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Holding My Breath

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He looked down at her pretty white stockings. ‘I think we’ll skip the boring parts. If you want to moan about your perceived faults, you can get yourself a therapist. Right now, I’m more interested in seeing how wet a few smacks will make your pussy. Up.’

He held out his hand. It was such a gentlemanly gesture and she got to her feet as daintily as she could. He held on even after she draped herself over his lap, and something told her that he wouldn’t let go even while he was bringing a stinging palm down on her cheeks.

‘If we’re going to do this, then we’ll do it right,’ he said, and with his other hand he dragged her panties down just below her buttocks.

‘Did you use your hand with her?’ she asked, her voice shaking past her tonsils.

‘No, she had a leather paddle. Even if I had known this would be what we’d be getting up to tonight, I wouldn’t have brought anything with me. I like the idea of feeling the same sting in my hand that I’m giving to you on your arse.’

‘Hurts me more than it hurts you sort of thing?’

‘No, this won’t hurt me a bit.’

He gave her three hard smacks and Molly thought she took them pretty well. Then again, it could have been the shock of being a thirty-year-old woman and getting her ass spanked for the first time since she was five. She gripped his hand and held her breath, and when the prickly heat began to spread she let the air out in a whistle, then snuffled a laugh as the absurdity of it returned to her.

‘Go on,’ he said. ‘Get out the giggles now. Once you really start to feel it, you won’t feel like laughing.’

‘Should I have a word?’ she asked quickly as she felt his movement, raising his hand over the other cheek.


‘A safe-word, isn’t it?’

He laughed so heartily that she was jostled on his lap, and reached down to grab his leg to keep her balance.

‘Stop being such a drama queen. It’s not like I’m caning you. When I think you’ve had enough, I’ll stop.’ Molly started to protest, but Quinn gave her a bit of a shake. ‘For God’s sake, forget whatever garbage you’ve picked up online. Ready? No? Still talking? Too bad, then.’

He brought his hand down on the other cheek, three times, and let his hand rest on the hot flesh. She was overcome with the need to move, but that hand seemed to demand stillness, and so she compensated by curling her toes until her shoes dropped off.

‘This is usually the part where she’d beg me to stop and tell me she won’t be a bad girl ever again, and I’d tell her I don’t believe her and keep going. I don’t think that would work with you, though. You came here dressed like that so you want to be the bad girl, and even if I did think I could get an apology out of you, I wouldn’t be able to accept it without laughing myself sick.’

‘If you keep it up, I’m going to turn you over and give you a crack on the arse.’

‘That’s adorable,’ he said, and shoved her panties to her knees. ‘Go on, shake them off.’

She discarded them, then squeaked as he grabbed her and dragged her with him while he scooted further back on the bed.

Arms and legs now supported by the mattress, she pushed up onto her hands in a yoga-like pose and twisted her head around. ‘Are you done?’

‘Not even close, and stop trying to push my buttons. You can’t. I’m better at this than you are.’

He added an exclamation point to his statement with his palm on the fleshiest part of her ass. This one packed a wallop that zinged in both directions, rattling her brains and giving her an itch on the bottom of her feet at the same time.

She had to take a moment to catch her breath. Her heart beat so fast her head floated. She sank down, pressed her head against the mattress and sought his hand once more. She didn’t try to speak again until her palm was pressed against his.

‘You’ve got a big mouth.’

‘And you’ve got a red arse. Bend your knees and lift up a little.’

She obliged with a happy little wiggle as he skimmed his other hand across the backs of her thighs.

‘Keep talking. I like your big mouth.’

‘Funny you should say that. I don’t talk half as much with anyone else as I do with you. I find silence is much more effective, save for the occasional dirty phrase thrown out here and there.’

His touch became light and ticklish as he moved down between her thighs. She opened up for him, and the cool air let her know just how wet she had become. The plump insides of her thighs were slick.

‘It’s because I like you,’ he went on. ‘When I like someone, I talk them to death.’

‘So this isn’t just so I’ll let you slink around the hotel?’

He said nothing. He simply drummed his fingers just above her pussy. Whether he was choosing his words or merely teasing her, she didn’t know. Either way, he answered her with a series of hard smacks.

She clenched his hand and lifted her ass as each blow shook through her. The heat was glorious and she moaned, but the sting eventually became too much. She gave a kick and called out, and for a moment she worried he wasn’t going to stop. Three more measured smacks, though, and he relented.

‘The answer to your question is no, by the way,’ he said in a melodious tone. ‘This isn’t just because of our arrangement. I like you. How many times have I said it now? I’ve lost count. And you get me hard, so I want to fuck you while I’m talking to you. For a man who gets hard for a living, that’s a bit of a novelty.’

His fingers returned between her thighs, but he didn’t tease this time. He spread her pussy lips, scissoring his fingers on both sides to give her clit a thorough rub. The instant pleasure moved everywhere, everywhere but the burning prickle on her arse. The contrast was beautiful, a flood surrounding a fire.

‘Have you – oh – have you never had anyone? Outside work, I mean.’

‘Every so often,’ he said, and then he said no more.

Or maybe he did, and his fingers just tuned her to a different station. He wasn’t being gentle with her. He worked her clit with his whole hand and let her do the talking. Word after perverted word poured out of her. She demanded and begged, cursed and crooned, until it became harder to push her words or even a moan out.

His squeeze on her hand anchored her as the intensity between her legs flared out and consumed her. She rocked on her knees in tune with the pulsations of her orgasm.

When she couldn’t hold herself up any longer she sank down and quaked as he gave her clit one last pinch before sliding his fingers along her crack.

‘Not a bad start, if you ask me,’ he said softly, and twitched the tip of his finger into the throbbing mouth. ‘Did you pay for the night?’

She made a garbled sound that he accurately took as a yes.

‘Good. I came prepared, but I get a new idea sparking in my head the longer I have you over my lap. This could take a while.’

He jostled her, but retained his grip on her hand as she struggled to get up from his lap. He moved her between his legs, uttering, ‘Careful’ as she began to wobble. She still saw stars dancing in front of her eyes as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone.

‘Hey, that will cost you extra,’ she said as he turned it on.

‘Don’t worry. I’m not out to make you a porn star, even if I do think that would make a great second calling for you. I just want you to see.’ He awkwardly tapped the face with his thumb, then nudged her around. ‘Look.’

She twisted her head and looked down. He had reversed the camera on the phone, so instead of seeing the blur of the carpet behind her, she found herself looking at the poppy-red spheres of her ass.

Quinn tilted the camera up, and she quickly turned her head. ‘I don’t want to look at my face, for God’s sake.’

‘You should. Your other cheeks are just as red. You’re adorable.’

She had to hide her smirk from him. It came from the compliment, and she didn’t quite know what to do with it. He caught it, though, and dropped his phone on the bed beside him. His fingers turned into little monsters, tickling her into submission until she was perched on his thighs, her sore ass blessedly clear of any pressure.
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