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The Expositor's Bible: Index

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James, 4, 7, 17, 24, 434, 439, 458;

John Epistles vii., 62, 64, 104, 148, 166, 170, 184, 190, 199, 211, 219, 237, 283, 289.

WESTCOTT AND HORT, II. Corinthians, 36, 110, 253, 279, 301, 311, 315, 346, 351, 364, 369;

Galatians, 300;

Ephesians, 15, 66;

Revelation, 9.

WETSTEIN, Johann Jacob, James, 296, 399.

WHATELY, Archbishop Richard, Acts II., 73.

WHIRLWIND, God in the, I. Kings, 433.

WHITBY, Daniel, Hebrews, 248.

WHITTIER, John G., Proverbs, 322.

WICKED, Psalms I., 7, 45-47, 92-94, 310, 330, 345;

II., 191, 196.

WIDOWS, Pastoral Epistles, 153-155, 158, 163.

WIEDEMANN, Alfred, Ezekiel, 281, 282.

WIESELER, Karl, Die Christenverfolgungen der Caesaren, Acts II., 336;

James, 32.

WIESINGER, A., James, 399, 418.

WIFE, The, Proverbs, 399, sq.

– and husband, Colossians, 336-340;

Peter, 107-118.

WILBERFORCE, Wm., Acts I., 291.

WILDERNESS, Discipline of the, Numbers, 256.

– Israel's residence in the, Joshua, 8.

– near Maan, Numbers, 245.

– Our life in the, Numbers, 124, 258.

WILL, and work, Philippians, 137.

– Appeal to the, Deuteronomy, 100.

– Freedom of, Deuteronomy, 165;

Pastoral Epistles, 40, 41, 57;

James, 93.

– of God our sanctification, Hebrews, 177.

– subject to Christ, Psalms I., 14.

WILLIAMS, Dr., Acts I., 134, 135, 137;

II., 64.

WILLIAMS, Isaac, James, 444;

Revelation, 74, 126, 310, 368.

WINE, Proverbs, 275-287;

Jeremiah II., 50.

– Prohibition of, Leviticus, 251.

– Use of, I. Corinthians, 187.

WISDOM, as a guide of conduct, Proverbs, 24-36.

– Beginning of, Proverbs, 9-23.

– better than mirth, Ecclesiastes, 139.

– The chief good not in, Ecclesiastes, 127-133, 230-234.

– Earthly rewards of, Proverbs, 37-51.

– from above, James, 203-213.

– from below, James, 191-202.

– Man's, Psalms III., 11.

– Meaning of, Proverbs, 10.
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