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An Old Enchantment

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‘Are we to assume you’re playing the scarlet woman tonight?’ Kerr enquired sardonically, raising his eyes to hers, and there it was again, that infinitesimal moment of pure rage. Instantly masked, it was replaced by a gleam that raised the fine hairs on her flesh, causing her to shiver.

Not liking at all the wilful way her senses were reacting to him in spite of her volition, she produced an insouciant smile. ‘Why not? Everyone will be thinking it, so why disappoint the public?’ she quipped, turning away from him and wandering to the open terrace doors, because once again she was suddenly finding it necessary to have air. Nerves, she told herself irritably, and faced him again. ‘What are you doing here?’

He grinned. ‘The way you say that, I get the impression I’m not wanted. But you know what they say—you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your relations.’

Maxi widened her eyes. ‘But we aren’t related,’ she pointed out with a certain satisfaction—something she knew he’d noted by the way his grey eyes gleamed.

‘Yet,’ he reminded her succinctly, and indicated the tray of drinks on the sideboard. ‘Can I get you something?’

Deciding she’d feel more comfortable if her hands had something to do, Maxi nodded. ‘I’ll have a Baileys, thanks.’

Pouring her one, and a whisky for himself, he came to join her. ‘You don’t have to watch your diet?’

‘Thankfully not.’ Taking the glass, she couldn’t help but touch him, and felt a frisson of electricity shimmer up her arm. She only just managed to hold back a gasp of pure shock. It was peculiar how the silence which fell then made her tense up, although it was barely measurable. Feeling unnaturally gauche, she knew she had to break it, and hastily cleared her throat. ‘I’ve been trying to remember Andy at school, but I can’t.’

Of course, she had to look at him then, and there was a faint smile hovering about his lips, almost as if he knew exactly how she had been feeling—a realisation calculated to bring warmth to her cheeks, although she refused to look away.

‘That’s not surprising. He wasn’t the handsome devil he is now. He had glasses in those days, a jacket that was too big for him, and permanently grazed knees.’

His description brought his brother to life so clearly that Maxi gave a gurgling laugh. ‘Now I remember. He used to call me “Beanpole”, and I used to hit him.’

Kerr’s smile was wiped from his face. ‘So he told me. He remembered you all right. Apparently he had quite a crush on you at one time,’ he said flatly.

Maxi sobered instantly. ‘Don’t blame me for that. All children have crushes. Even you.’

‘I’ll admit to a certain salacious interest in my old gym mistress. She was a large lady, as I recall. But as I got older, my tastes changed. In fact, I tend towards women closer to my own height—like you,’ he finished softly, and took malicious delight in the way her colour fluctuated wildly.

‘You’re joking!’ The thought made her stomach lurch painfully, but not, she was ashamed to admit, from fear.

‘As it happens, I’m not. But don’t worry, I also feel a need to respect the women I take out, so you fail on at least one count.’ He waited until he was sure the hit had gone home before continuing. ‘No, what worries me right now is the thought that there might be some lingering embers of the crush he felt for you, just waiting to be rekindled.’

She gaped at him incredulously. ‘Don’t be silly; he’s engaged to Fliss!’

The way his attractive mouth broadened into a wide, knowing smile should have warned her of what was coming. ‘Why, Grandma, what a short memory you have! So was Colin Ellis, wasn’t he?’

Her head went back, and her lips parted in a tiny gasp of anger, whilst at the same time it surprised her that she actually felt hurt. ‘That was different,’ she protested hardly.

His look was sceptical. ‘Oh? In what way?’

And there, of course, he had her. Even if, for some obscure reason, she should want to explain herself to him, it still had to come after Fliss and her parents. They had the right to hear what she had to say first, if anyone did. Her eyes glittered, signalling her impotent anger, then she shrugged. ‘It just was, that’s all. I give you my word I have no designs on your brother.’

Kerr sighed elaborately. ‘Unfortunately, darling, your word really isn’t worth a brass farthing.’

That had her temper rising again, and her eyes flashed her dislike. ‘What do you want me to do? Have a document typed up and sign it in blood?’ she scoffed, and could have hit him when he appeared to consider it. Then he laughed.

‘It has certain merits, and, being a lawyer, I could get it done easily enough, but I have the feeling you’d simply claim you signed it under duress.’

