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The Works of Aphra Behn

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Love from a Cloud breaks like the God of Day,
And to the World his Glories does display;
To gaze on charming Eyes, and make ’em know,
What to soft Hearts, and to his Power they owe.

The Pride of Don Alvaro was soon humbled at the feet of the Prince of Portugal, who threw him against the Ground, with twenty others, and carry’d alone the Glory of the Day. There was in the Evening a noble Assembly at Constantia’s, where Agnes would not have been, unless expresly commanded by the Princess. She appear’d there all negligent and careless in her Dress, but yet she appear’d all beautiful and charming. She saw, with disdain, her Name, and her Colours, worn by Don Alvaro, at a publick Triumph; and if her Heart was capable of any tender Motions, it was not for such a Man as he for whom her Delicacy destin’d them: She look’d on him with a Contempt, which did not hinder him from pressing so near, that there was a necessity for her to hear what he had to declare to her.

She treated him not uncivilly, but her Coldness would have rebated the Courage of any but Alvaro. ‘Madam, said he, (when he could be heard of none but herself) I have hitherto concealed the Passion you have inspired me with, fearing it should displease you; but it has committed a Violence on my Respect; and I could no longer conceal it from you. I never reflected on your Actions (answer’d Agnes with all the Indifference of which she was capable) and if you think you offend me, you are in the wrong to make me perceive it. This Coldness is but an ill Omen for me (reply’d Don Alvaro) and if you have not found me out to be your Lover to-day, I fear you will never approve my Passion.’

‘Oh! what a time have you chosen to make it appear to me? (pursued Agnes.) Is it so great an Honour for me, that you must take such care to shew it to the World? And do you think that I am so desirous of Glory, that I must aspire to it by your Actions? If I must, you have very ill maintain’d it in the Tournament; and if it be that Vanity that you depend upon, you will make no great progress on a Soul that is not fond of Shame. If you were possest of all the Advantages, which the Prince has this day carried away, you yet ought to consider what you are going about; and it is not a Maid like me, who is touched with Enterprizes, without respect or permission.’

The Favourite of the King was too proud to hear Agnes, without Indignation: but as he was willing to conceal it, and not offend her, he made not his Resentment appear; and considering the Observation she made on the Triumphs of Don Pedro, (which increased his Jealousies) ‘If I have not overcome at the Tournament, reply’d he, I am not the less in love for being vanquish’d, nor less capable of Success on occasion.’

They were interrupted here, but from that day, Don Alvaro, who had open’d the first Difficulties, kept no more his wonted Distance, but perpetually persecuted Agnes; yet, tho’ he were protected by the King, that inspir’d in her never the more Consideration for him. Don Pedro was always ignorant by what means the Verses he had lost in the Garden, fell into the hands of Constantia. As the Princess appeared to him indulgent, he was only concerned for Agnes; and the love of Don Alvaro, which was then so well known, increas’d the Pain: and had he been possess’d of the Authority, he would not have suffer’d her to have been expos’d to the Persecutions of so unworthy a Rival. He was also afraid of the King’s being advertised of his Passion, but he thought not at all of Elvira, nor apprehended any Malice from her Resentment.

While she burnt with a Desire of destroying Agnes, against whom she vented all her Venom, she was never weary of making new Reports to her Brother, assuring him, that tho’ they could not prove that Agnes made any returns to the Tenderness of the Prince, yet that was the Cause of Constantia’s Grief: And, that if this Princess should die of it, Don Pedro might marry Agnes. In fine, she so incens’d the jealous Don Alvaro’s Jealousy, that he could not hinder himself from running immediately to the King, with the discovery of all he knew, and all he guest, and who, he had the pleasure to find, was infinitely inrag’d at the News. ‘My dear Alvaro, said the King, you shall instantly marry this dangerous Beauty: And let Possession assure your Repose and mine. If I have protected you on other Occasions, judge what a Service of so great an Importance for me, would make me undertake; and without any reserve, the Forces of this State are in your power, and almost any thing that I can give shall be assured you, so you render your self Master of the Destiny of Agnes.’

