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The Expositor's Bible: Index

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– captain of the Lord's host, Joshua, 128-139.

ANGELS, Pastoral Epistles, 138.

– and Moses, Exodus, 47.

– as emanations, Hebrews, 22.

– as witnesses, Ephesians, 173.

– assembly of, Hebrews, 301.

– in the book of Daniel, Daniel, 67, 68.

– in the book of Zechariah, Twelve Prophets II., 310-319.

– Jesus Christ and the, Hebrews, 21-46.

– Man inferior to, Hebrews, 34.

– mediators, Colossians, 233-238.

– Ministry of, Hebrews, 27, 316.

– Sinful, James, 408-412;

Peter, 289.

– visit Abraham, Genesis, 172.

– visit Lot, Genesis, 176, 188.

ANGER, Proverbs, 204-207;

Ephesians, 294-295.

– of God, Song of Solomon, 142;

Isaiah I., 47-56.

ANIMALS, The lower, Isaiah I., 190-194.

– Our mediatorship to, Isaiah I., 193.

– Treatment of, Deuteronomy, 430-432.

ANNANUS, James, 40.

ANNAS, Acts II., 30.

ANOINTING OIL for the sick, James, 326.

– for the Tabernacle, Exodus, 423.

– used for priests, Leviticus, 201.

ANSELM of Canterbury, Order for visitation of the sick, Leviticus, 45, 46.

ANSHAN, Isaiah II., 163.

ANT, The, Proverbs, 83, 87, 88.


Numbers, 169;

Isaiah, 144;

Jeremiah I., 383.

ANTICHRIST, Thessalonians, 317;

John Epistles, 167-172.

ANTIGONOUS, Rabbi, Ecclesiastes, 294.

ANTINOMIAN BELIEF, Acts I., 134, II., 62;

Pastoral Epistles, 44, 49, 298, 299;

Hebrews, 148, 201.

– Results of, Exodus, 315.

ANTIOCH-Syrian, Church of, Acts II., 146, 154.

– City of, Acts II., 150-153.

– Paul at, Acts II., 157.

– People and nicknames of, Acts II., 159.

– Synagogue of, Acts II., 155.

– Synod at, James, 360.

ANTIOCH of Pisidia, Acts II., 198.

– Paul at, Acts II., 206-210;
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