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The Expositor's Bible: Index

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BURNT OFFERING, Leviticus, 29, 62.

BUSHNELL, Horace, quoted, Job, 259;

John I., 359.

BUSINESS, Twelve Prophets I., 430.

– The highest good in, Ecclesiastes, 142-186.

BUTLER, Alfred J., Coptic Churches, Acts II., 256.

BUTLER, Archer, James, 383, 386.

BUTLER, Joseph, James, 99, 443.

– The analogy, Acts I., 18;

II., 133, 413;

John Epistles, 71, 249.

– Durham charge, Pastoral Epistles, 368.

BUTLER, Samuel, Hudibras quoted, Proverbs, 266.

BUXTORF, Johann, Lexicon, Acts II., 16.

BYRON, Lord, Jeremiah II., 217;

John Epistles, 158.

BZOVIUS, Abraham, Continuation of Baronius' annals, Acts I., 415.


CAESAR, Augustus, Acts II., 273.

– Claudius, Acts II., 323.

– Julius, Acts II., 31;

James, 287.

– Tiberius, Acts II., 36, 166, 185.

CAESAREA-ON-THE-SEA, Acts II., 101, 147.

– Paul at, Acts II., 4.

CAIN, Genesis, 28-41.

– Faith of, Hebrews, 223.

– Punishment of, Genesis, 43.

– Rejection of his offering, Genesis, 32.

CAIPHAS, Acts II., 30.

– and Christ's popularity, John I., 371, 372.

– and the trial of Christ, Matthew, 409;

Mark, 407-413;

John II., 299.

CAJETAN, Cardinal, James, 332, 336.

CALEB, Descendants of, Chronicles, 50.

– honoured, Numbers, 173.

– Inheritance of, Joshua, 262-274, 291-294.

– one of the spies, Numbers, 151.

CALIGULA, the Emperor, and the Alexandrian Jews, Ecclesiastes, 240;

Acts II., 82, 94, 166, 167;

James, 349.

CALL OF GOD, Belief in the, Genesis, 91.

– Christ and the first disciples, Matthew, 52-56;

Mark, 17-23;

Luke, 162-176.

– difficulties which interpose, Numbers, 110.

– for Moses, Exodus, 65-69.

– of Elisha, I. Kings, 445-450.

– ripens life into power, Judges, 148.
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