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A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid

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Remids are people of honor. Their reflection is average, and they are a conditional elite and conditional authority directing the members of the community – the zerefs.

Refags represent the highest form of reflection, that of tradespeople. Selfish reflection aimed at making profit from underdeveloped or traditional people.



Against loop of remids (loop of remids -struggle remidov between themselves, after what ahead, option, in power it turns out zeref, a wild and strong-willed man)

After Lenin’s death.

Does this mean that if the power is lying on the road or a real candidate is experiencing difficulties, a less talented one will pick it up, as for example happened to the Bolsheviks after Lenin’s death?

For example, we take the attempt of Zinoviev, the Chairman of the Petrosovet, a member of the Politburo and Central Committee, and Kamenev, the Chairman of the Mossovet and head of the STO, to push aside the most talented in the Central Committee Trotsky, the Minister of war. After all, both knew that they would not pull responsibility and that their talents were lower than the LDT. Further, the party apparatus supported the even more inconspicuous and mediocre Stalin. In 1936, Stalin executed Kamenev and Zinoviev – the logical conclusion of the remids loop, when the most gifted come forward in the struggle of the most untalented. Then the most incompetent destroys them.


After Stalin’s death.

Beria was the most influential of the Soviet elite. But Malenkov and Khrushchev united against him, supported by Marshal Zhukov. Beria was shot. Malenkov was sure that the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers was the main one (it was held once in the past by Lenin and Stalin). He recommended Stalin’s buffoon Khrushchev to lead the party. But he was very wrong. Who led the party, he was in charge of all.


In 1957, Stalin’s associates Molotov, Kaganovich, and Malenkov had already decided to remove Khrushchev. It is unlikely that Khrushchev was the most talented and the remids loop here looks more like a remids farce because all the participants are zeremids and provincials (all were born in the villages and rose thanks to the revolution of 1917 and the counter-revolution of 1937 by Stalin). The most talented of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Committee, Marshal Zhukov said: “I will appeal to the people, the people will support me!” (to crush you – Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov). For these words four months later Zhukov was accused of Bonapartism and dismissed as Minister of defense of the USSR.

The farce of choice.

When Khrushchev was dismissed no one wanted to come out on top. Everyone was afraid of Khrushchev’s reprisal. However when the support of the security forces was guaranteed, the hardware people agreed on the ridiculous figure of Brezhnev, who in the midst of Khrushchev’s struggle with Molotov, Kaganovich and Malenkov fainted at a meeting of the Bureau (almost like the elderly cardinal Jacques Dues, who was elected Pope in the hope that he would die immediately after the election. Dues during the Conclave portrayed himself all the time sick and dying at the Council of cardinals and they bought into this trick).

Finally, after the death of Andropov, 73-year-old Konstantin Chernenko was elected to the post of General Secretary and head of the USSR, “a diligent performer”, “never eager for power”, who from the very beginning of the Supreme Board was taken from his hospital bed, changed clothes and asked to read the prepared text. Isn’t this clear evidence of degradation and negative selection?!

Youth, not talent.

The most important argument when choosing the new leader of the USSR Gorbachev was not talent but only youth. Mikhail Gorbachev-the last leader of the USSR he is the son of a combine harvester. So much for the dictatorship of the proletariat! Where the most important thing was to be born somewhere in Siberia in the family of some slaughterer, locksmith or village blacksmith. As we can see the slogan of the dictatorship of the proletariat turned into a meme where the best was chosen from the worst. They chose from the majority of those who were more numerous in the country.

What are the conclusions?

Remids loop is a struggle of the elite and the self-destruction of the best rulers in the result of “bad parenting”, hope for the best, using the weakness of most worthy by reason of mandatory modesty. If the most worthy is not modest (for example, Trotsky), they will immediately begin to displace him, reproach him and finally completely exclude him from the list of candidates.

Further, this selection does not end. For in fact, it’s all the fault of tradition. It begins with modesty and ends with a majority vote. Those who are physically bigger are the ones who decide. And where physically more people were in the USSR? In traditional families. Do you remember the saying about a quiet heifer that sucks two cows? Choosing not the kindest leader, but the worst for leadership but modest and hurting the self-esteem of electors begins in the family. Within families. What kind of child do parents love? The sickest, weakest, most needy. Surprisingly, this family phenomenon of love, almost traditional goes from the bottom to the top-in the apparatus of the party and government, where they also love the weakest and sickest (remember the physically ill and infirm Leonid Brezhnev and Konstantin Chernenko, who were “loved” by the people).

How is this remids loop, which is actually an echo of tradition, overcome?

Of course, the choice of the leader of a worthy replacement. If the leader himself does not choose the best of his entourage, then the traditional people will choose the worst,” modest” hypocrite through their elite.



There is an opinion that under the autocracy and dictatorship of the party, the people do not decide anything.

Is this true?

This is an incorrect superficial opinion. And the very first question – where did this government and the autocrat come from? Well, they did not fall from the sky to this point of the earth, where the autocrat rules with his people. Not from the clouds, not from the moon.

