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All sciences. №1, 2023. International Scientific Journal

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© Mushtariy Timurovna Raximova, 2023

© Gulnoza Masxariddinovna Umarova, 2023

© Maqsadjon Murodjonovich Tuxtasinov, 2023

© Asilbek Raxmonaliyevich Tuxtasinov, 2023

© Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0059-5899-0 (т. 1)

ISBN 978-5-0059-5900-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


UDC 929.5

Nikola Tesla is a Serbian-American engineer and physicist, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering. He is a Serb by nationality, was born in the Austrian Empire, grew up in Austria-Hungary, and in subsequent years mainly worked in France and the USA. In 1891, he received US citizenship. He is widely known for his contribution to the creation of devices operating on alternating current, multiphase systems, a synchronous generator and an asynchronous electric motor, which made it possible to make the so-called second stage of the industrial revolution. He is also known as a proponent of the theory of the existence of ether – thanks to his numerous experiments and experiments aimed at showing the presence of ether as a special form of matter that can be used in technology.

The unit of measurement of magnetic flux density (magnetic induction) is named after the inventor – Tesla. Among the many awards are the medals of Elliot Cresson, John Scott, Thomas Edison. Contemporary biographers call Tesla "the man who invented the XX century" and the "holy intercessor" of modern electricity. After demonstrating the radio and winning the "War of Currents", Tesla received widespread recognition as an outstanding electrical engineer and inventor. Tesla's early work paved the way for modern electrical engineering, and his discoveries of the early period had innovative significance. In the USA, Tesla's fame could compete with any inventor or scientist in history, as well as in popular culture.

Tesla's family lived in the village of Smilyan, 6 km from the town of Gospich, the main city of the historical province of Lika, which was part of the Austrian Empire at that time. Father – Milutin Tesla (1819-1879), priest of the Srem Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Serb. Mother – Georgina (Juka) Tesla (1822-1892), nee Mandich, was the daughter of a priest. On July 10, 1856, a fourth child appeared in the family – Nikola. In total there were five children in the family: three daughters – Milka, Angelina and Maritza and two sons – Nikola and his older brother Dan. When Nikola was five years old, his brother died after falling from a horse.

Nikola graduated from the first grade of primary school in Smilany. In 1862, shortly after the death of Dana, the father of the family was promoted, and the Tesla family moved to Gospić, where Nikola completed the remaining three grades of elementary school, and then the three-year lower real gymnasium, which he graduated in 1870. In the autumn of the same year, Nikola entered the Higher Real School in the city of Karlovac. He lived in the house of his aunt, his father's cousin, Stanki Baranovich. In July 1873, Nikola received his matriculation certificate. Despite his father's order, he returned to his family in Gospic, where there was a cholera epidemic, and immediately became infected. Here 's what Tesla himself told about it:

"The path of a priest was destined for me from childhood. This prospect hung over me like a black cloud. Having received my matriculation certificate, I found myself at a crossroads. Should I disobey my father, ignore my mother's loving wishes, or submit to fate? This thought oppressed me, and I looked into the future with fear. I deeply respected my parents, so I decided to study spiritual sciences. It was then that a terrible cholera epidemic broke out, which mowed down a tenth of the population. Contrary to my father's orders, which did not allow for objections, I rushed home, and the disease knocked me down. Later, cholera led to dropsy, lung problems and other diseases. Nine months in bed, almost without movement, seemed to have exhausted all my vitality, and the doctors abandoned me. It was a painful experience not so much because of physical suffering, but because of my great desire to live. During one of the attacks, when everyone thought I was dying, my father rushed into the room to support me with these words: "You will recover." I can still see his deathly pale face when he tried to encourage me in a tone that contradicted his assurances. "Maybe," I replied, "I will be able to get better if you let me study engineering." "You will enter the best educational institution in Europe," he replied solemnly, and I realized that he would do it. A heavy load was lifted from my soul. But the consolation might have come too late if I hadn't been miraculously cured by an old woman with a decoction of beans. There was no power of suggestion or mysterious influence in this. The remedy for the disease was in the full sense curative, heroic, if not desperate, but it had an effect."

The recovered Nikola Tesla was soon to be called up for three years of service in the Austro-Hungarian Army. His relatives considered him not healthy enough and hid him in the mountains. He returned back only in the early summer of 1875.

In the same year, Nikola entered the Higher Technical School in Graz (now the Graz Technical University), where he began to study electrical engineering. Observing the work of the Gram machine at lectures on electrical engineering, Tesla came to the idea of the imperfection of DC machines, however, Professor Yakov Peshl sharply criticized his ideas, giving a lecture before the entire course on the impracticability of using alternating current in electric motors. In his third year, Tesla became interested in gambling, losing large amounts of money at cards. In his memoirs, Tesla wrote that he was driven "not only by the desire to have fun, but also by failures in achieving the intended goal." He always distributed winnings to losers, for which he soon became known as an eccentric. In the end, he lost so badly that his mother had to borrow from her friend. He has never played since. On April 17 (29), 1879, Nikola's father died.

