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A Rancher's Redemption

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“The cutest two-and-a-half year old ever, but then, I’m biased.” Lana laughed. “Sly and I are getting baby-hungry again.” She glanced at her daughter and lowered her voice. “Yesterday we signed up with an adoption agency. Of course, another miracle could happen. We could get pregnant again. But that’s unlikely, and we want another child.”

“I’ll keep my fingers crossed,” Dani said.

Drawn by their soft voices, Johanna stopped at the table. Her eyes lit on the cookies. “I want a cookie, Mama.”

“How do you ask?” Lana said.


“May I share some of mine with her?” Dani asked.

Lana nodded. “A small piece.”

Carefully breaking off a tiny chunk of her cookie, Dani gave it to her niece.

“Thank you.” The happy little girl kissed Dani’s cheek, then stuffed the treat into her mouth and continued marching around the kitchen.

“She adores you,” Lana pointed out. “And you’re so wonderful with her. Someday you’re going to make such a great mom.”

“First, I need to meet a guy who actually wants to settle down and start a family.”

“You will.”

“With my track record?”

“You forget that I’d basically given up on love when I met Sly. And look at me now.” Lana gave a dreamy smile. She and Sly had been married for two-plus years and they still acted like love-sick honeymooners. Dani envied them.

Her traitorous mind went straight to the one man she was trying not to think about—Nick. “Things have gotten weird with Nick,” she confided.

Lana frowned. “How so?”

“Swear you won’t tell Sly.” Dani’s oldest brother, who was seven years older than she was, tended to be on the protective side.

“I promise.” All ears, Lana leaned forward.

Assured, Dani explained. “You remember that Nick came over Saturday night.”

Lana nodded. “So that you could keep each other company after your breakups. I’ve always admired how you support each other that way.”

“Right. We had our usual great time together, but when we were watching a DVD after dinner, we fell asleep together on the couch. When I woke up, we were snuggled up close.” Remembering Dani hugged herself. “When Nick woke up, we kissed.”

“Is that all?” Lana waved her hand dismissively. “There’s nothing wrong with a kiss between friends.”

“This wasn’t exactly a friendly peck,” Dani said. “Nick and I... We’ve always had an unwritten rule—we might buss each other on the cheek, but never on the lips. But those kisses...”

Talking about it was like reliving the experience. Dani’s lips and entire body warmed right up. She fanned herself.

“Those kisses? As in more than one?” Lana’s eyebrows jumped upward.

“A lot more.” Dani let out a sigh. “We made out, Lana.”

“You and Nick made out?” her sister-in-law repeated, sounding incredulous.

“Guilty as charged.”

“And you enjoyed it.”

Dani nodded miserably. “That would be a definite yes.”

“Wow.” Lana shook her head slowly and wonderingly. “I always sensed that you two were attracted to each other. How could you not be? He’s gorgeous, you’re gorgeous... What took you so long to figure it out?”

Dani knew she wasn’t half bad. She also know she was far from gorgeous. She gaped at Lana. “What are you talking about? Before Saturday night, there was no physical attraction between Nick and me.” Or if there had been, they’d hidden it from themselves and each other. “We don’t want a physical relationship. Our friendship means too much to us.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem. Friendship and passion are essentials for a solid relationship. Look at Sly and me. He has my back and I have his, and I consider him to be one of my best friends. And we’re definitely not platonic. At all.” Lana’s smile oozed sexual satisfaction.

As much as Dani loved her sister-in-law, she sometimes wanted to hate her for living the life she’d always wanted. “You know how it is with me, though,” she said. “Some guy gives me a sexy smile and a few decent kisses, and I’m half in love. Once we have sex, I’m a total goner. But Nick...he doesn’t do love.”

Lana gave her a skeptical look. “A lot of guys say that, but then they meet the right woman and bam! They’re all in.”

“Not Nick. He’s so against falling in love that as soon as he starts to fall for someone, he ends the relationship. Trust me, I know. Getting physical would spell disaster for our friendship. We’ve been best friends forever, and neither of us want to lose what we have now. That’s why we can’t cross over the boundaries of friendship.”

“Let me get this straight—you and Nick both agree that a physical relationship could jeopardize your friendship. If you’re on the same page, how is that a problem?” Lana frowned.

“You wouldn’t think we’d have one, would you?” Dani said. “But since Saturday night, things have gotten a little tense between us.”

“Ah. So...despite what you just said about not wanting to cross the arbitrary boundaries you two have established, you and Nick aren’t quite on the same page anymore.”

“But we are,” Dani argued. “We both agreed to forget we ever kissed.”

Lana gave a wry smile. “And how’s that working out for you?”

Dani rested her head on her fist. “For me, not so well. I have no idea about Nick, except that when we last spoke on the phone, it was awkward. That was Monday. We haven’t been in touch with each other since.”

Three whole days—an eternity.

“I wouldn’t worry too much,” Lana said. “Our weather has been awful. Until last night, Sly and his guys were putting in twenty-hour days, with barely a moment to eat or sleep. That’s why he’s playing poker tonight—to give himself a well-deserved break from the ranch. I’ll bet Nick has been just as busy.”

“Probably. Still, he could’ve called last night, just to check in. Or at the very least, texted. That’s what he’s done in the past.”

“And you’re wondering if he’s staying away because of those kisses.”

“A little.”

Lana bit her lip in sympathy, making Dani feel even worse. “What do you want to do?” she asked.

“I’m not going to call him,” Dani said. “I’m keeping busy. Which reminds me. I don’t have any plans Saturday night. If you and Sly want a date night, I’m happy to come over and babysit.”

“That’s sweet, but my parents have already offered. They’re hosting an overnight for Johanna and her cousins. Johanna is excited. So are Sly and I. We’ll get a whole night to ourselves.” Lana all but salivated. “Didn’t you and a couple of girlfriends sign up for a silk painting class Saturday afternoon? Why don’t you hang out with them afterward? Go to dinner and out dancing, or catch a movie, or shop.”
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