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Moon Dance

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Chad and Jason blocked Trevor in between his car and the cop car so the jilted boyfriend couldn’t stomp back into the club after Envy. Chad removed the handcuffs knowing he really couldn’t arrest him without a legit reason… that is unless Trevor pushed him.

“I bet it was you who told her I was here!” Trevor growled at Jason. “Don’t think I didn’t notice the hard on you carry for her. Just couldn’t keep your nose out of it, could you?”

Chad threw his arm out when Jason took a threatening step forward. “Jason, I’ve got it from here. Why don’t you go back in and see if you can find Envy? I don’t want her out here until Trevor's gone.”

“You can’t stop me from going back in there. I’m working!” Trevor hissed without thinking.

“Yeah, we saw what the hell you were working on,” Jason’s hands fisted at his sides, but with a pointed look from Chad, he knew he’d best go inside before Trevor wasn’t the only one in cuffs tonight. Spinning on his heels, he tossed one more remark over his shoulder for Trevor's benefit, “You’ll find us on the dance floor… wrapped around each other.”

Trevor shot forward but Chad shoved him back against his car. To Chad’s surprise, Trevor was a lot stronger than he looked and it was a struggle. “I warned you not to be screwing my sister unless you told her who you really were and the real reason you are always hanging out at the clubs. Hell man, Envy thinks you're nothing but a damn frat boy. If you wanted to impress her, then you should have told her the truth. One thing she’s never been able to stomach is a liar. Especially if they are lying to her.”

Kat narrowed her gaze on Trevor. What was all that supposed to mean?

“You know as well as I do that if I’d told her I was working under cover, she’d have always wondered if I was using her when I hung around the clubs with her.” Trevor thundered, as he righted himself but didn’t try to go back toward the club again. If he used his real strength then Chad would be a dead man and Trevor would be no better than the people he hunted.

That knowledge did a lot to calm him down long enough to rein in his animal instincts but he couldn’t help still being pissed. “She fucking tasered me!”

“You deserved it because you’re a lowlife, cheating boyfriend. Hey, it's what you get for not telling her the truth. You’re done for the night unless you want to go haunt one of the other bars. Besides, Envy still has the taser,” Chad smirked. “I’d advise you to leave her alone for the rest of the night… or better yet, the rest of her life if you can’t come clean with her.”

Trevor gritted his teeth but didn’t say anything else. Chad couldn’t tell him to stay away from Envy, but letting her cool down was probably smart advice.

“Fine, but that,” he pointed at the club, “is not a safe place for your sister to be hanging out and you know it!” He jerked his car door open, forcing Chad to take a step back to avoid being hit by it. Slamming the door behind him, it took only seconds before he was burning rubber out of the parking lot.

When Trevor was far enough down the road so that Chad couldn’t see his car lights, he grabbed his cell phone and tapped in the number to someone who owed him a favor. He pulled over at the closest store and parked behind a transfer truck so he wouldn’t be noticed.

It frustrated him to leave her back there after the way Devon had looked at her. Even if Devon wasn’t a murderer, that look was not a good thing. Chad thought he could strong-arm him when it came to Envy did he? Let's see how he likes it when he finds out he’s the weaker one. He’d fix Jason too while he was at it.

Kat shifted deeper into the shadows when Chad turned and looked in her direction. She frowned, knowing it was impossible for him to see her… he didn’t have the night vision shifters did. She blew her hair out of her eyes and waited while he just stared toward her, then sighed when he finally turned and went back in the club.

So, Trevor was an undercover cop and Chad’s sister didn’t know it… obviously neither did Jason. The stickler was Trevor said he was here working on a case. Kat gritted her teeth knowing it had to be the murders. She needed to tell Warren to hurry and find out who was leaving a trail of blood before they got the blame.


Envy slowly stood up wondering why Devon didn’t just admit he was an owner and could very well hire her himself. She hated it when people lied to her, but she didn’t know him and he didn’t owe her anything, so she swallowed what she was about to say. Too bad it wouldn’t stay down.

“That was awfully fast,” she looked at him expectantly, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“I put in a good word for you. Sometimes they listen to me.” Devon watched her curiously, smelling her scent change. She was angry with him. It smelled good.

“Maybe that’s because you’re the owner,” Envy’s small smile vanished.

So that was why she’s mad. She doesn’t like it when she feels like someone is hiding something from her. He’d keep that in mind. Devon slowly dipped his head in a small bow, “I am only one of the owners. Me, my two brothers, and my sister all own this club. We do try to run things by each other when we hire new people.”

Envy glanced up at him suddenly feeling bad. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” she gave up with a sigh and lowered her arms.

“At least your taser stayed in your pocket,” Devon smiled, hoping to lighten the mood.