Don Alvaro pleas’d, and vain with his Master’s Bounty, made use of all the Authority he gave him: He passionately lov’d Agnes, and would not, on the sudden, make use of Violence; but resolv’d with himself to employ all possible Means to win her fairly; yet if that fail’d, to have recourse to force, if she continued always insensible.

While Agnes de Castro (importun’d by his Assiduities, despairing at the Grief of Constantia, and perhaps made tender by those she had caus’d in the Prince of Portugal) took a Resolution worthy of her Virtue; yet, amiable as Don Pedro was, she found nothing in him, but his being Husband to Constantia, that was dear to her: And, far from encouraging the Power she had got over his Heart, she thought of nothing but of removing from Coimbra. The Passion of Don Alvaro, which she had no inclination to favour, served her as a Pretext; and press’d with the fear of causing, in the end, a cruel Divorce between the Prince and his Princess, she went to find Constantia, with a trouble, which all her Care was not able to hide from her.

The Princess easily found it out; and their common Misfortunes having not chang’d their Friendship – ‘What ails you, Agnes? (said the Princess to her, in a soft Tone, and with her ordinary Sweetness) And what new Misfortune causes that sadness in thy Looks? Madam (reply’d Agnes, shedding a Rivulet of Tears) the Obligations and Ties I have to you, put me upon a cruel Tryal; I had bounded the Felicity of my Life in hope of passing it near your Highness, yet I must carry to some other part of the World this unlucky Face of mine, which renders me nothing but ill Offices: And it is to obtain that Liberty, that I am come to throw my self at your feet; looking upon you as my Sovereign.’

Constantia was so surpriz’d and touch’d with the Proposition of Agnes, that she lost her Speech for some moments; Tears, which were sincere, express’d her first Sentiments: And after having shed abundance, to give a new mark of her Tenderness to the fair afflicted Agnes, she with a sad and melancholy Look, fix’d her Eyes upon her, and holding out her Hand to her, in a most obliging manner, sighing, cry’d – ‘You will then, my dear Agnes, leave me; and expose me to the Griefs of seeing you no more? Alas, Madam, (interrupted this lovely Maid) hide from the unhappy Agnes a Bounty which does but increase her Misfortunes: It is not I, Madam, that would leave you; it is my Duty, and my Reason that orders my Fate. And those Days which I shall pass far from you, promise me nothing to oblige me to this Design, if I did not see my self absolutely forc’d to it. I am not ignorant of what passes at Coimbra; and I shall be an Accomplice of the Injustice there committed, if I should stay there any longer. – Ah, I know your Virtue, (cry’d Constantia) and you may remain here in all safety, while I am your Protectress; and let what will happen, I will accuse you of nothing. There’s no answering for what’s to come, (reply’d Agnes, sadly) and I shall be sufficiently guilty, if my Presence cause Sentiments, which cannot be innocent. Besides, Madam, the Importunities of Don Alvaro are insupportable to me; and tho’ I find nothing but Aversion to him, since the King protects his Insolence, and he’s in a condition of undertaking any thing, my Flight is absolutely necessary. But, Madam, tho’ he has nothing but what seems odious to me; I call Heaven to witness, that if I could cure the Prince by marrying Don Alvaro, I would not consider of it a moment; and finding in my Punishment the Consolation of sacrificing my self to my Princess, I would support it without murmuring. But if I were the Wife of Don Alvaro, Don Pedro would always look upon me with the same Eyes: So that I find nothing more reasonable for me, than to hide my self in some Corner of the World; where, tho’ I shall most certainly live without Pleasure, yet I shall preserve the Repose of my dearest Mistress. All the Reason you find in this Design, (answered the Princess) cannot oblige me to approve of your Absence: Will it restore me the Heart of Don Pedro? And will he not fly away with you? His Grief is mine, and my Life is ty’d to his; do not make him despair then, if you love me. I know you, I tell you so once more; and let your Power be ever so great over the Heart of the Prince, I will not suffer you to abandon us.’

