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Shadow Of Death

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Shadow shook her head once again realizing humans and demons were a lot more alike than most thought. Growing weary of the war between them, Myra had finally stopped running and offered Deth a deal.

The first deal had been that Myra would become his lover any time he wished it, as long as he stayed away from the child. Deth had been under the influence of Myra’s hunger when he’d agreed to the deal. Just like a man to think with the wrong head.

The second deal had been interesting though. Deth had threatened Myra with the fact that if he couldn’t watch over Tiara or ever see her, then he would send someone in his place… the deal hadn't forbid that. Myra had panicked and tried to make another deal with her demon lover. It was amazing how she had never learned not to trust a demon though she had put more thought into this final deal.

Myra agreed to cross over into this forsaken demon ridden world and let Deth revive her on this side on the condition that Deth stayed on this side with her. Shadow knew it was the last step to making sure Deth never got his hands on Tiara “the little princess”.

She supposed Myra loved Deth a little but that wasn’t why she’d made the deal… if Myra had been powerful enough Deth would have met his demise before the first deal had been struck.

Deth had also been smarter this time and had revised the deal before agreeing to it. He’d made sure Tiara would have the protector he wanted her to have by taking Shadow’s binding ring and making a clone from it using her Night Walker blood. As part of the deal, Deth would wear the clone and Tiara could choose a human to wear the real ring so he could tap into the binding spell.

Shadow understood more than anyone the secrets the Egyptian binding ring held. She frowned as she thought about the human that was now trapped in Deth's little game by wearing the ring.

With the rings came Deth's true connection to his daughter. Deth could keep tabs on her for him and Myra through the rings. If Tiara was to ever come across an enemy she would fall to, then the ring would alert him and he would be allowed twenty-four hours on the other side to rescue his daughter before the deal would bind him back into this world.

Myra had been a fool to agree to those terms. If Deth was allowed to leave here, then he would find a way to bring Tiara back with him. What he had not told Myra was that the ring also gave him a little control over the person wearing the ring. At least enough control to make that person stay near Tiara if Deth so chose.

She watched as Deth once again returned to staring at the ring. She wondered how long it would take him to decide to send a demon after his own daughter just to wound her so he could go collect what belonged to him. She knew Deth, had known him longer than she could remember. He might love Myra and Tiara in his own way, but he was evil enough to destroy both of them without feeling much guilt over it.

A demon hating you was one thing… but a demon as powerful as Deth loving you was a worse fate. Myra hadn't known that by agreeing to only being revived by Deth's blood she would not be able to fight him like she had in the human world. She would now become little more than an obedient rag doll for Deth to manipulate for eternity. The only thing Deth had not taken from Myra was her soul.

Shadow looked down at the marks on the inside of her wrists and wished Deth had not returned her own soul to her after he’d used a spell to bind her to him as his Night Walker. At least if she’d lacked a soul, the numbness would have kept her from being bored out of her mind.

She dropped her arms deciding it didn’t matter. As long as Deth willed it, she was just as trapped in this world as Myra was. The only thing she was waiting on now was Deth to make up his mind on how long he’d wait before he decided to kill his daughter.

Deth slowly pulled his bare chest away from Myra’s lips and rose from the bed, undisturbed with his nudity. He had built this place between dimensions many centuries before, ruled it from its highest peak with an untouchable army… the thousands of souls at his command.

Like his beautiful Myra, he was a necromancer, but his forte was the enslavement of the souls he drew to him rather than leading them into their afterlife.

Those very souls circled around his magnificent home crying out to be released… but Deth never released something once it belonged to him. He knew Myra did not truly love him, nor did he really care if she did or not. She was his and that was all that mattered.

He stared out the window of his bedchamber at the gray colored sky while pulling on a heavy brocade robe. He’d grown tired of the world. With nothing left to fight, even stealing the souls had not held its charm. He’d yearned for the world of demons he remembered and the sibling he’d lost so long ago.

Craven had been born from the same female only moments after he’d clawed his way out of her… but they had not been alike. Craven did not have the strength to handle the war that had been raging and had fallen to it… dragged into the rift and sealed away. Such a weak child to have fallen so quickly.

When he first saw Myra he’d had to have her… her power over souls had called him to her, reminding him of the taste of his brother’s power. It was a weak flavor but sensual and seductive in its nature.

After watching her from the darkness Deth found himself drawn to her sexual hunger. For reasons that eluded him, he felt jealousy when she turned to those weakling human males to satiate her need. That’s one of the reasons he’d removed them from the human realm… he’d known she would eventually find a way to elude him if he did not seal her away from prying eyes.

