15 Their feet are quick to shed blood; (Everyone behaves «wrong»).
16 destruction and destruction are in their ways; (Everyone behaves «wrongly»).
17 they do not know the way of the world. (Everyone behaves «wrong»).
18 There is no fear of God before their eyes. (Everyone behaves «wrong»).
19 But we know that the law, if it says anything, speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth is blocked, and the whole world becomes guilty before God (Everyone behaves «wrong»).
20 For by the works of the law no flesh will be justified before him; for sin is known by the law. (The law of Moses is wrong).
21 But now, independently of the law, the truth of God has appeared, to which the law and the prophets testify («The truth of God, to which the law and the prophets testify» and acting «independently of the law» is only supposedly true!).
22 The truth of God is through faith in Jesus Christ in all and on all believers, for there is no difference, («The truth of God through faith in Jesus Christ in all and on all believers,» in other words, believe in Jesus Christ and all works! And everything, they say, will be great!).
23 because everyone has sinned and is deprived of the glory of God (Everyone behaves «wrong»).
24 Being justified freely, by his grace, by the atonement in Christ Jesus (Paul insists that faith alone is the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and gives «justification freely, by his grace»).
25 Whom God offered as a sacrifice of propitiation in his Blood through faith, for the testimony of his righteousness in the forgiveness of sins committed before (The death of Jesus is understood in the New Testament as a redemptive sacrifice to God the father for the sins of all people).
26 In the [time] of God’s long-suffering, to the testimony of his righteousness at the present time, let it [appear] He is a righteous and justifying believer in Jesus. (Paul insists that faith alone is the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and gives «justification freely, by His grace»).
27 Where is there something to boast about? destroyed. What law? [the law of] affairs? No, but by the law of faith. (Faith is suggestion and auto—suggestion).
28 For we recognize that a person is justified by faith, regardless of the works of the law. (Paul expounds the attitude of Christians to the laws of Moses. The essence of this statement is that «a person is justified not by the works of the law, but only by faith in Jesus Christ,» that is, the Law (Torah) is valid only until the «savior» comes).
29 Is the God of the Jews only, and not of the Gentiles? Of course, and pagans, (The assertion of monotheism).
30 For there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised by faith. (Affirmation of monotheism).
31 So we destroy the law by faith? Nothing; but we affirm the law. (Faith in Jesus Christ establishes the law).
Chapter 4
1 What, say, did Abraham, our father, acquire according to the flesh? (References to the Old Testament history).
2 If Abraham is justified by works, he has praise, but not before God. (References to the Old Testament history).
3 For what does the Scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
4 The reward of the doer is imputed not out of mercy, but out of duty. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
5 But to him who does not do, but believes in him who justifies the wicked, his faith is imputed to righteousness. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
6 In the same way David calls a blessed person to whom God imputes righteousness regardless of deeds: (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
7 Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
8 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute sin. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
9 Does this beatitude refer to circumcision, or to uncircumcision? We say that faith was imputed to Abraham for righteousness. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
10 When did you get imputed? after circumcision or before circumcision? Not after circumcision, but before circumcision. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
11 And he received the sign of circumcision, [as] the seal of righteousness through faith, which [he had] in uncircumcision, so that he became the father of all believers in uncircumcision, so that righteousness would be imputed to them also (Reasoning about circumcision, as «the seal of righteousness through faith»).
12 And by the father of the circumcised, not only those who have been circumcised, but also those who walk in the footsteps of our father Abraham’s faith, which he had in uncircumcision. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith). (Reasoning about circumcision as «the seal of righteousness through faith»).
13 For it is not by the law [granted] To Abraham, or his seed, the promise is to be the heir of the world, but by the righteousness of faith. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
14 If those who are established on the law are heirs, then faith is in vain, the promise is ineffective; (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
15 for the law produces wrath, because where there is no law, there is no crime. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
16 So by faith, so that [it was] by mercy, so that the promise would be immutable for all, not only according to the law, but also according to the faith of the descendants of Abraham, who is the father of us all (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
17 (as written: I have made you the father of many nations) before God, whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls the non-existent as existing. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
18 He, beyond hope, believed with hope, through which he became the father of many nations, according to what was said: «So your seed will be.» (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
19 And, not having exhausted himself in faith, he did not think that his body, almost a hundred years old, was already dead, and the womb of Sarrin was dead; (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
20 he did not waver in the promise of God by unbelief, but remained firm in faith, giving glory to God (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
21 and being quite sure that he is also able to fulfill the promise. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
22 Therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
23 However, it is not in relation to him alone that it is written what was imputed to him (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
24 but also in relation to us; it will also be imputed to us who believe in the One who raised Jesus Christ our Lord from the dead (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith).
25 Who was betrayed for our sins and rose again for our justification. (References to the Old Testament history, reasoning about the «righteousness» of faith. The fallacy of all these «abstractions» lies in the fact that there was no resurrection, Jesus fell into a coma, Jesus was used by the priests of Zoroastrianism from Parthia to inspire the followers of Jesus with the need for war with Rome, and to seize Palestine behind the scenes).
Chapter 5
1 So, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, (From Paul’s point of view, the proof of the «righteousness» of faith has been found).
2 Through whom, by faith, we have gained access to that grace in which we stand and glory in the hope of the glory of God. (Discourse on grace).
3 And not only this, but we also boast about tribulations, knowing that patience comes from tribulation (Reasoning about tribulations and patience).
4 from patience experience, from experience hope, (Reasoning about the experience of hope and patience).
5 But hope does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us. («Divine» bundles).
6 For Christ, when we were still weak, died at a certain time for the wicked. («Divine» bundles).