Tho’ Agnes thought she had perfectly known Constantia, yet she did not expect to find so intire a Virtue in her, which made her think her self more happy, and the Prince more criminal. ‘Oh, Wisdom! Oh, Bounty without Example! (cry’d she) Why is it, that the cruel Destinies do not give you all you deserve? You are the disposer of my Actions, (continued she in kissing the Hand of Constantia) I’ll do nothing but what you’ll have me: But consider, and weigh well the Reasons that ought to counsel you in the Measures you oblige me to take.’

Don Pedro, who had not seen the Princess all that day, came in then, and finding ’em both extremely troubled, with a fierce Impatience, demanded the Cause: ‘Sir, answered Constantia, Agnes too wise, and too scrupulous, fears the Effects of her Beauty, and will live no longer at Coimbra; and it was on this Subject, (which cannot be agreeable to me) that she ask’d my Advice.’ The Prince grew pale at this Discourse, and snatching the Words from her Mouth (with more concern than possest either of them) cry’d with a Voice very feeble, ‘Agnes cannot fail if she follow your Counsel, Madam: and I leave you full liberty to give it her.’ He then immediately went out, and the Princess, whose Heart he perfectly possest, not being able to hide her Displeasure, said, ‘My dear Agnes, if my Satisfaction did not only depend on your Conversation, I should desire it of you, for Don Pedro’s sake; it is the only Advantage that his unfortunate Love can hope: And would not the World have reason to call me barbarous, if I contribute to deprive him of that? But the sight of me will prove a Poison to him – (reply’d Agnes) And what should I do, my Princess, if after the Reserve he has hitherto kept, his Mouth should add anything to the Torments I have already felt, by speaking to me of his Flame? You would hear him sure, without causing him to despair, (reply’d Constantia) and I should put this Obligation to the account of the rest you have done. Would you then have me expect those Events which I fear, Madam? (reply’d Agnes) Well – I will obey, but just Heaven (pursued she) if they prove fatal, do not punish an innocent Heart for it.’ Thus this Conversation ended. Agnes withdrew into her Chamber, but it was not to be more at ease.

What Don Pedro had learn’d of the Design of Agnes, caus’d a cruel Agitation in his Soul; he wished he had never loved her, and desir’d a thousand times to die: But it was not for him to make Vows against a thing which Fate had design’d him; and whatever Resolutions he made, to bear the Absence of Agnes, his Tenderness had not force enough to consent to it.

After having, for a long time, combated with himself, he determined to do what was impossible for him to let Agnes do. His Courage reproach’d him with the Idleness, in which he past the most youthful and vigorous part of his Days: and making it appear to the King, that his Allies, and even the Prince Don John Emanuel, his Father-in-law, had concerns in the World which demanded his Presence on the Frontiers, he easily obtain’d Liberty to make this Journey, to which the Princess would put no Obstacle.

Agnes saw him part without any Concern, but it was not upon the account of any Aversion she had to him. Don Alvaro began then to make his Importunity an open Persecution; he forgot nothing that might touch the insensible Agnes, and made use, a long time, only of the Arms of Love: But seeing that this Submission and Respect was to no purpose, he form’d strange Designs.

As the King had a deference for all his Counsels, it was not difficult to inspire him with what he had a mind to: He complain’d of the ungrateful Agnes, and forgot nothing that might make him perceive that she was not cruel to him on his account, but from the too much Sensibility she had for the Prince. The King, who was extreme angry at this, reiterated all the Promises he had made him.

The King had not yet spoken to Agnes in favour of Don Alvaro; and not doubting but his Approbation would surmount all Obstacles, he took an occasion to entertain her with it: And removing some distance from those who might hear him, ‘I thought Don Alvaro had Merit enough (said he to her) to have obtained a little share in your Esteem; and I could not imagine there would have been any necessity of my solliciting it for him: I know you are very charming, but he has nothing that renders him unworthy of you; and when you shall reflect on the Choice my Friendship has made of him from among all the great Men of my Court, you will do him at the same time Justice. His Fortune is none of the meanest, since he has me for his Protector: He is nobly born, a Man of Honour and Courage: he adores you, and it seems to me that all these Reasons are sufficient to vanquish your Pride.’

