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The Desert King's Captive Bride

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Huseyn stared into Ghizlan’s flushed face. There was no mistaking the bloodlust in her burning eyes. If looks could kill he’d be six feet under.

Who’d have thought she had it in her to take him on?

His respect for her rose. Every minute in her presence she intrigued him more. The combination of ice and fire. The loyalty to and sense of responsibility for those who served her was unexpected too. His image of a self-absorbed socialite was fading fast.

But most of all, her courage amazed him. Huseyn knew grown men, trained soldiers, who’d retreat rather than fight him.

Heat scored his cheek where she’d made contact. Selim would laugh himself sick if he discovered an untrained woman had got past Huseyn’s guard.

Serve you right for goading her. For expecting her to agree and make this easy. Since when has life been easy?

He’d had no compunction about threatening to marry Mina, in order to convince Ghizlan. This marriage was the key to success. He’d do whatever it took to keep his people safe.

But he’d been crass, acting like the sort of voluptuary he despised, as if he really wanted a teenager in his bed!

What was it about Ghizlan that made him sink so low? That made him taunt her again and again? He was no schoolboy, teasing a pretty girl to get her attention. This was about the fate of the nation, not some petty struggle for points.

Her eyes were over-bright—not with tears but fury. Her breasts thrust high with each panting breath and a shot of pure lust hit his belly, arrowing to his groin.

He wanted her. Like this. Full of fire and passion. Full of spark and spirit.

His fist closed more firmly around hers as he felt himself harden.

He wanted—

She winced, white teeth baring as she frowned. An instant later her face smoothed of expression.

That’s when Huseyn realised how hard he gripped her hand. Instantly he released her, fingers spreading wide.

‘My apologies. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’

Perfect eyebrows arched on that fine forehead. ‘You apologise for that but not for your threat to marry my little sister?’

Huseyn shrugged. Now he’d embarked on this course he had to follow through. ‘Marriage to one of you will secure the throne quickly so I can protect Jeirut. It will ease tensions with other factions by providing a link to your father’s rule. It’s immaterial to me whether I marry you or your sister.’

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