Tesla got a job as a teacher at a real gymnasium in Gospić, the one in which he studied. He was not satisfied with the work in Gospich. The family had little money, and only thanks to financial assistance from his two uncles, Petar and Pavel Mandich, the young Tesla was able to leave for Prague in January 1880, where he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Prague University. He studied for only one semester and was forced to look for a job.

23-year-old Nikola Tesla, 1879

Until 1882, Tesla worked as an electrical engineer at the government telegraph company in Budapest, which at that time was engaged in conducting telephone lines and building a central telephone exchange. In February 1882, Tesla came up with a way to use a phenomenon in an electric motor, which later became known as a rotating magnetic field.

Working in a telegraph company prevented Tesla from carrying out his plans to create an alternating current electric motor. At the end of 1882, he got a job at the Continental Edison Company in Paris. One of the largest works of the company was the construction of a power plant for the railway station in Strasbourg. At the beginning of 1883, the company sent Nicola to Strasbourg to solve a number of work problems that had arisen during the installation of lighting equipment at the new railway station. In his spare time, Tesla worked on making a model of an asynchronous electric motor. In 1883, the operation of the engine was demonstrated at the Strasbourg City Hall.

By the spring of 1884, the work at the Strasbourg railway station was completed, and Tesla returned to Paris, expecting a bonus of 25 thousand dollars from the company. After trying to get the bonuses due to him, he realized that he could not see this money and, offended, resigned. One of the Soviet biographers of the inventor, B. N. Rzonsnitsky, claims that Tesla was thinking about moving to Russia, but one of the administrators of the Continental Company, Charles Bechlor, persuaded Tesla to go to the USA. Bechlor wrote a letter of recommendation to his friend Thomas Edison:

«It would be an unforgivable mistake to allow such a talent to leave for Russia. You will still be grateful to me, Mr. Edison, for the fact that I did not spare a few hours to convince this young man to give up the idea of going to Petersburg. I know two great people – one of them is you, the other is this young man.»

Tesla with the «Theory of Natural Philosophy…» by Ruger Boskovich against the background of an RF transformer coil in his laboratory on Houston Street

On July 6, 1884, Tesla arrived in New York. He got a job at Thomas Edison's company (Edison Machine Works) as an engineer for the repair of electric motors and DC generators.

On each material, gentlemen, there is a certain charge, both positive and negative, when they are together, then any object is neutral, but it is only necessary to excite these charges by moving the wire between the magnets, as a current appears in it, which is excited by these magnets. This phenomenon, called electromagnetic induction, when a current arises in a wire due to movement, was discovered by Michael Faraday. If the magnets are in the form of a torus, one of them is smaller, and the second is larger, and if you move the wire between them in a circle in only one direction, then you get a separation of charges into positive and negative, which can be accumulated on capacitors, which are only large metal plates that retain a charge. Of course, direct current is safer, it is easy to work with motors, it is easier to save it, but all these positive aspects are outweighed by one huge drawback – the difficulty of transportation.

Electric current is the movement of free charged particles, electrons between atoms in a directed way, and not chaotically, as it happens in thermal motion. And if the electrons move only in one direction, then they encounter a large number of collisions and quickly lose their energy, so for each enterprise there was a need to create its own power plant, because the maximum DC transmission length is no more than a mile, and already at longer distances the current dropped almost to zero.

Speaking of alternating current, there is already the case with whole coils, when rotating them in one direction, the magnetic fields were not always directed correctly, if they were directed in one direction to one plate, then the direction changed on the next turn. That is, if the current went from left to right, then in the next period, it went from right to left. The electrons did not have time to make such a long journey and only oscillated, while not losing energy, but, of course, transporting it. In such a current, positive and negative polarities change with a certain frequency and losses in such a system are minimal, which allows you to transmit alternating current over simply huge distances.

That was one of Tesla's million ideas. Edison, on the other hand, rather coldly perceived Tesla's new ideas and more and more openly expressed disapproval of the direction of the inventor's personal research. In the spring of 1885, Edison promised Tesla $ 50,000 if he could constructively improve the DC electric machines invented by Edison. Nikola actively set to work and soon introduced 24 varieties of Edison machines, a new switchboard and regulator, significantly improving operational characteristics. Having approved all the improvements, in response to a question about remuneration, Edison refused Tesla, noting that the immigrant still does not understand American humor well. Offended, Tesla immediately quit.

After working for only a year at Edison's company, Tesla gained fame in engineering circles. After learning about his dismissal, a group of electrical engineers offered Nikola to organize his own company related to electric lighting issues. Tesla's projects on the use of alternating current did not inspire them, and then they changed the original proposal, limiting themselves to a proposal to develop an arc lamp project for street lighting. A year later, the project was ready. Instead of money, entrepreneurs offered the inventor a part of the shares of the company created to operate the new lamp. This option did not suit the inventor, the company in response tried to get rid of him, trying to slander and defame Tesla.

