(#ulink_b2340d73-58ca-50c0-aaee-51d4d7218ead) There at 6 p.m. John and Lily
(#ulink_eecd86c2-5289-56e1-9ada-09a473054a55) also there. Home 11.30 p.m.
Monday, 5 January
Our ‘lum’ makes the most unholy noise when the wind blows, and the man below came up about 10 p.m. and said he couldn’t sleep for it.
(#ulink_0db00a2b-2f39-56f4-a519-7e73a69a6148) My oh my.
Tuesday, 6 January
Wrote a love letter to the factor about the lum. This is Epiphany.
Friday, 9 January
Man up today greasing the ‘whirly’ on our lum.
Saturday, 10 January
Went to the library for some moral books in the afternoon. Wrote Duncan tonight.
Friday, 16 January
Very foggy and frosty. Not very well myself at night. Took some castor oil, so help me bob.
(#ulink_f732f168-fbf1-5329-a925-3cb85535d64c) Sat in front of the fire all night and made myself comfortable.
Wednesday, 21 January
Agnes very ill at night. Bathed her feet, gave her a hot drink and put her to bed.
Thursday, 22 January
Agnes in bed as much as possible today.
Saturday, 24 January
Went to the library in the afternoon and for ‘messages’.
Sunday, 25 January
Wild, stormy day. Agnes worse again today. Lily came in for a little in the afternoon to see her. Third Sunday after Epiphany. First Sunday after pay day.
Thursday, 29 January
Tommy not well at all, so I went for the doctor at night. Doctor came, took his temperature, which was 101 0 [Fahrenheit]
(#ulink_346f4d80-740f-5fb0-ac2b-a9ece638f77d), shook his head and looked serious. May develop into quite a lot of other things. Got a new hygienic pipe (6d).
Friday, 30 January
Doc up again seeing Tommy. His temperature still 102°. Got him a bottle to reduce same. Doctor puzzled. Wee man cheerier at night.
Saturday, 31 January
Doctor up today. Wee man just the same. Doctor can’t tell what’s wrong. We are getting a bit anxious about Tommy. Poor wee man.
Sunday, 1 February
Doctor up again. Tommy’s temperature down to 100°. Doctor doesn’t know yet why he is not well, but says it isn’t measles, fever, diphtheria or pneumonia. Sam up, Lily up, and Mrs Carmichael in to see the young man.
(#ulink_16930ce7-89c0-589f-a762-4d175b61d897) Gave Tommy an extra large dose of castor oil.
Monday, 2 February
We did not sleep much during the night. The oil did its duty right nobly and we were kept on the hop. I was at work early, to wit 6.45 a.m. to let some engineers in. Wee man much better, temperature down to normal. Doctor was here. Agnes about pegged out now.
Tuesday, 3 February
Wee Tommy up for an hour and a half at night. Quite shaky on his feet. He was very cross all day. Agnes’ patience exhausted by night. Sad times.
Wednesday, 4 February
Doctor up. We are to get Tommy’s tonsils cut. Holy Moses.
Saturday, 7 February
Hetty came here shortly after 3, so we all had a pleasant evening. Saw her away by 9.12 from Central.
Tuesday, 10 February
Chased a mouse at night. Nobody hurt but myself.
Wednesday, 11 February
Agnes at doctor with Tommy arranging about the amputation of his tonsils. He is coming on Sunday to do the dismal deed. Agnes bought a mousetrap so set it at night with great expectations.
Thursday, 12 February
Looked at the trap this morning. The mouse had eaten the bait but left the trap as it couldn’t eat it also. Better luck next time.
Friday, 13 February