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American Book-Plates

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Les Bibliophiles, les Collectionneurs, et les Bibliothèques des trois évêchés, 1552-1790. Par Arthur Benoit (illustrated).

    Paris, royal 8vo, 1884.

The Book-plate Collector’s Miscellany. Edited by Mr. W. H. K. Wright, Borough Librarian, Plymouth. Quarto, illustrated, 1890-1891.

    Plymouth, W. H. Luke.

The Bookworm. May, 1892. A Hunt for Book-plates in Paris. By Walter Hamilton.

    London, Elliot Stock.

Bulletin du Bouquiniste. Paris, No. 416, April 15, 1875.

Letter from the Comte de Longpérier-Grimoard on a Super Libris of Crozat, December 1 and 15, 1876. A letter from the Comte de Longpérier-Grimoard, “Une Marque inconnue.”

La Curiosité Universelle.

A small weekly newspaper published at 1 Rue Rameau, Paris. This has contained several articles and letters on the topic of French ex libris, and advocates the formation of an Ex Libris Society in Paris. No. 228, June 1, 1891, À propos d’Ex Libris; No. 262, January 25, 1892, illustrated; No. 268, March 7, 1892, Article on ex libris; No. 269, March 14, 1892, illustrated.

Dictionnaire des devises des hommes de lettres, imprimeurs, libraires, bibliophiles, etc. Par Van de Haeghen, 1876-1879.

Étude sur les Ex Libris. Par le Comte de Longpérier-Grimoard.

    Senlis, 8vo, 8 pp., 1875.

A paper read before the Comité Archéologique de Senlis, December 11, 1874.

Les Ex Libris Français, depuis leur origine jusqu’à nos jours. Par A. Poulet-Malassis. Nouvelle édition, revue, très augmentée, et ornée de vingt-quatre planches.

    Paris, P. Rouquette, royal 8vo, 1875.

Les Ex Libris, et les Marques de Possession du Livre. Par Henri Bouchot, du Cabinet des Estampes. Paris, Edouard Rouveyre. With numerous illustrations, 104 pp., 8vo, 1891.

Only 750 printed.

Les Ex Libris dans les trois Évêchés, Toul, Metz, Verdun, 1552-1790. Par Arthur Benoit.

    Paris, 8vo, 1883.

Les Ex Libris Oratoriens. Par le P. Ingold. Paris, Libraire Charles Poussielgue, Rue Cassette, 15, 1892.

    Crown 8vo, 16 pp. With thirteen illustrations.

Les Ex Libris de Schoepflin. Par Arthur Benoit.

    Paris, 8vo, 1883.

Reprinted, with illustrations, from “Le Bulletin de la Société pour la conservation des Monuments historiques d’Alsace.” Second series.

Les Femmes Bibliophiles de la France. Avec 43 Planches d’Armoiries. Par E. Quentin-Bauchart.

    Paris, 8vo, 1886.

The Journal of the Ex Libris Society. A. and C. Black, Soho Square, London. Quarto, illustrated, 1891-1892. (In progress.)

A monthly journal containing numerous articles on French book-plates.

Le Livre Moderne, Revue du Monde Littéraire.

    Paris, Maison Quantin, 1891.

No. 19 (July, 1891) contains an article by M. Octave Uzanne, entitled, “Remarques sur quelques Ex Libris contemporains,” with fac-similes of 36 interesting examples. No. 24 (December, 1891) contains an article in continuation of the above, entitled, “Quelques Nouveaux Ex Libris,” also by M. Octave Uzanne, with many illustrations.

Des Marques et devises mises a leur livres par un grand nombre d’Amateurs.

    Paris, De Rieffenberg, 1874.

Notice sur quelques Graveurs Nancedins, du XVIII siècle. Par M. Beaupré.

    Nancy, Lucien Wiener, 8vo, 1862.

This work contains descriptions of a number of book-plates engraved by Dominique Collin.

Nouvelles Etudes sur l’Université de Pont-à-Mousson. Par M. Favier (illustrated).

    Nancy, 1880.

Nouvel Armorial du Bibliophile, Guide de l’Amateur des Livres Armoriés. Contenant la Reproduction de 2500 Armoiries et riches Reliures armoiriées. Par Joannis Guigard.

    Paris, Emile Roudeau, 2 vols., 8vo. 1890.

Petite Revue d’Ex Libris Alsaciens. Par Auguste Stoeber. Avec un fac-simile d’un ancien Ex Libris (C. Wolfhardt).

    Millhouse, Veuve Bader, 12mo, 1881.

The author of this charming little pamphlet died a few years ago.

Le Serpent Embleme des Chirurgiens, et des Médecins Par Arthur Benoit.

    6 pp. n.d.

An extract from “La Revue Nouvelle d’Alsace-Lorraine,” which treats of serpents shown on book-plates.


THE end of our pleasant task is reached; and it only remains to thank the gentle reader who has kindly followed us, and to re-assert as a parting word, that this work does not aspire to cover every point which collectors may wish to have decided. Its modest purpose will be served if any reader is led to take an interest in the subject, if collectors find it useful as an assistant in intelligent collecting, or an instigation to further and more careful research.

Undoubtedly, there lie in old garrets, book-cases, and forgotten cupboards, dust-covered books, in which some fortunate searcher will one day discover plates as yet unknown. It is hoped that any such will publish their success for the benefit of the steadily increasing number who find something interesting in these memorials of the past, and who take pleasure in their preservation and pride in their possession.

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