These people are derivatives of popular choice, which does not happen officially, that is, directly, so that everyone can see how it happens in hypocritical democratic elections. This is an intimate, family choice, a choice made by every head of the family and his wife and children. No one tells your father at home, I voted for you, I chose you. Love the respect of outsiders don’t like unnecessary shouting. This is a cultural choice, a voluntary choice. We don’t choose our parents. If we chose as required by liberal guidelines the human race would have been suppressed even before the biblical times. We choose objectively, we choose by attraction.

But in one case, it’s good when it happens in the family. But how is it that on the street or in any public place we do not like our ruler? We love our father selflessly and selflessly, if of course he deserves it. Even if it doesn’t deserve it, the tradition and culture of the people obliges us to show respect. Even the most incompetent and clueless father. It is our duty to respect the elderly. This is how our ancestors lived and this is how we live.

But official people stretch the poster. It says” Glory to the father of the nation!” Do they really love him or is the expression of love mandatory, like wearing a tie for officials? Whether they love their patron and father or not, this is the culture. If they show their independence and independence, the system will expel them as a volcano expels ash from a crater. That’s how parents do not like too independent and obstinate sons. That’s how society dislikes dubious individuals.

Any person who claims power must show that he is subject to society, moreover, lull the vigilance and selfishness of everyone. Hence the General dislike of so-called personalities, or more precisely, dislike of talents. Just as ugly women hate beauty with all their heart, so traditional people suspect the person of stealing love. A gifted person has not yet done anything, and a rumor is already being created around him that he is an enemy of the people. That he is an enemy of the state, an enemy of the father. Zerefs, zeremids, even remids because of the competition for the breast of the cow will do anything to “parents” only saw their loving faces. This is how loyalty and the desire to please come out in front of the traditional people. Negative selection begins.



“I don’t like it when people kill, but if the masses hate someone so much that their anger can’t be contained, we won’t stop them… The people’s militia should be on the side of the red guards, unite with them, sympathize with them, inform them…”

Xie Fuji, Minister of public security of the people’s Republic of China, 1966

So the first rule is to take power. Let it lie on the road, it often happens, let the thorns on the way to power, who takes power, he can rule happily for a long time. All traditional peoples in history have worshiped power, obediently followed its orders and even deified it. The main thing is to take power. The power of the divine. The traditional people themselves are blind here. Recognize themselves the power of any God. This by the way is often used even today. The ruler will decide to temporarily appoint someone in his place, and then may to return to previous place again through democratic elections. Such a castling at the top is not possible for everyone, namely for traditional peoples who believe in the authorities. They stand and are silent in any case. Not to say that they believe blindly but this is the culture of trusting the authorities. After all, all power is from God!

Does this mean that the leaders of the main Soviet communes, Kamenev and Zinoviev and Trotsky’s rivals were counting on this effect? We will take power. And then the people recognize us as Lenin’s successors. By the way, a relatively good option for the USSR. In any case, it presupposes the return of intra-party democracy. In this case it is not difficult for a real intellectual to regain power. Here it was necessary to cancel the decision Of the X Congress of the CPSU in 1921 on the need to strengthen discipline and prohibit internal party discussions – this decision will then rely on the people of Stalin to deal with opponents. But when this decision was made, there was a civil war. (But the zeremids war is eternal, even if it literally does not exist, the zeremids always have it, even in their sleep and hibernation)

Zinoviev and Kamenev-remids, a great alternative!

And remids are always creative, the assumption of criticism and intellectual reflection about their own mistakes (zeremid has no reflection, only complexes). With the remids, the USSR had good prospects. The most important thing is the abolition of the practice of “go-go”, you give results at any cost – the command and administrative style of leadership would be discarded. Remids are a creative beginning and the same approach to each problem. Remids do not criticize each other, support each other, and try to correct themselves if they delve into their mistakes. Remids are principled and there is no one more principled than people but exclusively and only in the name of the law and in the name of a high goal. Remids are the best representatives of the enforcement apparatus-the state. And it would be better if they forced by their example, especially by not stealing. And especially, the remids do not harass each other physically, except for disagreements, except on the level of faith. The remid faith is the state itself. And the language of executions is not their language of communication. The language of persuasion, service to the people. Before there were nobles, officers-people of honor. That’s exactly the same remids but without a pedigree and a shoulder strap. When there are no other solutions remids will try even agree, will make a last attempt of reconciliation (another thing resolutely and excitable zeref who always speak dramatically, as in nature, as in hunting, zeref quickly define: a friend is a friend, the enemy is the enemy at mid is nothing. Only instincts. Hence the enemies of the people, hence the bullets, like arrows at the enemies of the end of strife. If such a people is given free rein, it will begin to search for its truth, first of all in this search it will find the guilty, that is, it will find its enemies. And not the fact that the enemy will not be a countryman, neighbor or yesterday’s schoolmate. The most recent enemies will go: father, brother and other native “trifles”. (But to excite people’s finger pointing to the top of admiration must rise, again, of seemed. As soon as he is faced with the first problem, he will turn on his people’s brain and call on the people to help him in the fight against personal enemies without any “creativity” and reflection of doubt. For zeremids, there is no such doubt, no reflection, he is concerned only with complexes. In this sense the crowd is also often covered by religion, tradition, even patriotism but it keeps the secret of the inner itch and complexes of internal self-contempt. But, once again, choose those who are physically larger. They chose not the bespectacled Trotsky, but Stalin). But whoever is responsible will not necessarily be the real enemy. He will look more like a victim, reminding you with all his pathetic appearance that he is the victim of blind, angry people.