Deth concentrated on the ring and felt Tiara’s bliss. The sensation of the feeling made his eyes glow red and he punched his fist, ring first into one of the many paintings of Tiara that Deth had taken from Myra over the years. Myra had spent all of her energy keeping him from Tiara and now the child’s happiness was an unwelcome barrier.

If Tiara would just suffer then he could go get her. He let his gaze roam over all of the smiling paintings of his child then looked toward the bed Myra was laying on. He’d trapped his lover’s soul within that body so that she would never be able to leave him and he would do the same to Tiara.

Shadow stilled herself as she listened to Deth’s thoughts and watched the evil smirk appear across his lips. She knew he was finally going to acknowledge her presence which was something he hadn't done since they’d entered this dimension and probably something he would never do again if she accomplished what he wanted.

‘Shadow,’ Deth called to his Night Walker. Seeing the long dark hair and the young supple body of the Egyptian girl appear in front of him, he knew he had found his way to take his daughter’s smile away from her.

“Do you want me to kill her?” Shadow asked narrowing her gaze on her master.

Deth's eyes again turned their eerie red as he brought the ring hand up then struck Shadow across the face with it.

“What makes you think I would give that satisfaction to you? It will be I who ends her life,” Deth's voice was little more than an angry hiss. The color receded from his eyes as if it had never been there and he cupped the chin of the face that had turned away from him. “You will go find my daughter and destroy whatever is making her happy.”

Shadow held her ground as Deth called forth a small army of nasty underlings, ordering them not only to watch her but to obey her every command. She nodded looking forward to the pain of passing through the dimensional wall. She would do that and more if it would give her a few days away from him.

Deth watched Shadow step into her realm and smiled when his underlings followed her. Turning his attention to the ring on his finger, he moved toward the light shining through the window to admire it. He tilted his head to the side feeling not only Tiara’s pleasure but the ring bearer’s frustration as well.

“You want her,” Deth whispered, his voice like a silken caress.

He turned the ring on his finger, silently chanting the runic incantations inscribed on the band and he smiled again. The ring began to glow an angry red and tiny flames erupted from the inscription emphasizing the words as he recited them.

“You shall have her… and all she has to offer,” Deth promised. “All you need to do is kill anyone in your path.”

Chapter 3

Chad was still giving Trevor the silent treatment when they pulled into the parking lot at Moon Dance. The only one that had gotten a word out of him was Evey and Trevor was starting to feel a bit left out. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Chad to live alone. Hell, even he understood the meaning of privacy.

What scared him the most was the thought of Chad going back to that apartment so that whatever had killed him could show back up for a ‘murder part two’. No one had been there the last time until it was too late… and he seriously didn’t want to relive Chad’s death scene. Once had been more than enough.

Trevor sighed when Chad got out of the car without a word and strode toward the entrance of the club.

“Hey, hold up a minute,” Trevor called out closing Evey’s door a little too hard. Great, now he felt guilt over both friends.

“What?” Chad growled not bothering to turn around.

“Come on man,” Trevor said as he caught up and placed a hand on Chad’s shoulder, “This isn’t us ganging up on you. We just want to make sure whoever it was that killed you doesn’t get another chance.”

“So you do that by taking away my freedom?” Chad asked with a hard look.

Trevor shook his head, “You didn’t see yourself laying there lifeless in a pool of your own blood… that’s something I never want to see again. I know you’re walking around and talking now, but that doesn’t erase the fact that you died because some asshole stuck a knife in your heart and made it stop.”

“Why do you care?” Chad asked curiously.

“You know, the other day you asked me how I was able to keep my emotions in check when it came to good cops dying on the streets. Remember my answer?” Trevor ran his fingers through his hair feeling remorse over what he’d said that day.

Chad frowned, “Yeah, you said that after a while you just grew immune to it or something like that.”

Trevor looked him straight in the eye, “I lied.”

“You what,” Chad asked remembering the fact that he’d punched Trevor in the face over that statement. He suddenly had the urge to do it again but thought harder on it this time. He blinked at his friend’s confession and remained there for a few seconds after Trevor had walked around him to head inside.

“You coming, or are you just gonna stand there all day?” Trevor asked over his shoulder feeling a lot better now that he had dumped some of the weight he’d been carrying.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” Chad mumbled feeling like a complete ass for acting like a spoiled brat all day.

Trevor stopped him before they went inside wanting to lighten the mood, “I have a reputation to keep so… if you don’t mind.”

Chad waved his hand, “Yeah, yeah, I know… no making you look like a girly-man regardless of how tempting it is.”

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