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Hostage Bride

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As memories of his dead wife stirred, his expression hardened and he averted his gaze. The woman was lovely but she could never be anything to him. The memory of that night when he’d found the family home burned to the ground and his wife’s body lying in the yard was so strong and so sharp that he actually felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

Raphael realised that he had been staring at the English knight’s party without really seeing them. The women were being taken belowdecks now. Raphael felt a sudden sense of loss. He did not even know her name—the woman with the plait—yet it could not matter. They would never meet again. As her turn came to go below, she looked back and he sensed that she was searching for him. For a brief moment a smile touched her mouth, almost as if she knew him. Once again he felt that she wanted to speak to him, perhaps to ask for help, then her companion spoke to her and she walked onto the ship and was lost to his view.

Raphael crushed the urge to go after her, sweep her up and carry her off with him. For a moment he had seen something in her that he’d believed long forgotten, the spirit and joy he’d felt when he had first set out for the Crusades. No, that was ridiculous. She was nothing to him and never could be. He had built up a barrier, shutting out the pain of grief and loss. To allow softer feelings in would be to relive the pain that had almost destroyed him.

As he remounted his horse, Raphael put the red-haired woman from his mind. She was lovely, but he would not seek beauty or sweetness again. If he married for a second time it would be purely to get himself an heir.

‘What are you thinking of?’ Angelina’s sharp voice cut into Rosamunde’s thoughts. ‘I was speaking to you, cousin. Why did you not answer me?’

‘Forgive me. I did not hear you, cousin. What was it you wished me to do for you?’

‘I have a headache,’ Angelina said. ‘There must be something in my baggage to ease it. You are skilled with herbs—pray attend to it this instant.’

‘Yes, cousin,’ Rosamunde said. ‘I am sorry that you are feeling unwell. I shall make a soothing drink for you at once.’

Leaving her cousin to harangue her maid, Rosamunde went to find the herbs and beg some water from the ship’s quartermaster. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she had not heard Angelina speaking to her. The knight who had saved her from a tumble and then had stared at her—surely it could not be Raphael?

No, she was letting her imagination run away with her. The youth she’d remembered all these years had had such a merry smile, but this man looked harsh—and weighed down with sorrow.

She had been tempted to beg for his help but then, as she had seen him frown, had known she must be mistaken. He could not be the young knight she had met so many years before at her father’s castle. And even if he was, he had not known her. True, he had stared at her, but even when he had touched her there had been no recognition in his eyes.

This knight was a stranger and she had not dared to approach him for help. She must simply wait for her chance to slip away to her father’s house.

Chapter Two

‘I am not sure I understand you, cousin.’ Despite having overheard her cousin plotting with Sir Thomas, Rosamunde still found it difficult to believe that Angelina intended to go through with what she had just told her. ‘You wish me to lie to Lord Mornay—to pretend to be you. Why would you expect me to do such a thing?’

‘Because the ransom must be paid,’ Angelina said, a flash of temper in her eyes. ‘If I take it myself, Lord Mornay might decide he wants me as well as the money. He will accept it from you. You are not beautiful enough to arouse his interest and he is bound to let you go. Just give him the gold and then you may go home. I will give you fifty talents as your dowry, as I promised—though whether anyone will marry you for that sum I do not know.’

‘What makes you think Lord Mornay wishes to wed you? Does he know you?’

‘No, of course not. If he did I could not send you in my place,’ Angelina replied. ‘It was a condition of the ransom that I must take the gold myself—but Sir Thomas wants me to go to his home where we shall be married. After all, what can it matter to you? You have no prospect of marriage, even if I give you the money.’

‘No, but he may discover the truth and then he might refuse to release Count Torrs. Do you not think you should do as Lord Mornay demands?’

‘No, I shall not,’ Angelina said sulkily. ‘You must do this for me, Rosamunde. It is not so very much to ask considering what your father owes mine. If you oblige me, the debt will be cancelled. If you refuse, I shall ask for it to be repaid at once.’

Rosamunde felt coldness at her nape. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. ‘I did not know my father owed yours money.’

‘Why else would he send you to me? You were to serve me until the debt was paid—but if you will not oblige me I shall send you home and demand payment at once.’

