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Kazakhs and Jews

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Examples of naturalism are not at all to entertain but to think.

When people do not see the master, they disperse (not necessarily literally, in the sense that they migrate to other parts of the world); when people do not have faith, they pray for inanimate objects (stones, things, money trees, tarot cards and stars with palmistry). If there are many faiths in the territory, then this is not just «democracy»; this is total paganism – many gods, many elitists (in our case, many oligarchs. People want to get rich in order to be crypto leaders. And this is impossible. And every nouveau riche knows this. But to be a local leader for at least five minutes is the genetics of a wandering sheep).


In order for the population not to disperse across the steppe, the «sheep» (sheep) should see one central figure of the «shepherd» (shepherd in Kazakh). Otherwise, the fattest of the herd begins to take the whole sheep to the wolves: all the meat and wool. At any moment, the most powerful oligarch can have all his billions taken away (and these are not his billions). It was the property of the whole herd – the people. Who lost both a strong leader and a core faith for a while.

So a strong leader and traditional faith are a guarantee of prosperity.

A weak leader and paganism portend future upheavals. But first, stealing or scattering sheep all over the world.

In this sense, Jews are the best teachers for all peoples, by their example (in 2000 years), teaching different nomads how to believe and how to live (so that wolves do not eat). The backgammon must have faith if the people do not have an obvious leader. The Jews have taught many people to believe in God. But first, the Jews believed in themselves. It is not for me to judge what came out of their God-chosen.

But let’s start, perhaps, with the fact that the wisest King Solomon had many wives and concubines (something like a thousand). He built the first temple. He spent a lot of money on it (and where does he get the money from? Only from the people). Female beauty is a fatal force. At the end of his wise reign (even inside Jerusalem), pagan temples appeared – well, how can you refuse your beloved woman? The Jews, although law-abiding to the supreme power, could not forgive this. Because the Jews (at least the ancients were definitely fanatical believers). So the son of the wisest Solomon, Jeroboam, inherited not only the consequences of pagan cults but also the murmur. As well as potential separatism.

And so it turned out. Instead of one Jewish state, two appeared – Israel was actually added to Judea. There were three tribes in Judea: Judah, Benjamin, and Levin. In Israel, that means the remaining nine (although it is believed that ten tribes – those living in Israel – were stolen into «Assyrian captivity». They didn’t come back from the word at all. Now everyone is still looking for these missing ten tribes – where did they go?).

To summarize.

All peoples who remember their families and seven tribes of ancestors, that is, who are in the tribal system even in modern times, are in danger. In danger of separatism. Which begins with paganism. Paganism begins if people remember not only their seven tribes – let them remember for their health – but also believe anyone (first the dollar and the euro, for example. And who is painted there).

Chapter 4

The people and the temple

For the God, your God will bless you, as He has told you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.

Deuteronomy 15:6

Although it is believed that the dispersion of the Jews occurred after the destruction of the second temple and the walls of Jerusalem by Titus in 70, in fact, a new uprising broke out in Judea after almost 60 years, the Bar Kokhba uprising, it was a great uprising. The Romans gathered up to a third of the imperial army and began using scorched earth tactics. (60 years between the second temple’s destruction – what does this mean? That means two generations. The Soviet government lasted 73 years, to make it clear. For eyewitnesses of the collapse of the USSR, this is a lot. For us, 70 years is almost an eternity. We have not all seen our grandfathers, who lived at one time with the Russian Revolution of 1917. And what fits into the Soviet segment does not require explanation – there are a lot of events.

What did the Jews do after the destruction of their shrine? After almost 2,000 years, it seems that everything is so simple. No, it’s not easy. It takes time for the fruit to ripen). The Romans dealt with Judea the same way they did with Carthage – they destroyed Jerusalem to the ground and built their city, Aelia Capitolina, on that place. A coin was issued with a bull drawing a furrow in the center. This was the last straw. For sixty years, the Jews lived without their shrine – without their temple. And what is the Jewish people without a temple? It would be best if you were a Jew to understand the extent of the Jewish trauma of that time.

Jews differ from all nations in their doctrine of being chosen by God. That is, they built (and are building) their relationship based on the dichotomy of us and the Goyim, we and the pagans, «us and them.» This meant that every Jew was a privileged member of a privileged people. (All other conservative nations have an internal hierarchy; there is an elite, and there is a rabble. Low people have to know their place. Ordinary people have always known their place until Modern times. Aspen will not bear oranges. And when the crisis of power – system – morality comes, when the queue is broken, the inevitable troubled times will come. Hindus used to say that the power of the Vaishnavas, especially the Sudras, after the troubles, is the most dangerous).

