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Tycoon's Temptation: The Truth About the Tycoon / The Tycoon's Lady / HerTexan Tycoon

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“My father and I don’t see eye to eye,” he hedged. Roth had refused the quadruple bypass the moment he’d been able to speak after his first heart attack. “So, tell me about your nephews and niece. They the only ones?”

She was distracted for a moment by the abrupt shift. “Yes. Evie had to go to Billings today and needed someone to watch them.”

He wanted to ask how the oldest boy had come by the name Alan. But a nurse came out just then, asking for Hadley, and she gulped a little, and followed the nurse through the swinging double doors behind the reception area.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. Evie and Charlie’s last names were Beckett. Not Michaels. It was probably too much of a stretch to think young Alan Beckett had some connection to Alan Michaels. Simply because of the similar first name?

Nevertheless, he pulled out his cell phone and went outside to the parking lot for some privacy. And there, he called Mandy Manning. If anyone could ferret out a connection, it would be her. She’d been doing investigative work for Rutherford Industries for several years now.

When he returned inside, Hadley was just coming out from the double doors again. She looked peaked and worried.


“It’s something with her pregnancy,” Hadley murmured. “The doctor didn’t share too much with me, other than that she’s in and out of consciousness, but the baby is stable for the moment.” She pulled on her coat. “I didn’t want to just leave a message on her answering machine at home. I mean, how cruel would that be to whoever gets it? I got the impression that her fiancé passed away. But I did leave a message on her work number to call me. Hopefully someone will get it since tomorrow’s Monday. In the meantime, I’ll just keep trying her home number.”

They left the hospital, and Hadley’s feet dragged to a halt. “Good grief, look at the sun. I had no idea it was so late.” She looked up at him. “I guess supper’s going to be late tonight. I hope nobody is too inconvenienced.”

As far as Dane was concerned, she had a houseful of people perfectly capable of scaring up a meal for themselves if need be. He pulled open the truck door for her and she climbed up on the high seat, which put them pretty much eye to eye.

“You’re too nice,” he murmured.

She pressed her soft lips together and rolled her eyes. “It’s okay. I’m a wimp. We both know it.”

He shook his head. Looked out over the parking lot. In one direction he could see a brightly lit supermarket. In the other, nothing much but winter-bare land. “Do you have

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