The Heart of Agnes was so little disposed to give it self to Don Alvaro, that all the King of Portugal had said had no effect on her in his favour. ‘If Don Alvaro, Sir, (answered she) were without Merit, he possesses Advantages enough in the Bounty your Majesty is pleased to honour him with, to make him Master of all things, it is not that I find any Defect in him that I answer not his Desires: But, Sir, by what obstinate Power would you that I should love, if Heaven has not given me a Soul that is tender? And why should you pretend that I should submit to him, when nothing is dearer to me than my liberty? You are not so free, nor so insensible, as you say, (answer’d the King, blushing with Anger;) and if your Heart were exempt from all sorts of Affection, he might expect a more reasonable Return than what he finds. But imprudent Maid, conducted by an ill Fate, (added he in fury) what Pretensions have you to Don Pedro? Hitherto I have hid the Chagrin, which his Weakness, and yours give me; but it was not the less violent for being hid. And since you oblige me to break out, I must tell you, that if my Son were not already married to Constantia, he should never be your Husband; renounce then those vain Ideas, which will cure him, and justify you.’

The courageous Agnes was scarce Mistress of the first Transports, at a Discourse so full of Contempt; but calling her Virtue to the aid of her Anger, she recover’d herself by the assistance of Reason: And considering the Outrage she receiv’d, not as coming from a great King, but a Man blinded and possest by Don Alvaro, she thought him not worthy of her Resentment; her fair Eyes animated themselves with so shining a vivacity, they answer’d for the purity of her Sentiments; and fixing them steadfastly on the King, ‘If the Prince Don Pedro have Weaknesses, (reply’d she, with an Air disdainful) he never communicated ’em to me; and I am certain, I never contributed wilfully to ’em: But to let you see how little I regard your Defiance, and to put my Glory in safety, I will live far from you, and all that belongs to you: Yes, Sir, I will quit Coimbra with pleasure; and for this Man, who is so dear to you, (answer’d she with a noble Pride and Fierceness, of which the King felt all the force) for this Favourite, so worthy to possess the most tender Affections of a great Prince, I assure you, that into whatever part of the World Fortune conducts me, I will not carry away the least Remembrance of him.’ At these words she made a profound Reverence, and made such haste from his Presence, that he could not oppose her going if he would.

The King was now more strongly convinc’d than ever, that she favour’d the Passion of Don Pedro, and immediately went to Constantia, to inspire her with the same Thought; but she was not capable of receiving such Impressions, and following her own natural Inclinations, she generously defended the Virtue of his Actions. The King, angry to see her so well intentioned to her Rival, whom he would have had her hated, reproached her with the sweetness of her Temper, and went thence to mix his Anger with Don Alvaro’s Rage, who was totally confounded when he saw the Negotiation of his Master had taken no effect. The haughty Maid braves me then, Sir, said he to the King, and despises the Honour which your Bounty offered her! Why cannot I resist so fatal a Passion? But I must love her, in spite of my self; and if this Flame consume me, I can find no way to extinguish it. What can I further do for you, replied the King? Alas, Sir, answered Don Alvaro, I must do by force, what I cannot otherwise hope from the proud and cruel Agnes. Well then, added the King, since it is not fit for me to authorize publickly a Violence in the midst of my Kingdom, chuse those of my Subjects whom you think most capable of serving you, and take away by force the Beauty that charms you; and if she do not yield to your Love, put that Power you are Master of in execution, to oblige her to marry you.

Don Alvaro, ravish’d with this Proposition, which at the same time flatter’d both his Love and his Anger, cast himself at the Feet of the King, and renewed his Acknowledgments by fresh Protestations, and thought of nothing but employing his unjust Authority against Agnes.

Don Pedro had been about three Months absent, when Alvaro undertook what the King counselled him to; tho’ the Moderation was known to him, yet he feared his Presence, and would not attend the return of a Rival, with whom he would avoid all Disputes.

