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The Expositor's Bible: Index

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– Faith of, Hebrews, 26.

BARCLAY, Robert, Acts II., 122.

BARCOCHBA, Acts I., 157.

BARNABAS, Acts II., 7, 8, 81, 155, 258;

Galatians, 91.

– and Paul; Acts I., 218-221; II., 248-251.

– Early life of, Acts I., 216, 218.

– Epistle of, James, 18, 23, 76.

BARONIUS, Caesar, Annals, Acts II., 259.

BARTIMAEUS healed, Mark, 295-298.

BARTOLOCCI, William, Bibl. Rabbin, Acts II., 13.

BARUCH, The recorder, II. Kings, 426.

BARUCH, son of Neriah, Jeremiah I., 36;

II., 33, 37, 54-62.

BARZILLAI, the Gileadite, II. Samuel, 249.

– David and, II. Samuel, 301-313.

BASHAN reduced, Numbers, 255.

BASILIDES, Pastoral Epistles, 8, 42.

BASNAGE, Jacob, History of the Jews, Acts II., 13, 19.

BATHSHEBA and Adonijah, I. Kings, 107.

– and David, II. Samuel, 162 sq.

– and the succession of Solomon, I. Kings, 85.

– became the wife of David, II. Samuel, 170.

– name not in Chronicles, Chronicles, 147.

BAUDISSIN, W. W. F., Isaiah II., 463;

Twelve Prophets II., 483.

BAUR, F. C., Acts II., 1;

II. Corinthians, 117;

Galatians, 125;

Ephesians, 4;

Pastoral Epistles, 8, 10, 12, 33;

James, 138, 140.

BAXTER, R., Acts I., 134, 137.

BAYET, C., De Titulis Attica Christ, Acts II., 308, 321.

BEATITUDES, The, Matthew, 58-69.

– See Sermon on the Mount.

BEAUTY, moral and aesthetic, Deuteronomy, 104.

BECK, J. T., Ephesians, 103, 107.

BEDE, Venerable, Eccles. Hist., Acts I., 294;

James, 6, 8, 84, 103, 153, 172, 267, 268, 282, 285, 331, 351.

BEELZEBUB, Jesus Christ and, Mark, 91-95.

BEET, J. A., II. Corinthians, 95, 137, 151, 233;

Galatians, 143, 309, 328;

Ephesians, 4, 66, 99, 345.

BEETHOVEN, Ludwig Von, Funeral march of, Exodus, 387.

BELLARMINE, Robert F. R., James, 338.

BELLS on high priests robe, Leviticus, 196.

BELSHAZZAR, Isaiah II., 113, Daniel, 54, 203-217.

BENAIAH, II. Samuel, 345;

I. Kings, 87.
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