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Hilda Wade, a Woman with Tenacity of Purpose

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At lunch that day, Hilda played her first card with delicious unconsciousness—apparent unconsciousness; for, when she chose, she was a consummate actress. She played it at a moment when Lady Meadowcroft, who by this time was burning with curiosity on our account, had paused from her talk with her husband to listen to us. I happened to say something about some Oriental curios belonging to an aunt of mine in London. Hilda seized the opportunity. “What did you say was her name?” she asked, blandly.

“Why, Lady Tepping,” I answered, in perfect innocence. “She has a fancy for these things, you know. She brought a lot of them home with her from Burma.”

As a matter of fact, as I have already explained, my poor dear aunt is an extremely commonplace old Army widow, whose husband happened to get knighted among the New Year’s honours for some brush with the natives on the Shan frontier. But Lady Meadowcroft was at the stage where a title is a title; and the discovery that I was the nephew of a “titled person” evidently interested her. I could feel rather than see that she glanced significantly aside at Sir Ivor, and that Sir Ivor in return made a little movement of his shoulders equivalent to “I told you so.”

Now Hilda knew perfectly well that the aunt of whom I spoke WAS Lady Tepping; so I felt sure that she had played this card of malice prepense, to pique Lady Meadowcroft.

But Lady Meadowcroft herself seized the occasion with inartistic avidity. She had hardly addressed us as yet. At the sound of the magic passport, she pricked up her ears, and turned to me suddenly. “Burma?” she said, as if to conceal the true reason for her change of front. “Burma? I had a cousin there once. He was in the Gloucestershire Regiment.”

“Indeed?” I answered. My tone was one of utter unconcern in her cousin’s history. “Miss Wade, will you take Bombay ducks with your curry?” In public, I thought it wise under the circumstances to abstain from calling her Hilda. It might lead to misconceptions; people might suppose we were more than fellow-travellers.

“You have had relations in Burma?” Lady Meadowcroft persisted.

I manifested a desire to discontinue the conversation. “Yes,” I answered, coldly, “my uncle commanded there.”

“Commanded there! Really! Ivor, do you hear? Dr. Cumberledge’s uncle commanded in Burma.” A faint intonation on the word commanded drew unobtrusive attention to its social importance. “May I ask what was his name?—my cousin was there, you see.” An insipid smile. “We may have friends in common.”

“He was a certain Sir Malcolm Tepping,” I blurted out, staring hard at my plate.

“Tepping! I think I have heard Dick speak of him, Ivor.”

“Your cousin,” Sir Ivor answered, with emphatic dignity, “is certain to have mixed with nobbut the highest officials in Burma.”

“Yes, I’m sure Dick used to speak of a certain Sir Malcolm. My cousin’s name, Dr. Cumberledge, was Maltby—Captain Richard Maltby.”

“Indeed,” I answered, with an icy stare. “I cannot pretend to the pleasure of having met him.”

Be exclusive to the exclusive, and they burn to know you. From that moment forth Lady Meadowcroft pestered us with her endeavours to scrape acquaintance. Instead of trying how far she could place her chair from us, she set it down as near us as politeness permitted. She entered into conversation whenever an opening afforded itself, and we two stood off haughtily. She even ventured to question me about our relation to one another: “Miss Wade is your cousin, I suppose?” she suggested.

“Oh, dear, no,” I answered, with a glassy smile. “We are not connected in any way.”

“But you are travelling together!”

“Merely as you and I are travelling together—fellow-passengers on the same steamer.”

“Still, you have met before.”

“Yes, certainly. Miss Wade was a nurse at St. Nathaniel’s, in London, where I was one of the house doctors. When I came on board at Cape Town, after some months in South Africa, I found she was going by the same steamer to India.” Which was literally true. To have explained the rest would have been impossible, at least to anyone who did not know the whole of Hilda’s history.

“And what are you both going to do when you get to India?”

“Really, Lady Meadowcroft,” I said, severely, “I have not asked Miss Wade what she is going to do. If you inquire of her point-blank, as you have inquired of me, I dare say she will tell you. For myself, I am just a globe-trotter, amusing myself. I only want to have a look round at India.”

“Then you are not going out to take an appointment?”

“By George, Emmie,” the burly Yorkshireman put in, with an air of annoyance, “you are cross-questioning Dr. Cumberledge; nowt less than cross-questioning him!”