There may be an opinion that the traditional system is omnivorous, that it is capable of implantation. This is true. It is capable of implantation. It is like a chameleon taking the right shape. But inside it remains the same traditional system. In other words the traditional people cannot live without hierarchy. Whatever system the zerefs create and whatever they call it, they will still create a hierarchy where there will be a commanding elite and despicable subordinates. They can’t do without it. It is very difficult to explain what this is related to. Maybe with the climate, maybe something else accompanies the heaviest conditions of life, which necessarily needs a leader and his people the discipline of the community. But traditional people wherever they gather and wherever they move under the influence of need, hunger, in a new place they will again live as before and nothing will change. It has already been said that all the time there is an invisible central spine and all the other circles are strung on it. You can live under a natural product exchange relationship, you can consume under capitalism, you can learn under socialism, even under democracy, this Central core will stand here and there. But no one sees him. Although everyone inside will be fine. The high priests will be painted in the colors of the elite, the rest will stand in rank as if they are about to rush into battle again right now.

It’s all about what the next quality will be central. If under feudalism it is the gentility and subordination of the nobility by blood, under socialism the ability to remember and adopt words and slogans from revolutionaries then under capitalism, when in General the traditional people do not know the meaning of money all zerefs will start speculating. Yes, so that they will overtake their teachers in rigidity and cynicism. Authoritative capitalists will be surprised and revolutionaries will turn over in their coffin, why do these people have so much rigidity towards their own, namely their own? And when were traditional, crypto-traditional and post-traditional people sensitive to each other? In the family group the relatives will see everything and will not allow it: they will punish for callousness, for non-participation, for disrespect, that is, there are witnesses nearby. The traditional person was always visible in front of the community. Under feudalism zeref must observe the norms of community morality, under socialism morality tripled by slogans generally put more pressure on zeref than the pressure of relatives. Under capitalism this triple pressure has disappeared. Triple! And immediately cut off – it’s time to build a new hierarchy. And who of the same people will move just like that? Give way. Will he want to stand at the bottom and train his eyes on the forehead? From above there is always pressure and violence, scolding – in fact, everything is the same traditional, without the sentimentality of civilization. From below, execution and sensitivity with eyes on the forehead. Hence the cruelty of banks – these instances or other forms that are traditional substances in themselves. Who is sitting in banks? —the Zerefs. That is, their own. And we know that zerefs needs to rise quickly, if not already risen, that is the same traditional people. And traditional people always just push. On their own kind exactly the same people, but unfortunately lower status. If in the natural era there were all sorts of heroes, warriors, now in the realm of money, these heroes and warriors are the most cruel, heartless speculators. They don’t see relatives and don’t look for any kinship. They just push and belittle. Discipline in the name of discipline. This is the law of survival. So it was and so it remains.

Where did it go?

All the people are scattered in the cities. But what kind of people are they? What do they profess? What values are recognized? How quickly and clearly they imitate other people’s forms, but immediately remain themselves.

If we look at the ranks of officials and see that the ranks of the chosen were not recruited for professionalism, then we will definitely indicate that this is a traditional group of pseudo – warriors. They are not well adapted for real combat conflicts, so they have a very strange appearance, but for privatization, for example, this type and, most importantly, the quality of candidates will be optimal. We never forget that the core of the tradition is already at the very center and circles are strung on it one after another, one on top of the other. The right people in the system are only required to remain silent and run errands just like in war. On the other hand each chief Executive will choose exactly the same silent relative – the same necessary anachronism of tradition, at the very end it is just as suitable as at the very top, only at the top while the form is observed and at the bottom immediately there is no form. At the bottom everything is simple: if you can’t cope, if you don’t arrange it, go for a walk. Thus, the entire market system is created on the traditional (military, paramilitary, crypto-military) basis and there is no place for others, alien, dangerous and incomprehensible in this system. Although this is no longer a system of primitive warriors, it is already a system, a socio-economic formation. Even such a state. Consists only of a form. The institutions of the state seem to exist but the content is old, feudal.

How was it overcome a little, so that each chief Executive did not choose his own shadow?

Under socialism, there was of course rotation, so that one official did not create a circle of “friends”. In fact, under capitalism this problem of acquaintances is solved by the same change of leaders, only have time to mix them. But all of them were selected for privatization and distribution of benefits, that is, they are not relatives, people are not really relatives, they are a kind of relatives, they are almost a medieval order. And do not forget for a minute about the central spine. A stranger, a man from the street, is not allowed in such an order. Yes, to such an extent that they immediately have time to agree. But in general, the hierarchy has already been established. Actually, she lived here. But in culture. And people of a select circle are extremely reluctant to choose their assistants from nowhere, unverified but still there are elevators.

What kind of abilities do you need to have to please the new elite?
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