She was lying! Surely she was lying? Rosamunde could not believe that her father owed so much money to his brother-in-law and had not told her. If it were true, it would make her little better than a bondswoman.

‘My father never spoke of his debt. You said I could see him when we pass my home. I beg you to allow me to speak with him before I give you my answer.’

‘Are you accusing me of lying?’ Angelina glared at her furiously.

‘I am not accusing you of anything—but I must speak to my father before I give you my promise.’

‘If he agrees there is a debt, will you do as I ask?’

‘If I do, the debt will be paid?’

Rosamunde felt as if she were suffocating. She had meant to escape from her cousin and beg her father’s protection, but if he owed his brother-in-law a great deal of money she was honour-bound to serve her cousin in whatever way she demanded. Indeed, she would be a bondservant and tied to Angelina until the other woman gave her leave to go. Serving her cousin as one of her ladies was one thing but to be bonded through a debt was very different.

‘Yes, of course. Have I not said so?’

‘Then I shall do what you want—providing my father admits there is a debt,’ Rosamunde reiterated.

Angelina glanced at Sir Thomas. He inclined his head and she did the same.

‘You may see your father—but remember that he is old and sick and his mind may play tricks on him. However, I have a deed that proves he owes my father more than he could ever pay.’

‘May I see it?’

‘Yes, if you wish.’ Angelina turned to Sir Thomas. He handed her a small wooden coffer bound with iron. She lifted the lid and took out a roll of parchment, handing it to Rosamunde. ‘There, look at the signature on the bottom—is that not your father’s?’

Rosamunde looked and her heart sank. It was indeed her father’s hand and the sum of money mentioned was five-hundred gold talents, far more than his land and keep were worth.

‘Yes, this is my father’s hand,’ she said, her throat dry. ‘It seems you have proof. However, I still wish to see my father.’

‘Remember what I’ve told you. If you refuse me, I shall demand payment of the debt.’

Rosamunde returned the parchment. Her eyes pricked with tears she refused to shed. ‘I shall visit my father and then I will give you my answer.’

‘Your father lies on his bed sick to the heart,’ Maire told her when she kissed her old nurse and asked for him. ‘We’ve done our best to care for him, my lady, but he eats hardly anything and will not leave his bed.’

‘I shall go up to his chamber and see him,’ Rosamunde said. ‘If he is truly ill, we must have the physician.’

‘There’s no money for such things. I bought a cure in the village from the wise woman but he refused to take it. ‘Tis my belief that he wants to die.’

Rosamunde nodded, her throat tight with tears. It seemed that her father’s financial situation had not improved while she had been away, but at least he still had a bed to lie on. If Angelina demanded the return of the loan, he would be forced to lie under the hedgerow. How long would he live then?

She saw the signs of neglect everywhere. The servants might care for her father but no repairs had been done. The yard had not been swept and it looked as though no one had changed the rushes in weeks.

The room was dark and smelled of stale urine when she entered. Rosamunde felt angry. The servants had little enough to do; they could at least keep her father clean and his room smelling sweet.

‘Who is it?’ he asked as she approached the bed. ‘I want nothing. Leave me be. How many times must I tell you to leave me in peace?’

‘It is I, Father,’ Rosamunde replied. ‘Angelina has returned to England and she gave me permission to visit you while she rests at the inn this night.’

‘Rosamunde?’ His eyes opened and he looked at her. ‘You should not be here. There is nothing left for you, child. I have wasted my fortune and there is nothing but debt. Make your life elsewhere and leave me to die.’

‘I do not wish you to die, Father. Before I leave I shall see to your bed and have the room cleaned.’

Her father pushed himself up against the pillows, looking at her warily. ‘If you’ve come to me for money I’ve none to give you. I can hardly feed the servants, let alone pay my taxes. Next time Prince John’s collector comes, he will take what little we have left, but I shall not see it. I shall be in my grave.’

‘Are you in pain, Father?’ Rosamunde bent to plump up his pillows. He shook his head. ‘Then you should try to get up and come down for your supper. It will be easier for the servants to clean if you are not here.’
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