I waited a second. “No,” I answered, slowly. “I have not been practising of late. I am looking about me. I travel for enjoyment.”

That made her think better of me. She was of the kind, indeed, who think better of a man if they believe him to be idle.

She dawdled about all day on deck chairs, herself, seldom even reading; and she was eager now to drag Hilda into conversation. Hilda resisted; she had found a volume in the library which immensely interested her.

“What ARE you reading, Miss Wade?” Lady Meadowcroft cried at last, quite savagely. It made her angry to see anybody else pleased and occupied when she herself was listless.

“A delightful book!” Hilda answered. “The Buddhist Praying Wheel, by William Simpson.”

Lady Meadowcroft took it from her and turned the pages over with a languid air. “Looks awfully dull!” she observed, with a faint smile, at last, returning it.

“It’s charming,” Hilda retorted, glancing at one of the illustrations. “It explains so much. It shows one why one turns round one’s chair at cards for luck; and why, when a church is consecrated, the bishop walks three times about it sunwise.”

“Our Bishop is a dreadfully prosy old gentleman,” Lady Meadowcroft answered, gliding off at a tangent on a personality, as is the wont of her kind; “he had, oh, such a dreadful quarrel with my father over the rules of the St. Alphege Schools at Millington.”

“Indeed,” Hilda answered, turning once more to her book. Lady Meadowcroft looked annoyed. It would never have occurred to her that within a few weeks she was to owe her life to that very abstruse work, and what Hilda had read in it.

That afternoon, as we watched the flying fish from the ship’s side, Hilda said to me abruptly, “My chaperon is an extremely nervous woman.”

“Nervous about what?”

“About disease, chiefly. She has the temperament that dreads infection—and therefore catches it.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Haven’t you noticed that she often doubles her thumb under her fingers—folds her fist across it—so—especially when anybody talks about anything alarming? If the conversation happens to turn on jungle fever, or any subject like that, down goes her thumb instantly, and she clasps her fist over it with a convulsive squeeze. At the same time, too, her face twitches. I know what that trick means. She’s horribly afraid of tropical diseases, though she never says so.”

“And you attach importance to her fear?”

“Of course. I count upon it as probably our chief means of catching and fixing her.”

“As how?”

She shook her head and quizzed me. “Wait and see. You are a doctor; I, a trained nurse. Before twenty-four hours, I foresee she will ask us. She is sure to ask us, now she has learned that you are Lady Tepping’s nephew, and that I am acquainted with several of the Best People.”

That evening, about ten o’clock, Sir Ivor strolled up to me in the smoking-room with affected unconcern. He laid his hand on my arm and drew me aside mysteriously. The ship’s doctor was there, playing a quiet game of poker with a few of the passengers. “I beg your pardon, Dr. Cumberledge,” he began, in an undertone, “could you come outside with me a minute? Lady Meadowcroft has sent me up to you with a message.”

I followed him on to the open deck. “It is quite impossible, my dear sir,” I said, shaking my head austerely, for I divined his errand. “I can’t go and see Lady Meadowcroft. Medical etiquette, you know; the constant and salutary rule of the profession!”

“Why not?” he asked, astonished.

“The ship carries a surgeon,” I replied, in my most precise tone. “He is a duly qualified gentleman, very able in his profession, and he ought to inspire your wife with confidence. I regard this vessel as Dr. Boyell’s practice, and all on board it as virtually his patients.”

Sir Ivor’s face fell. “But Lady Meadowcroft is not at all well,” he answered, looking piteous; “and—she can’t endure the ship’s doctor. Such a common man, you know! His loud voice disturbs her. You MUST have noticed that my wife is a lady of exceptionally delicate nervous organisation.” He hesitated, beamed on me, and played his trump card. “She dislikes being attended by owt but a GENTLEMAN.”

“If a gentleman is also a medical man,” I answered, “his sense of duty towards his brother practitioners would, of course, prevent him from interfering in their proper sphere, or putting upon them the unmerited slight of letting them see him preferred before them.”

“Then you positively refuse?” he asked, wistfully, drawing back. I could see he stood in a certain dread of that imperious little woman.

I conceded a point. “I will go down in twenty minutes,” I admitted, looking grave,—“not just now, lest I annoy my colleague,—and I will glance at Lady Meadowcroft in an unprofessional way. If I think her case demands treatment, I will tell Dr. Boyell.” And I returned to the smoking-room and took up a novel.
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