One Night, when the said Agnes, full of her ordinary Inquietudes, in vain expected the God of Sleep, she heard a Noise, and after saw some Men unknown enter her Chamber, whose Measures being well consulted, they carried her out of the Palace, and putting her in a close Coach, forced her out of Coimbra, without being hinder’d by any Obstacle. She knew not of whom to complain, nor whom to suspect: Don Alvaro seem’d too puissant to seek his Satisfaction this way; and she accus’d not the Prince of this attempt, of whom she had so favourable an Opinion: whatever she could think or say, she could not hinder her ill Fortune: They hurried her on with diligence, and before it was Day, were a considerable way off from the Town.

As soon as Day began to break, she surveyed those that encompassed her, without so much as knowing one of them; and seeing that her Cries and Prayers were all in vain with these deaf Ravishers, she satisfied her self with imploring the Protection of Heaven, and abandon’d herself to its Conduct.

While she sat thus overwhelmed with Grief, uncertain of her Destiny, she saw a Body of Horse advance towards the Troop which conducted her: the Ravishers did not shun them, thinking it to be Don Alvaro: but when he approached more near, they found it was the Prince of Portugal who was at the head of ’em, and who, without foreseeing the occasion that would offer it self of serving Agnes, was returning to Coimbra full of her Idea, after having performed what he ought in this Expedition.

Agnes, who did not expect him, changed now her Opinion, and thought that it was the Prince that had caused her to be stolen away. ‘Oh, Sir! (said she to him, having still the same Thought) is it you that have torn me from the Princess? And could so cruel a Blow come from a Hand that is so dear to her? What will you do with an unfortunate Creature, who desires nothing but Death? And why will you obscure the Glory of your Life, by an Artifice unworthy of you?’ This Language astonish’d the Prince no less than the sight of Agnes had done; he found by what she had said, that she was taken away by force; and immediately passing to the height of Rage, he made her understand by one only Look, that he was not the base Author of her trouble. ‘I tear you from Constantia, whose only Pleasure you are! replied he: What Opinion have you of Don Pedro? No, Madam, tho’ you see me here, I am altogether innocent of the Violence that has been done you; and there is nothing I will refuse to hinder it.’ He then turned himself to behold the Ravishers, but his Presence had already scatter’d ’em, he order’d some of his Men to pursue ’em, and to seize some of ’em, that he might know what Authority it was that set ’em at work.

During this, Agnes was no less confus’d than before; she admir’d the Conduct of her Destiny, that brought the Prince at a time when he was so necessary to her. Her Inclinations to do him justice, soon repair’d the Offence her Suspicions had caus’d; she was glad to have escap’d a Misfortune, which appear’d certain to her: but this was not a sincere Joy, when she consider’d that her Lover was her Deliverer, and a Lover worthy of all her Acknowledgments, but who owed his Heart to the most amiable Princess in the World.

While the Prince’s Men were pursuing the Ravishers of Agnes, he was left almost alone with her; and tho’ he had always resolv’d to shun being so, yet his Constancy was not proof against so fair an Occasion: ‘Madam, said he to her, is it possible that Men born amongst those that obey us, should be capable of offending you? I never thought my self destin’d to revenge such an Offence; but since Heaven has permitted you to receive it, I will either perish or make them repent it.’ ‘Sir, replied Agnes, more concern’d at this Discourse than at the Enterprize of Don Alvaro, those who are wanting in their respect to the Princess and you, are not obliged to have any for me. I do not in the least doubt that Don Alvaro was the undertaker of this Enterprize; and I judged what I ought to fear from him, by what his Importunities have already made me suffer. He is sure of the King’s Protection, and he will make him an Accomplice in his Crime: but, Sir, Heaven conducted you hither happily for me, and I am indebted to you for the liberty I have of serving the Princess yet longer.’ ‘You will do for Constantia, replied the Prince, what ’tis impossible not to do for you; your Goodness attaches you to her, and my Destiny engages me to you for ever.’