Envy blushed and felt the need to get out of his sight before she made an even bigger fool of herself. “I’ve been working mostly in the afternoon and I’m off tomorrow, so if…” she nervously informed him, as she kept the exit in her sight and started moving toward it before this became the shortest job in history.

“Tomorrow night then,” Devon opened the door for her, as she inched her way toward it. “At seven.”

He watched her run and let her go because he knew he could catch her if she ran too far. He closed the office door and turned to the monitor to watch her make her way around the outer rim of the dance floor toward the stairs. His eyes narrowed as one of the guys from earlier grabbed her arm to get her attention. Devon started toward the door but Kat slipped inside it before he could go after Envy.

“That girl with the taser...” Kat started but was cut off by a hard look from her brother.

“Her name is Envy and you get to show her the ropes tomorrow night. I just hired her as a bartender.” Devon crossed his arms over his chest, as he leaned back against the edge of the desk.

“Put your claws away,” Kat tilted her head when Devon glanced back at the monitor and tensed. Following his gaze, she smirked seeing Jason and Envy in the middle of the screen. “My my, doesn’t she just have a lot of admirers tonight.” She knew it wasn’t exactly true but she wanted to catch Devon’s reaction. She got her answer when the thin plastic on the back of the computer chair cracked where he was gripping it a little too hard.

Devon snapped his eyes toward Kat, “Why are you in my office?”

Kat just smiled at him. This was going to be so much fun. She walked over and pointed at the screen. “This guy, his name is Jason Fox and I spent quite a while chatting him up at the bar before his two friends showed up.”

Devon cocked an eyebrow at his sister waiting for her to get to the point.

“Jason was the one that called her so she would come to the club. He actually asked her out.” She smirked when the crack in the chair broke the rest of the way off in Devon’s hand. “I don’t know what she told him but Jason said, ‘Then why the hell is Trevor making out on the dance floor with someone else?’”

“So, he’s the reason she showed up,” Devon drawled, dropping the piece of plastic on the desk. “I’m sure you have a point here somewhere.”

“Yes I do, but it’s so much fun watching you squirm,” Kat decided to get on with her story, when he gave his patented go-to-hell look. She was definitely going to buy the rights to that expression someday. “Anyway, it was all a setup from what I heard. Her brother gave her the taser knowing she was mad enough to use it on her cheating boyfriend, but the truth is, Trevor wasn’t really cheating on her.”

“What?” Devon growled, not liking where this was leading.

Kat spent the next ten minutes filling her brother in on everybody’s dirty little secrets. Just for kicks, she didn’t forget to leave out the fact that Jason had a serious long-term crush on Envy.

Chapter 3

Jason pulled Envy into his arms, “You owe me a dance.”

He was so glad she wasn’t the type of person that would shoot the messenger. If it weren’t for him, she’d still have a boyfriend… granted it would be a cheating boyfriend but then that’s why he’d made the phone call in the first place. “Sorry,” he whispered in her ear, as he pulled her tighter against him and started to move with the music.

Envy rolled her eyes letting him off the hook without a second thought. “Nothing to be sorry for.” She trailed her fingers down his spine as she moved against him. “I’m free again and I landed me another job in the process.”

She smiled as she glanced around the dance floor again. “This place is a little different from the clubs that I’ve worked at but I think it should be interesting.”

Jason didn’t say anything for a moment as he felt the leather covering her breast glide across the front of his shirt and felt himself swell. He was glad she didn’t know what she was doing to him because he had a feeling if she did know she would stop.

“Want to come rock climbing Saturday morning?” he let his hands trail down her sides then gripped her hips.

“Rock climbing? That sounds fun. It’s been a while,” Envy nodded, then her eyes widened when Jason pulled her forward and she came in contact with something long and hard pressed against the softness of her belly. She gulped as her eyes flashed up to meet his.

“Where’s Chad?” she breathed, knowing she’d done it again. She hadn’t meant to. Jason had been and still was one of her favorite people in the whole world; the last thing she ever wanted to do was screw that up by sleeping with him. She loved him too much for that.

“Last time I checked, he was taking the trash out,” Jason sighed when she pulled back from him. He placed his fingers under her chin and raised her eyes to his, “Trevor doesn’t deserve you.”

“Chad didn’t really arrest him did he?” Envy asked, grabbing Jason by the hand and leading him toward the steps. She’d avoided this conversation for years and she wasn’t ruining her track record now.

“No, I think being tasered was enough punishment… that and losing you. Chad was just making sure he found his way to his car,” Jason smirked. At the top of the stairs he noticed Chad was standing at the bar next to the door waiting on them. Keeping Envy’s hand in his, he led her in that direction.

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