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The Trouble With Cowgirls

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“It’s not a problem at all. My kids will take the bus home and keep themselves occupied until dinner.” Ella’s face brightened. “I’m looking forward to shopping with just one child for a change. It’ll bring back memories of when I used to take you shopping.”

Lucy appreciated Ella’s offer to take Carina for school clothes. The local kids had picked on Lucy during her first summer in town and she didn’t want her daughter to suffer the same fate. Italian fashions and Texas casual weren’t exactly the same thing. Ella—who was fifteen years older than Lucy—had given her a Southern makeover back then and was bestowing the same kindness on Carina.

Lucy removed a small envelope of cash from her bag and handed it to Ella. “It’s not much, but there should be enough in there for whatever she needs, within reason. I was thinking a few pieces to dress down what she already owns.” Lucy hated to admit it, but she was glad Ella was the one taking Carina shopping. Her daughter wasn’t as crabby with other people. “She won’t be happy about going to a discount clothing store, but a lesson in frugality will do her some good. Besides, she’s always hated wearing a school uniform, so this will give her the chance to play around and develop her own style.” Lucy checked her watch. “I’ve been gone too long. I need to get back to work.”

“Yes, you do,” Nicolino said from behind her.

Lucy spun to face him. She might have held it together inside the stables, but outside, the gloves came off. “Why didn’t you tell me Lane still worked here?”

Nicolino jammed his hands into his pockets. “If I had, would you have still taken the position?”

Lucy shook her head. The thought of Lane working there hadn’t even entered her mind when Nicolino had offered her the job. “Maybe. I would have had to really think about it.”

“Well, there you have it.” Nicolino tilted his hat back, a bit too self-assured for Lucy’s liking. “Under the circumstances, moving here was the best thing for you and Carina. I didn’t want to risk you turning me down based on an old relationship.”

“You know it was more than that.” Lucy didn’t want to remember how ashamed her parents had been of her when they’d learned she was pregnant with Lane’s baby. “Enlighten me on one thing. Lane said he waited for me in Wyoming for a year before he found out I’d gotten married. But I married Antonio before Lane even left for Wyoming, and I asked you to tell him we were over.”

“It wasn’t my place to explain it to him, and since he was leaving, I didn’t see the harm in keeping quiet. Never mind the fact that I wasn’t too pleased he knocked up my baby cousin. Besides, Lane’s persistent. He wouldn’t have just accepted that you two were over. He would have had questions—questions I wasn’t prepared to answer because you and your parents explicitly told me not to say a word. I didn’t see any other way to handle it.” Nicolino gently squeezed her shoulders. “Don’t worry. I had a talk with Lane earlier and he knows the deal.”

“The deal.” Lucy sighed. While she welcomed Nicolino’s help, she didn’t want to be coddled, either. “Just what is this deal? I got the distinct impression that Lane still holds a grudge.”

Nicolino slapped his thigh. “Dammit, I thought he and I had an understanding.”

“Don’t you dare pass this off on Lane,” Ella hissed. “I told you to tell them both before Lucy arrived. You chose not to. Now look at the mess you’ve already made. I knew I should’ve told them both myself.”

Lucy stepped between the two of them. “Would one of you please explain what’s going on?”

Nicolino kicked at the dirt. “Lane thought the barn manager position was his.”

“He what?” Lucy covered her mouth for fear of what might come out of it. No wonder he was angry. “When did he find out the job wasn’t his?” she asked from behind her fingers.

“When I made the announcement this morning.” Nicolino held up his hands. “And before you both rip into me, Lane did a fine enough job of that already. I was wrong. I admit it. I should’ve told him as soon as I offered you the—”

“Dio mio.” Lucy looked heavenward. “You only hired me to get us here.” Nicolino turned his back to them. “I’m right, aren’t I?” Lucy grabbed his arm and forced him to face her. “Lane told me he’s my second-in-command. He earned the promotion, didn’t he? I’ve wondered why you offered me the job, since I don’t have any experience outside of the horses Antonio owned. I thought this was a sign from above, but it was you playing God.”

“You’re better off here than over there,” Nicolino argued. “And you’re wrong. You are qualified. You should be proud of your education.”