The modest Agnes, who fear’d this Discourse as much as the Misfortune she had newly shunned, answer’d nothing but by down-cast Eyes; and the Prince, who knew the trouble she was in, left her to go to speak to his Men, who brought back one of those that belong’d to Don Alvaro, by whose Confession he found the truth: He pardon’d him, thinking not fit to punish him, who obey’d a Man whom the Weakness of his Father had render’d powerful.

Afterwards they conducted Agnes back to Coimbra, where her Adventure began to make a great Noise: the Princess was ready to die with Despair, and at first thought it was only a continuation of the design this fair Maid had of retiring; but some Women that served her having told the Princess, that she was carried away by Violence, Constantia made her Complaint to the King, who regarded her not at all.

‘Madam, said he to her, let this fatal Plague remove it self, who takes from you the Heart of your Husband; and without afflicting your self for her absence, bless Heaven and me for it.’

The generous Princess took Agnes’s part with a great deal of Courage, and was then disputing her defence with the King, when Don Pedro arrived at Coimbra.

The first Object that met the Prince’s Eyes was Don Alvaro, who was passing thro’ one of the Courts of the Palace, amidst a Croud of Courtiers, whom his Favour with the King drew after him. This sight made Don Pedro rage; but that of the Princess and Agnes caus’d in Alvaro another sort of Emotion: He easily divin’d, that it was Don Pedro, who had taken her from his Men, and, if his Fury had acted what it would, it might have produc’d very sad effects.

‘Don Alvaro, said the Prince to him, is it thus you make use of the Authority which the King my Father hath given you? Have you receiv’d Employments and Power from him, for no other end but to do these base Actions, and to commit Rapes on Ladies? Are you ignorant how the Princess interests her self in all that concerns this Maid? And do you not know the tender and affectionate Esteem she has for her.’ No, replied Don Alvaro, (with an Insolence that had like to have put the Prince past all patience) ‘I am not ignorant of it, nor of the Interest your Heart takes in her.’ ‘Base and treacherous as thou art, replied the Prince, neither the Favour which thou hast so much abused, nor the Insolence which makes thee speak this, should hinder me from punishing thee, wert thou worthy of my Sword; but there are other ways to humble thy Pride, and ’tis not fit for such an Arm as mine to seek so base an Employment to punish such a Slave as thou art.’

Don Pedro went away at these Words, and left Alvaro in a Rage, which is not to be express’d; despairing to see himself defeated in an Enterprize he thought so sure; and at the Contempt the Prince shewed him, he promis’d himself to sacrifice all to his Revenge.

Tho’ the King lov’d his Son, he was so prepossessed against his Passion, that he could not pardon him what he had done, and condemn’d him as much for this last act of Justice, in delivering Agnes, as if it had been the greatest of Crimes.

Elvira, whom the sweetness of Hope flatter’d some moments, saw the return of Agnes with a sensible Displeasure, which suffer’d her to think of nothing but irritating her Brother.

In fine, the Prince saw the King, but instead of being receiv’d by him with a Joy due to the success of his Journey, he appear’d all sullen and out of humour. After having paid him his first Respects, and given him an exact account of what he had done, he spoke to him about the Violence committed against the Person of Agnes de Castro, and complain’d to him of it in the Name of the Princess, and of his own: ‘You ought to be silent in this Affair, replied the King; and the Motive which makes you speak is so shameful for you, that I sigh and blush at it. What is it to you, if this Maid, whose Presence is troublesome to me, be removed hence, since ’tis I that desire it?’ ‘But, Sir, interrupted the Prince, what necessity is there of employing Force, Artifice, and the Night, when the least of your Orders had been sufficient? Agnes would willingly have obey’d you; and if she continue at Coimbra, it is perhaps against her Will: but be it as it will, Sir, Constantia is offended, and if were not for fear of displeasing you, (the only thing that retains me) the Ravisher should not have gone unpunished.’ ‘How happy are you, replied the King, smiling with disdain, in making use of the Name of Constantia to uphold the Interest of your Heart! You think I am ignorant of it, and that this unhappy Princess looks on the Injury you do her with Indifference. Never speak to me more of Agnes, (with a Tone very severe.) Content your self, that I pardon what’s past, and think maturely of the Considerations I have for Don Alvaro, when you would design any thing against him.’ ‘Yes, Sir, replied the Prince with fierceness, I will speak to you no more of Agnes; but Constantia and I will never suffer, that she should be any more expos’d to the Insolence of your Favourite.’ The King had like to have broke out into a Rage at this Discourse: but he had yet a rest of Prudence left that hinder’d him. ‘Retire (said he to Don Pedro) and go make Reflections on what my Power can do, and what you owe me.’

