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His Shock Valentine's Proposal

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Esme could handle a small ski-resort community, but a huge high-end spa and hotel? That was not what she wanted. Small. Sleepy and in need of a friendly and eager town physician. Of course, once she’d spent all her money on buying her practice she really hadn’t been able to change her mind. The building she had bought had been on the market for five years.

She knew there was an old family practice in town. Dr. Ralston had been practicing medicine in Crater Lake his whole career and his father before that and his father before that. It was time to breathe some new life into Crater Lake.

The pounding reminded her why her inventory of medical supplies was being interrupted and she glanced out of the window of her primary exam room.


The handsome man standing in front of her office was definitely not paparazzi or press. He didn’t have a camera or a recorder, or even a smartphone on him. He was well dressed in casual business attire. His brown hair combed neatly, clean shaven, but definitely an outdoorsy type of guy, because she could see his forearms where he’d rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt were tanned and muscular.

He was a well-dressed country boy and Esme had a thing for country boys. Always had, but that was a hard thing to find in Los Angeles.

Unless you counted the country singers she’d treated, and she didn’t. Of course, when she’d thought she’d found the perfect guy it had turned out she hadn’t and she was terrified by who she’d become and about what he wanted from her.

Don’t think about Shane.

Well, whoever this guy was, he was off-limits. She wasn’t here to get involved with anyone. Besides, he was probably married or taken. One thing Esme had discovered about her new place of residence was that Crater Lake was mostly filled with older people and young families. It wasn’t a happening place for singles and that was fine by her.

She was here to hide, not find happiness. She didn’t deserve that. Not after what she’d done to Shane.

Not after what happened in the OR with her last surgery. It was too painful. Love and friendship, they were not what she was here for. She was here to be a doctor. She was here to blend in, to hide so no one could find her.

He banged on the door again.

She ran her hand through her hair, hoping she didn’t smell of sweat too much. Even though she had no interest in impressing him, she didn’t want to scare off any potential patients because she gave off the impression of being smelly.

“Just a minute!” Esme called out as she undid the chain and bolt on her office door. She opened it. “Hey, look, I’m not open today.”

“I’m aware,” he said tersely. “Can I come in?”

“I don’t even know you.”

“Is that how you plan to treat residents of Crater Lake?” he asked.

What’s this guy’s deal?

“Okay, how about we start with introductions? I’m Dr. Petersen.” She held out her hand, but he just glanced at it, ignoring her proffering.

“I know who you are, Dr. Petersen.” His blue eyes were dark, his brow furrowed.

Oh, crap.

“You do? You know who I am? I’m sorry I can’t say the same.”

He was clearly annoyed and she didn’t have time for this. “Look, I’m kind of busy today. Why don’t you call my office and my nurse will call you about an appointment time? I’m pretty open for appointments as I’m not open for business just yet.”

“You have a nurse?” he asked.

“Well, not yet, but I’ve interviewed some interesting candidates.”

“I bet.”

Esme frowned. “Have I offended you some way? If I have, I’m really sorry, but again I haven’t opened yet.”

“I’m aware you’re not open yet. Of course, that really doesn’t stop you from poaching patients.”

Esme was stunned. “Who are you?”

“I’m Dr. Ralston. I was the Johnstone family’s practitioner up until about two hours ago.”

Okay, now she was really surprised. “You’re Dr. Ralston?”


“Dr. C. Ralston?”


“I don’t get it.” Esme stepped aside to invite him in, but didn’t even get the words out as he wandered inside and then sat on the edge of the waiting-room desk, his arms crossed.

“What don’t you get? I can show you my ID.”

“Dr. Charles Ralston has been practicing medicine in Crater Lake for forty years.” She shut the door, but didn’t lock it just in case this guy was crazy or something. “You guys either have the fountain of youth up here in Crater Lake or someone’s records are incorrect.”

A small smile played on his face, some of that fury fading. “Dr. Charles Ralston is my father. I’m Dr. Carson Ralston. I took over my father’s practice when he retired five years ago.”

“Oh, and I’m the fool who just poached some of your patients. Gotcha.”


Esme crossed her arms, too. “So how can I help you?”

“Stop poaching my patients.” There was now a slight twinkle in his blue, blue eyes and he didn’t seem as angry anymore.

“I’m really sorry, but your patient wanted to change. I couldn’t turn them away,” she stated.

“Look, you have to know when you come to a small town you don’t go around stealing the patients of a practitioner who has been here for quite some time.”

Esme raised an eyebrow. “Is that some kind of doctor rule? If so, I’m not aware of it.”

“It’s common courtesy.” He didn’t seem as though he was going to budge until she handed over the files to him. Although, she hadn’t been given the files yet.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Dr. Ralston, but when I bumped into Mrs. Johnstone at the general store her twins took a shine to me and she wanted me to be her physician.”

“What do you mean the twins took a shine to you?”

She grinned. “I mean I didn’t scare them like the old, grumpy Dr. Ralston.”

His mouth fell open in surprise for a moment and then he snapped it shut. “Okay, then. I won’t bother you about it anymore.”
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