“I am proud. Proud enough to know you hired me because I’m your cousin.” Lucy wasn’t sure what to do. It was her first day and her employees already had good reason to hate her. “You could have asked us to come, anyway. I would have found something else. You do realize you’ve pitted me against my ex-boyfriend, right? If I were smart, I should demand you give the job to Lane and work under him until I found something else.”

“No, you won’t,” Nicolino retorted. “Lane is very good, but he doesn’t have the education or the experience with the employees. I’ve been to your estate and I’ve attended your black-tie affairs. You’ve managed a large staff. You also have a presence and a way with people. Lane’s rough around the edges, where you’re much more refined. We need someone to stay on top of the latest equine advancements and work closely with our vets and clients. Lane doesn’t have that polish.”

“The staff I had hardly compares to the size of this ranch.” Lucy rubbed her forehead in a vain bid to thwart the pounding in her skull. “Relax, I’m not going anywhere. I need this job too much to walk away from it.”

The pressure had increased exponentially now that she knew she’d stolen a job from a man she once loved. A man against whom she had repeatedly measured her husband. Oh, she had loved Antonio, but she’d never been in love with him. The feeling had been mutual. He’d taken good care of her, but they’d never found the romance they’d both craved.

Lucy had been distraught when she’d discovered she was carrying Lane’s baby. He’d been resolute about not having kids and had always made certain they used protection. When the experts said no birth control was 100 percent effective, they weren’t kidding. Uncertain of what she should do next, Lucy had turned to her older sister for advice, who then immediately betrayed her confidence and told their parents. They had insisted she marry immediately. Lucy being unwed and pregnant with a Texas ranchhand’s child would have tarnished the family’s name in their small village—something her parents refused to allow.

Antonio—a longtime family friend and ten years her senior—had agreed to be her husband. The decision to marry Antonio and not tell Lane she was pregnant had been heart wrenching. She’d known Lane wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility of a child, especially when he was beginning a new job in Wyoming—never mind how disgraced her parents would have been if the truth surrounding her baby’s paternity had gotten out. Eighteen and scared, Lucy had felt the need to secure her baby’s future and married Antonio in a civil ceremony a week later. Only Antonio and Lucy’s family knew who her child’s father really was.

“I’m going back to work.” There was no point continuing the argument when she had no intention of quitting. They’d have to find a way to get along, despite the past. “I’ll pick Carina up from your house later.”

“You’re welcome to join us for dinner. That is, if you can stand being around my husband after what he’s done.” Ella glowered at Nicolino.

Lucy laughed. She wanted to stay mad at her cousin, but she knew he’d kept Lane a secret only in order to protect her. Lane probably wouldn’t have been very understanding and she couldn’t blame him.

“I think we’ll pass.” Lucy was still digesting the rich Southern food from the previous night’s dinner. “I have a lot to discuss with Carina before she starts school tomorrow. I’m still debating whether I should drive her or allow her to take the bus.”

“Let me know either way,” Ella said. “She won’t be alone if she takes the bus. Lord knows she’ll have enough cousins there with her.”

Regardless of how Lucy felt about Nicolino’s little deception, Ramblewood was the best place for Carina. She’d always been close to her cousins on Antonio’s side, but after the divorce, they’d kept their distance. Lucy could adjust to almost anything; Carina was much more sensitive and didn’t accept change well. Even though her daughter appeared tough on the outside, her silence was louder than any scream.

Lucy climbed back into her car and pulled around to the ranch’s parking lot. A knot formed in her stomach at the thought of facing Lane again. She mentally prepared herself as she trudged down the path to the stables. The mid-September air seemed heavier than it had a few minutes ago at the main house. The scrape of a shovel against the cement floor greeted her as the sweet scent of hay tickled her nose. Out of everything she’d lost in Italy, Lucy missed their horses the most. She made her way down the exposed-timber hallway as snorts sounded from behind the full-height mahogany stall doors.

The building branched off in four directions from the main hub where Nicolino had introduced her to everyone earlier. She flattened herself against the wall as a groom led two horses past. She knew where the main offices were, but after that she was clueless. She reached into her bag and withdrew a notebook. The first order of business was to sketch a map. Helpless was twice as profane as any four-letter curse word and she refused to ever feel that way again. She started with what she knew and drew a big X in the center of the page.