During this Conversation, Agnes was receiving from the Princess, and from all the Ladies of the Court, great Expressions of Joy and Friendship: Constantia saw again her Husband, with a great deal of satisfaction: and far from being sorry at what he had lately done for Agnes, she privately return’d him thanks for it, and still was the same towards him, notwithstanding all the Jealousy which was endeavour’d to be inspir’d in her.

Don Alvaro, who found in his Sister a Maliciousness worthy of his trust, did not conceal his Fury from her. After she had made vain attempts to moderate it, in blotting Agnes out of his Heart, seeing that his Disease was incurable, she made him understand, that so long as Constantia should not be jealous, there were no hopes: That if Agnes should once be suspected by her, she would not fail of abandoning her, and that then it would be easy to get Satisfaction, the Prince being now so proud of Constantia’s Indulgency. In giving this Advice to her Brother, she promis’d to serve him effectually; and having no need of any body but her self to perform ill things, she recommended Don Alvaro to manage well the King.

Four Years were pass’d in that melancholy Station, and the Princess, besides her first dead Child, and Ferdinando, who was still living, had brought two Daughters into the World.

Some days after Don Pedro’s return, Elvira, who was most dextrous in the Art of well-governing any wicked Design, did gain one of the Servants who belong’d to Constantia’s Chamber. She first spoke her fair, then overwhelm’d her with Presents and Gifts; and finding in her as ill a Disposition as in her self, she readily resolv’d to employ her.

After she was sure of her, she compos’d a Letter, which was after writ over again in an unknown Hand, which she deposited in that Maid’s Hands, that she might deliver to Constantia with the first Opportunity, telling her, that Agnes had drop’d it. This was the Substance of it:

I Employ not my own Hand to write to you, for Reasons that I shall acquaint you with. How happy am I to have overcome all your Scruples! And what Happiness shall I find in the Progress of our Intrigue! The whole Course of my Life shall continually represent to you the Sincerity of my Affections; pray think on the secret Conversation that I require of you: I dare not speak to you in publick, therefore let me conjure you here, by all that I have suffer’d, to come to-night to the Place appointed, and speak to me no more of Constantia; for she must be content with my Esteem, since my Heart can be only yours.

The unfaithful Portuguese serv’d Elvira exactly to her Desires; and the very next day seeing Agnes go out from the Princess, she carry’d Constantia the Letter; which she took, and found there what she was far from imagining: Tenderness never produc’d an Effect more full of grief, than what it made her suffer. ‘Alas! they are both culpable, (said she, sighing) and in spite of the Defence my Heart would make for ’em, my Reason condemns ’em. Unhappy Princess, the sad subject of the Capriciousness of Fortune! Why dost not thou die, since thou hast not a Heart of Honour to revenge it self? O Don Pedro! why did you give me your Hand, without your Heart? And thou, fair, and ungrateful! wert thou born to be the Misfortune of my Life, and perhaps the only cause of my Death?’ After having given some Moments to the Violence of her Grief, she called the Maid, who brought her the Letter, commanding her to speak of it to no body, and to suffer no one to enter into her Chamber.

She consider’d then of that Prince with more liberty, whose Soul she was not able to touch with the least Tenderness; and of the cruel Fair One that had betray’d her: Yet, even while her Soul was upon the Rack, she was willing to excuse ’em, and ready to do all she could for Don Pedro; at least, she made a firm Resolution, not to complain of him.

Elvira was not long without being inform’d of what had pass’d, nor of the Melancholy of the Princess, from whom she hop’d all she desir’d.

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