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The How and Why of One Variable Calculus

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First course calculus texts have traditionally been either “engineering/science-oriented” with too little rigor, or have thrown students in the deep end with a rigorous analysis text. The How and Why of One Variable Calculus closes this gap in providing a rigorous treatment that takes an original and valuable approach between calculus and analysis. Logically organized and also very clear and user-friendly, it covers 6 main topics; real numbers, sequences, continuity, differentiation, integration, and series. It is primarily concerned with developing an understanding of the tools of calculus. The author presents numerous examples and exercises that illustrate how the techniques of calculus have universal application. The How and Why of One Variable Calculus presents an excellent text for a first course in calculus for students in the mathematical sciences, statistics and analytics, as well as a text for a bridge course between single and multi-variable calculus as well as between single variable calculus and upper level theory courses for math majors.
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