Jews are no less conservative people who adhere to traditions, primarily temple traditions; that is, Jews have everything tied to temples and the spiritual component of Jewish rituals – they may be one of the most conservative peoples on the earth, besides with will. Jews also revere elders and knowledge, but especially the spiritual teachers of the Rabbis (even the Tzaddiks in exile). If we take as a basis that the government – -system – morality is in crisis, like in other nations, then Jews do not break the order, do not dream of overtaking spiritual people for a piece (especially today, at the moment of the greatest triumph of democracy among all Goyim when the Goyim everywhere mired in corruption – at the instigation, of course, of the same, the richest Jewish clans. Jews are well aware, due to their 2000-year residence among the other folks, of the greed of people, including their elites, and the lack of real leaders. Therefore, this situation of the absence of elites to them needs to be maintained. The situation can be presented as follows. If Jews are guided by the motto «we and they», then the elites of other post-traditional peoples live by the principles: the state is me, also «we and you», that is, we are the elite, and you are our slaves. Thus, for the most primitive, at the moment of crisis, «we and you» turns into «the first me or the second?» It is the most archaic form of hierarchy. And at the moment of the highest democracy among the Goyim – «we are no worse than others», which tacitly means «beat the elite» or «choose clowns» to power, the worse at the top, the more fun for us. Hence, it is noticeable that all conditional Goyim constantly live with complexes, carrying a sense of inferiority, depression, jealousy, envy, and schadenfreude. Goyim without an elite and morality become callous and bestial, turn into Nazis and fascists, or imitate – become crypto liberals and Democrats. But it’s a mask that jumps off easily. That is why it is very important for such people «without a temple» to have an elite or at least respect for knowledge, talent, and professionalism. Do the people «without a temple» respect ordinary teachers now? No, they don’t respect anybody. They are fighting for literally any piece today, like jackals and dogs. The most talented and gifted are being bullied on social media. Why? But because there is no morality, no system, no support. There is no confidence in the future. The situation is at the sinking ship and «save who can»).

Chapter 5

How to avoid war and slavery

For the Lord your God will bless you, as He has told you, and you will lend to many nations, but you won’t lend to your people

Deuteronomy 15:6

!Meanwhile, the path is indicated through which domination over the peoples will be established – «to lend to many peoples» (independently, you can give to one person or to the government at interest. The size of the receiving subject does not change the essence. After a while, both the person and the government will get into debt)

This is obvious, how such spirituality and commitment to one source determine the fate of a nation.

The very attitude of being chosen, «us or them» – we and other peoples in the spiritual world has been crucial for 3,000 years.

What to do with strangers?

All pagans – modern nationalists, fascists and pagans (including pagans before our era) – know (knew) perfectly well. Strangers were always treated badly. Literally and violently. Violence is a clear indicator of barbarism and lack of spirituality.

All pagans (including modern ones) have many gods. They worship – they perform ancestor worship rituals. Either – this is the most massive group of people now – worship the golden calf (that is, money). Even if several billion people go to Buddhist temples, churches, and mosques, this does not prevent them from thinking about money. Sorry, there is no communism yet. There was no Second Coming, and there was no kingdom of God. De jure, you can declare yourself a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, de facto behave like the same Jews who did not wait for Moses from Sinai.

It’s another matter when there is one G-d.

You can lend money to strangers at interest, but you can and should help your own people. Isn’t there a monotony here? Moreover, is there no chauvinism?

And how else to confirm your superiority?

It’s very simple – to lend money. Then harvest the «harvest». No violence – everything is voluntary.

The whole world today gives loans, loans, and tranches at interest. Who did modern bankers learn from? And who were the first bankers? Who wrote out the first bills? The whole world is obsessed with profit today. Are all people in the race for money? Who they all work for during the race madness. Who do all these stock exchanges work for?

It’s not hard to guess. All these bankers, industrialists, fund managers, brokers, and prime ministers have received interest in growth – they make a profit for themselves, and at the same time, they return it to whom? – to the original source. Everyone who takes out a loan or mortgage plays by the rules (to be more precise, according to the prescription of the most ancient spiritual monument.

Why are there no Christian banks in the world?

Why does the Pope bless all kinds of obscenities?

Why are almost all European politicians now clowns?

Because they depend on money, maybe they personally are not literally slaves of money, although it is doubtful – they are also evolutionarily derived, as in an incubator, of European bourgeois values. And who is the bourgeoisie’s god?

Are there any alternatives to this?

Islamic banks are practicing Islamic banking.

They do not give in to growth. After receiving the result, the result is divided into agreed parts. In case of failure, one Islamic bank loses money, the other side expended efforts. Full trust

Although Islamic banking currently represents a small percentage of global transactions, it is an obvious alternative to global paganism. Clown rulers have not yet been recorded in Islamic countries or even secular communities – states that do not practice fundamental Islam.

Chapter 6

Who do Kazakhs study with?

You can love yourself. You can love people. Jews are obviously the most ideological in this sense.

