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Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic

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Fish’s buddies laughed at this, too. Fish scowled at Diego and made a circular motion, with his finger pointing at the ground. Turn around and walk away. He then raised his thumb to his throat and made a long, slow, cutting motion.

It was all Diego could do to keep his cool. Not even two years ago, they’d been friends, and Fish had even come by the workshop sometimes. Now he was well on his way to being a Time-separatist thug.

“D,” Petey said from a few steps behind him. “Come on.”

Diego tried to swallow his anger. But before he turned away, he held up a hand to his ear, then with the other hand pretended to be turning up the volume dial on a radio. He moved his hand away from his ear and slowly raised his middle finger in time to the dial spinning.

Fish shoved his hands in his pockets, his face so red it looked like he might boil over.

“Why would you do that?” Petey asked as they hurried to catch the girls. “I really don’t want a busted jaw, or worse. You know those guys have roughed kids up, bad.”

“He needs to know that not everyone is afraid of him,” Diego said.

“But I am afraid of him,” Petey said. “I’m sore at him for turning on us as much as you are, but we can’t do anything about it.”

“They shouldn’t act like that toward a girl,” Diego said.

“You two speak for yourselves,” Paige said as they caught up. “Them hoods wouldn’t dare mess with me, or they know what they’d get.”

“Yes,” Lucy said, “we don’t need seventh-grade bodyguards, if you please. We can handle ourselves.”

“Fine,” Diego said.

Petey said, “There’s the service entrance.” He pointed to a door with a keypad lock. “Right, D?”

“Yeah.” Diego led them to the door. He punched in the code.

The door didn’t move.

“I thought you said you had this?” Paige asked. “Or is this just more of your bull?”

“No.” Diego typed in the code again. He’d gone over it in his head. This was definitely it.

Still nothing.

Lucy huffed. “What a bore.”

“Try it slower,” Petey said, “in case the buttons are sticking, or a number isn’t registering.” He gazed back over his shoulder. “But, you know, hurry. Mr. Nelson could come by any second.”

Diego typed the numbers again, and when the door still didn’t budge, he slammed it with his palm.

“Knew you were all talk,” Paige said.

“We should just head back,” Petey added.

“No, wait,” Diego said. “Just . . . hold on.” He closed his eyes and tried to block everything else out. He placed his hand on the keypad. Imagined only the door, the inner workings of the lock. How the keypad mechanism might work . . .

Images flashed in his mind: the pins of the lock, the gears that would twist them into the right shape, the connections to the keypad—

Diego’s fingers found the numbers flashing in his mind. He tapped them in.

A click. He opened his eyes and pushed the door. It yawned into the stairwell.

“Okay, let’s hurry.”

Diego stepped through the doorway, then looked back to find Petey, Lucy, and Paige staring at him.

“That was weird,” Lucy said. “What did you just do?”

“Nothing, I just had the numbers reversed in my head.”

“You did it with your eyes closed,” Paige said.

“I had to remember them from the other day. So are you coming or what?” He held the door and motioned for them to go by.

They filed through, and Diego pushed the door shut but paused. “Ah,” he said, studying the door controls.

“What is it?” Petey asked.

“There’s no lock on this side. We have to leave it open if we want to get back up this way.”

“But if someone notices the door open . . . ,” Lucy said.

“It will be fine,” Petey said. “Won’t it, D?”

“It’s no problem,” Diego said. He closed his eyes again, tried to clear everything and see the door. There had to be a way to make this work—

“This is what you call a plan?” Paige said.

The comment distracted him. Diego breathed deep, trying to shut out the world again.

“I knew this was rubbish,” Lucy said.

Diego lost it again. He spun around. “What are you all afraid of? No one comes down here during the day, and the door will look like it’s closed. I’m going anyway.” He brushed past them and started down the stairs, stopping after a few steps. He turned back to see the three looking from one to the other.

“I’m not letting him call me a coward,” Paige said. She took Lucy by the arm and started down the stairs.

Petey glanced at Diego, then shoved his hands in his pockets and followed.

“I feel like they’re watching us,” Lucy said, glancing from side to side.

Diego felt like there were eyes in the dark too, but Lucy sounded terrified. As if she thought one of these creatures would come alive and devour them all on the spot.

“Hang tough, girl,” Paige said, squeezing Lucy’s arm. “You got this. Remember, these things are dead and stuffed.”

Lucy nodded. “Of course they are.”

They passed through the hall and out into a wide rotunda. It was brighter in here, the morning sunlight casting angular beams through round windows in the domed ceiling. In the center of the room stood the giant T. rex.
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