke Clark.
“Nor I, if at the end of that time I could get off and sail for home.”
They made for a little, sandy beach on the south shore, and one of the sailors, leaping out of the boat, hauled it upon the beach. Guy and his two assistants sprang out.
“When do you want us to come back?” asked the boatswain.
Guy took out his watch.