‘My God, you certainly know how to hit below the belt, Kerr Devereaux. When I give my word, I never go back on it,’ Maxi declared forcefully, only to see that mocking smile reappear.

‘Don’t I remember a part of the marriage service where you promise to stick by your husband for better or worse?’

He was a devil! No wonder he was a lawyer; he’d run rings around witnesses and enjoy watching them squirm! Her teeth gnashed together. ‘That was different, and you know it!’

‘The same different as before, or is that a different different?’ he mocked back.

Maxi was so angry she could feel herself shaking. ‘Oh, for a gun or a knife!’ she exclaimed in fury.

Kerr, although he claimed to dislike her, still found her endlessly amusing. ‘Fortunately for me, they’re just like policemen—never around when you want one.’

That should have sent her temperature off the scale completely, but the odd effect of his quip was to calm her down, and she eyed him in reluctant amusement. ‘However have you managed to live so long?’

This time his laughter was genuine. ‘Just lucky, I guess. Ah, here come the others.’

Maxi quirked an eyebrow. ‘Like the cavalry, always in the nick of time?’ she bantered back, and caught a gleam of appreciation in his eyes as they turned to the door.

It was her parents who entered, her mother looking very fetching in a violet silk two-piece, and her father, in dinner dress, looking quite dapper for his age. Almost twenty years older than his wife, he was now in his seventies, but still strikingly handsome. Until fairly recently he had had his own law firm. Maxi recalled that Kerr had said he was a lawyer, and it occurred to her to wonder if he might not have taken it over.

A fact her father confirmed as he greeted the younger man. ‘Hello, Kerr, how’s the old firm doing these days?’ he asked as they shook hands.

‘Managing to live up to your high standards, I think, John,’ he replied before turning to kiss her mother on the cheek. ‘You look lovely, Bernice. You’re going to cut quite a swath through the club tonight.’

Lady Ambro laughed delightedly. ‘Flattery will get you everywhere, you dreadful tease!’ She had already noted her elder daughter’s presence but now she remarked upon it. ‘Maxine, what a gorgeous dress. You look beautiful. Don’t you think so, John?’ she appealed to her husband.

Maxi found herself holding her breath as her father was obliged to turn to her. He looked grim and forbidding, without forgiveness. When the silence dragged on, she swallowed to moisten a dry, tight throat.

‘Hello, Father,’ she greeted huskily. ‘You’re looking well,’ she added, hoping against hope to see a chink form in his reserve.

His expression didn’t change for a moment, neither did he speak. The only sound he made was a guttural grunt as he turned back to Kerr. ‘Young man, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about...’

Maxi didn’t hear any more; it faded away as sudden tears welled behind her eyes, and she pressed her lips together in a struggle to hold them back. Throat tight, she swung away, knowing it was what she had expected, but hurting all the same. After a moment her breathing eased, and she sipped at the remains of her drink, finding it soothing. Only then did she become aware that her mother had joined her.

‘I’m sorry, Maxine,’ she apologised. ‘I should have known better than to think I could bludgeon him into talking.’

Maxi looked round and smiled, only a slight pallor showing that anything had been amiss. ‘Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten that Father always did see things as black or white, no grey. Mother, are you sure you want me with you tonight? People are bound to talk.’

‘They would talk even more if it was known you were here but hadn’t been invited. No, dear, this is by far the best way,’ her mother decided, and smiled across the room to where Fliss and Andy had arrived.

Maxi eyed her sister ruefully. ‘Fliss won’t like it.’

Lady Ambro patted her daughter’s hand. ‘Perhaps not, but she’s old enough now to do what’s right. Family should stick together, and any disagreements should be kept strictly at home.’

Andy was crossing the room towards them, towing a patently reluctant Fliss with him. Kissing his future mother-in-law, he grinned infectiously at Maxi. ‘Hi, there, Beanpole,’ he teased.

With a scowl, Maxi wagged a fist at him. ‘Call me that again, Buster, and I’ll find some ants and put them down your shirt the way I did last time!’ she threatened.

Andy threw up his hands. ‘Pax. I couldn’t stand it. My skin crawled for weeks after that little stunt of yours, Maxi.’

She laughed. ‘Well, it served you right. I was always sensitive about my height.’
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