When the sages were looking for the Philosopher’s Stone, other revolutionaries constantly fought for freedom, equality, and justice; the Jews believed in themselves and their people. Or rather, they had exceptional faith. This cannot be called simple nationalism, which is known to the world relatively recently. How was it recently? Approximately, maybe 300 years. And the Jews had «nationalism» when no one yet knew what money, property, and the economy were (money has always been in human society, but not everyone). Because of the specific behavior because of the desire for isolation, many looked at Jews with suspicion. The Jews were locked up all the time, one might say, in their little world. More precisely, they gathered to perform a religious cult – others were jealously not allowed into this world. Do you want to marry Moisha’s daughter? Convert to Judaism – make a giyur. Keep the commandments of the Torah. And no more questions. In this sense, Jewish women have always been more zealous and submissive: they followed «don’t marry them» more strongly than men. (Well, they couldn’t, especially after the Babylonian captivity. Moreover, the priest Ezra ordered all Jews to divorce those who had got the «wrong» wife or the wrong husband in 70 years. And after all, everything was fulfilled. In order not to dissolve or disappear among other nations. But that was before our era. However, then, everything was repeated. Jews were being chased. Jews were oppressed. A lot has changed. But the fundamentals have remained the same. Today, the times are liberal, it seems, if we are talking about marriages. That is not the point. There is even an opinion that the USSR was destroyed, too, on purpose because there were many mixed marriages. What nonsense! We know that the USSR collapsed independently – see my book «Tradition Against Communism.» When the Russian Revolution took place in 1917, who was accused? No secrets, no Jews. When Russia became a democracy, who did it? Why are there solid oligarchs and bankers …There’s something wrong here. The oligarch Berezovsky said that Jews are more adapted to everything. What is, is. They are always ahead. Who are all newspaper editors in our area? Yes, what is there in the region – all over Kazakhstan. First, this is the so-called tabloid press, which provides a quick and guaranteed income. Could any Kazakh have guessed about the income? Could any Kazakh write about all sorts of «obscenities» – topics that ordinary people read? No, it’s not. The Kazakh will say: «Uyat.» Like, «It’s a shame.» Once, Mingrel Loria, provincial editor, told me: «If I print your philosophical opuses, my newspaper will have fifty readers.» And he’s right, unfortunately. Jews are immune, on the contrary, as it were. They know people. They know what people want. And Kazakhs are always interested in fame and honor – some kind of position. The Kazakhs hired editors to create an «illumination» of Kazakh democracy – the Kazakh showcase. Thirty years of independence have passed. And who are the editors? They’ve grown quite old. But they continue to depict full news counters for the Kazakhs. No, it’s not just Jews there. There are few Jews among the Kazakhs at all – this happened according to history. Basically, during the Great Patriotic War, intellectuals of all kinds moved from the western regions of the USSR to Tashkent and Alma-Ata, including professors, artists, and engineers. I looked at the teaching staff of the Aktobe Medical Institute when the first streams of Kazakh doctors were being prepared (my parents received diplomas in the first stream). Today, their children work well in human rights protection, first of all. In business, it’s kind of just supposed to be. Legal protection is always on the side of business.

Moreover, even if the very first human rights defender stumbled, all Kazakhstani human rights defenders and, of course, international human rights protection actively stood up for him (no Kazakh dreamed of such protection, especially his small educational newspaper «Bak», «bak» in Kazakh is happiness, short for «bakyt». When it was closed, no one noticed, no one said anything. Except for my late comrade in the opposition, Andrei Klimonov. Because officials and rich Kazakhs, and indeed all Kazakhs, «rights and freedoms» are not in the first place. Officials and the new rich want more money, and ordinary Kazakhs want to compete or are busy looking for daily bread).

Interestingly, all Jews used to be socialists, advocating equality and justice. Today, everyone is liberal. For human rights, for freedom. I will say that for a Kazakh and a Jew, freedom is something completely different (Kazakhs are paternal; they can lose everything if they are free). But the Kazakhs, again, as if they got into the first year and got excellent marks from the teachers. The Elbasy of the first one has already been replaced by the second president after thirty years of rule, and only liberals are on the air. Not Jews, and not Russians, but Kazakhs. These Democrats of the first wave have suffered a complete defeat and must sink through the ground, but again and again, the same faces. Kazakhs are liberals, piece pensioners + plus urban burghers from NGOs, which means that they receive money from the West for their views (bla- bla- bla), and they run ahead of the locomotive. We are liberals! We are Democrats! We are the best students! It looks somewhat comical. It causes nothing but irony. Everyone knows that money rules the whole world. But we want to demonstrate something. What do they say? A Kazakh without show-offs is a non-showy Kazakh. (This does not mean that «nagyz» Kazakh should be engaged exclusively in the glorification of ancestors).

Chapter 7
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