In 1886, from autumn to spring, the inventor had to survive on auxiliary work. He was engaged in digging ditches, "slept where he had to, and ate what he found." During this period, he became friends with engineer Brown, who was in a similar position, who was able to persuade several of his acquaintances to provide financial support to Tesla. In April 1887, the Tesla Electric Company, created with this money, began to arrange street lighting with new arc lamps. Soon the company's prospects were proved by large orders from many US cities. For the inventor himself, the company was only a means to achieve a cherished goal. For the office of his company in New York, Tesla rented a house on Fifth Avenue near the building occupied by Edison's company. An acute competitive struggle, known as the "War of Currents", was unleashed between the two companies.

In July 1888, the famous American industrialist George Westinghouse bought more than 40 patents from Tesla, paying an average of $ 25,000 for each and a dollar for each horsepower issued by his generators. After that, he thanked his friend Brown by giving him half of the million dollars he received.

So the work continued, but there were also clashes with Edison, also at the trials. Also, due to Edison's merit, a new type of execution was introduced – in the electric chair, using alternating current. Large-scale executions of animals on alternating current, including Topsy the elephant, were also carried out to demonstrate the dangers of alternating and direct current safety. Westinghouse was against all these measures, he even hired a lawyer for Kemler, the first convict and subsequently executed in the electric chair. But even so, the work of victory followed victory and alternating current spread more and more, entering the life of modern cities.

Westinghouse also invited the inventor to become a consultant at the plants in Pittsburgh, where industrial designs of alternating current machines were being developed. The work did not bring satisfaction to the inventor, preventing the emergence of new ideas. Despite Westinghouse's persuasions, a year later Tesla returned to his laboratory in New York. Shortly after returning from Pittsburgh, Nikola Tesla traveled to Europe, where he visited the Paris World's Fair in 1889 and visited his mother and sister Maritza.

But one day, Westinghouse investors reminded him of the need to pay a dollar for each horsepower issued by generators, but the number of generators increased so much that it was necessary to give Tesla $ 12 million and although this would make him one of the richest people in the states, George would be ruined, so Nikola Tesla broke the contract without any additional conditions. So time passed and finally, in the end, Edison himself began to produce alternators. It was a victory.

In 1888-1895, Tesla was engaged in research of high-frequency magnetic fields. These years were the most fruitful: he received many patents for inventions. The leadership of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers invited Tesla to give a lecture about his work. On May 20, 1892, he spoke to the outstanding electrical engineers of that time and was a great success. There he demonstrated a large number of his experiments, he lit light bulbs by introducing them into an alternating electromagnetic field. He demonstrated how to transmit electricity without wires, controlled lightning and with the help of his hands passed a voltage of millions of volts through his body. It was a huge success, he was given an ovation and for the first time called a man from the future.

After that lecture, Tesla was shown the chair of Faraday himself, offering to take it and noting that after his death no one was worthy of such an honor, and then treated to whiskey from his cherished bottle. On March 13, 1895, a fire broke out in the Fifth Avenue laboratory. The building burned to the ground, destroying the inventor's latest achievements: a mechanical oscillator, a test stand for new lamps for electric lighting, a mock-up of a device for wireless transmission of messages over long distances and an installation for studying the nature of electricity. Tesla himself said that he could reconstruct all his discoveries from memory.

Financial assistance to the inventor was provided by the Niagara Falls Company. Thanks to Edward Adams, Tesla had $100,000 to equip a new laboratory. Already in the fall, the research resumed at a new address: 46 Houston Street. At the end of 1896, Tesla achieved the transmission of a radio signal over a distance of 30 miles (48 km).

It was there that a mechanical oscillator using selective resonance was created, representing a kind of analogue of a swing, if you give a push at the right moment, you can rock the installation to large amplitudes without putting much effort. It was then that an artificial earthquake was caused, as a result of one of the experiments that could destroy the Brooklyn Bridge in a few minutes. Selective resonance is the action of constant uniform vibrations that can destroy any object of choice. This earthquake was called the New York earthquake of 1898.

It is also worth noting the great predilection of Nikola Tesla himself for pigeons. But also the inventor himself organized small celebrations, where the notable people of that time came, Kipling, who loved to read poetry, Mark Twain made them laugh with his signature stories, and Dvorzek played the piano, and then Tesla brought them to his laboratory, showing wonderful experiments, telling about the future of science. It was an unforgettable evening. Nikola met many of them because of contact with Robert Johnson, the editor-in-chief of Century Magazine, with whom they met on the basis of love for poetry, and once they also translated and published a collection of poems by Serbian poets. They were also impressed by one of them – Ioan Zmai.

One of Tesla ’s favorite poems was:

"An honest man will not buy gold,
An honest man will not yield
to honor – He needs honor like light.
Glad to sell it dishonest,
But as everyone knows,
The dishonest have no honor.»
«Честный золота не купит,
Честный чести не уступит —
Честь нужна ему как свет.
Рад продать его бесчестный,
Но как всякому известно,
У бесчестных чести нет».

Moreover, the news is known today that it was Tesla who dissuaded Johnson from boarding the train that was in an accident. For example, he also persuaded his friend and patron, the owner of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel chain, Colonel John Jacob Astaire, not to sail on the Titanic, but, unfortunately, he did not listen to him.

Nikola Tesla in a laboratory in Colorado Springs. Early 1900s (photo obtained by double exposure)

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