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A Worthy Gentleman

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They had been noticed! Sarah took a deep breath as three gentlemen came towards them, inclining their heads respectfully to Julia.

‘Miss Moore, may I beg a dance with you?’ one of them said and then looked at Sarah, his eyebrows raised. ‘I do not believe I have had the honour?’

‘Lord Henry Arnold,’ Julia said. ‘May I present Miss Sarah Hunter…Sir Matthew, Lord Bingham…’

The first introductions over, Sarah was asked to dance by all three gentlemen, beginning with Lord Bingham. She danced next with Lord Arnold and continued with Sir Matthew. Returning to her mama after the third dance, she was besieged by eager gentlemen. Her mama introduced those she was acquainted with and Lady Tate made her known to some others. It was not long before her card was filled and her fears of being a wallflower long forgotten.

She and Julia had stood together between dances, getting to know each other. It was therefore almost two hours later that Sarah returned from dancing with Lord Bingham for the second time to discover a tall and distinguished gentleman standing with her mama and Lady Tate.

‘Ah, Sarah my dear,’ Mrs Hunter said. ‘The duke was delayed earlier and has but now arrived. He asked if he might dance with you and I was obliged to tell him that your card was filled. However, I said that I was sure you would allow him to take you into supper, my dear.’

Sarah dipped a curtsy. The gentleman was perhaps in his early forties, still attractive, if not wildly handsome, and, as he smiled at her, she thought that he had a pleasant manner.

‘I shall be obliged, your Grace,’ she replied. ‘I have been asked to take supper by several gentlemen and found it difficult to choose without offence—but I believe you may claim to have precedence.’

‘By virtue of my rank?’ he asked, one mobile eyebrow lifting in wry amusement. ‘I would prefer that I was your personal choice, Miss Hunter—but shall accept that I must earn your good opinion.’

‘Oh, no, sir,’ Sarah said and laughed softly. ‘I am sure that it ought not to be a case of earning my good opinion, for we do not know one another and I can have formed no opinion as yet.’

‘Beautiful and sensible,’ the duke said approvingly. ‘I believe you are to attend my own small affair, Miss Hunter. I must ask that you will save at least one dance for me.’

‘Oh, I think I may spare two—one to make up for the disappointment of this evening, if you wish it, sir?’

‘Thank you.’ His eyes were warm with amusement. ‘It will do very well, Miss Hunter. I shall claim you for supper.’

‘Thank you,’ she said. There was no time to say more, for her next partner had arrived and she could only smile vaguely at the duke before she was led away.

‘You have a charming daughter,’ the duke said, glancing at Mrs Hunter. ‘I shall hope that we may meet often in the future.’

‘There, Selina,’ Lady Tate whispered as he walked away. ‘I think Sarah has made a conquest. What a fine thing it would be for her if he were to make her an offer.’

‘I had thought…the Conte di Ceasares, you know,’ Mrs Hunter said, her eyes on the retreating back of the duke. ‘But I suppose he is not such a catch as the Duke of Pentyre.’

‘Surely it is for Sarah to marry a man she truly cares for and respects,’ Tilda said in hushed tones. ‘Are you certain that the duke would be a wise choice for her, Mrs Hunter?’

‘Whatever can you mean?’ Mrs Hunter said, a sharp note in her voice. ‘He is everything a girl like Sarah could wish for, I am sure.’

‘But what do you know of him—except that he is a duke and wealthy?’

‘He is received and respected universally,’ Lady Tate said. ‘There is no doubt of it, Tilda. He would be an excellent match for Sarah.’

‘Perhaps.’ Tilda was unconvinced, but did not continue her protest. She might have more to say at an appropriate time. The duke must be at least twenty years older than Sarah, and she was sure in her own mind that the girl was in love with John Elworthy. She for one would not like to see Sarah forced into marriage just because the man was rich and well born.

Sarah had not given the possibility a thought. She was enjoying herself far more than she had thought she would, meeting lots of new friends and receiving many compliments on her gown, her appearance and her manners. In fact, it could be said that the only other girl in the room to receive as much attention was Julia, whose dance it was.

They had by now become firm friends and had promised to meet to go walking or shopping together as often as it could be managed, though with the Season beginning to get truly under way both had invitations for all manner of affairs. Picnics, dinners, musical evenings, card parties and dancing were just a few of the ingenious ideas the influential hostesses had come up with—to say nothing of the outdoor events, carriage drives and outings to the race meetings that the gentlemen enjoyed so much.

At the end of that dance, it was time for supper and as she left the floor she was approached by several eager gentlemen. However, they parted as a deep voice claimed her, allowing the duke through to offer her his arm.

‘Miss Hunter. I believe we are promised for supper?’

‘Yes, thank you, sir.’

Sarah laid her hand on his arm, allowing him to lead her through to the supper room, where she discovered that a table awaited them. It was already laden with several platters of the choicest delicacies and two servants hovered, waiting to serve them. Sarah knew that most of the ladies and gentlemen had gone to the buffet to serve themselves, but she was being treated as though she were someone special. It was because she was partnered by the duke, of course.

‘Is everything to your liking?’ he asked. ‘Please say if there is something you would prefer. I am certain it can be brought.’

‘I think I should be hard to please if I could not be pleased with this, sir,’ Sarah said and looked at the servant hovering. ‘I should like a little salmon and some green peas, if you please.’

‘Will you have some wine? Or would you prefer champagne?’

Sarah smiled at the duke. ‘I think champagne, if it is no trouble.’

‘Of course,’ he said and nodded to the other waiter, who went off at once to procure it for her. ‘I understand you have been travelling in Italy until recently, Miss Hunter?’

‘We returned home a few weeks ago,’ Sarah said. ‘We stayed there for more than two years.’

‘You like living abroad?’

‘I made many friends,’ Sarah said. ‘But I am quite happy to be home again.’

‘I understand that you went away for your health?’

Sarah felt her cheeks become slightly warm. ‘I was very ill at one time, sir. Mama thought it best to take me away.’ She touched the wing of white at her right temple self-consciously. It was a constant reminder of a time that she had tried hard to forget.

‘I trust you are better now?’

‘Yes, thank you. I am quite well.’

‘I thought so,’ he said. ‘I think you will be a success this season, Miss Hunter. I may even say that you will be the latest rage. You have something about you that is uncommon.’

‘You are very kind to say so, sir.’

‘I never say what I do not mean.’

Sarah looked into his eyes and felt a tingle at the base of her neck. He seemed a very pleasant, charming man, but there was something about him that made her uneasy.

‘Then I shall thank you for the compliment, sir.’

The duke continued to make small talk throughout supper. However, as the guests began to make their way back to the ballroom, he took his leave of Sarah and Mrs Hunter, who had come to join them.

‘I am pleased to have made your acquaintance, ma’am—and yours, Miss Hunter. I shall hope that we meet again soon.’

‘We have just been given vouchers for Almack’s next week,’ Mrs Hunter said, looking rather like the cat that has stolen the cream. ‘I believe you attend sometimes, sir?’

‘Yes, I do,’ he said and inclined his head. ‘But I dare say we shall meet everywhere, Mrs Hunter.’

She watched as he walked away from them, her eyes glowing as she looked back at Sarah. ‘That means we shall be invited everywhere. Mark my words, Sarah, the invitations will pour in now.’
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