“Looking for buried treasure?” Lane said, peering over her shoulder.

Lucy’s hand flew to her chest. “You startled me.” She looked up at him. His straw Stetson partially shaded his soul-searching deep brown eyes as they met hers. Subtle lines had creased his features over the years. A day’s worth of stubble shadowed his upper lip and jawline. While he appeared harder than she remembered, his expression had softened since earlier that day. And he was close. So close his breath kissed her cheek. “I—I feel like I need to leave a popcorn trail around here.” She shifted, creating more of a distance between them. “I can’t believe how much has changed.”

“It’s been a while.” Lane sighed loudly and started down one of the corridors. “Come on, let’s make a map.”

“Uh...are you sure?” Lucy needed someone to show her around, but she had no doubt there were many other people who could handle the task. Anyone besides Lane would do. “I don’t want to keep you from anything.”

“You’re keeping me from my promotion.” Lane halted midstep and turned to face her. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I’m still trying to accept losing the job I thought I had on top of my ex-girlfriend’s sudden reappearance. You have to admit it’s a potent combination.” For a moment, Lucy thought he was about to take her hand in his. He didn’t, and she wasn’t sure why that made her a touch sad. It certainly would have been inappropriate if he had. “I’d love to say it’s not personal,” he continued, “but we both know a part of it is. I hate this, but there’s more to it. And I’m not sure if it’s me finally getting some closure or if it’s because I’m happy to see you again.”

Lucy steadied herself with a few deep breaths. This can’t be happening. I can’t still have feelings for Lane.

The guilt she carried after losing their baby four months into the pregnancy had never faded. Their son never took his first breath or said his first words. She never had the chance to hold him in her arms or even kiss him goodbye. She’d named him Lane, much to her family’s dismay, but Antonio had understood and supported her decision. She’d lost both Lanes and her heart wasn’t strong enough to let one back in without the other.

* * *

GIVING LUCY A tour was the absolute last thing Lane wanted to do, but he wasn’t going to walk away from his job just yet. The physical closeness to Lucy was almost unbearable. The honey scent of her long mahogany hair was intoxicating and distracting at the same time. He wondered if her skin still felt as silky as it once had beneath his rough palms. Thoughts he shouldn’t think churned in his mind. The woman had been back in his life for a few hours and already she’d gotten to him.

“Tell me about the ranch you worked on in Italy.” Considering Nicolino had introduced Lucy using her maiden name, he wanted to ask about her husband, but he resolved to keep it professional. “What horses did you breed?”

“I—I didn’t.” Her voice was barely audible. “I went to school and managed the horses on our estate.”

Lane froze at the entrance to the grain room. “Estate?” He hadn’t expected that answer. “How many horses did you have?”

“Twenty.” Lucy reached past him and opened the door, leaving him standing in the hallway.

Lane forced himself to follow her inside despite his shock at her response. “You do realize this is the state’s largest paint and cutting horse ranch, right?”

Lucy cleared her throat. “Yes, Lane. I’m well aware of its size. Thank you for reminding me, though.”

How could Nicolino hire someone with zero hands-on experience? If that wasn’t a kick in the teeth. No—she wouldn’t last. He’d give her a week before she realized how unprepared she was. He’d help Lucy, but no way would he train her. It took years of apprenticeship to learn the job and he wasn’t about to mentor his boss. Lane doubted it would ever come to that. If Lucy didn’t realize she was underqualified, then the Langtrys ultimately would. They prided themselves on the quality of Bridle Dance stock, and inexperience meant safety concerns. Lane might take issue with Nicolino, but allowing the company to suffer was not an option. Until he could prove Lucy unsuitable, he’d have to ensure she did nothing to harm the operation, the horses or herself. He didn’t relish having to babysit his ex-girlfriend.

Lane continued to show Lucy around each wing of the Bridle Dance stables and introduced her to the majority of the people on the day staff. The state-of-the-art breeding lab fascinated Lucy the most and her knowledge of the process surprised him. There had been a breeding program in place when she’d last visited Ramblewood, but it had grown significantly since then. Maybe a nudge or two in that direction would tempt her to explore other options. He’d prefer her off the ranch entirely, but that wasn’t his choice to make. Seeing her in any other position would be more tolerable than in the one he’d earned.
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