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The Expositor's Bible: Index

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"The volume is as attractive as the first, and shows throughout the same high qualities of penetration and spiritual sympathy. Its pages give abundant evidence of care, critical study, and acquaintance with the best that our most competent scholars have contributed to the exposition of the Psalms." —Critical Review.

The Epistles of Peter

By the Rev. Prof. LUMBY, D.D., Cambridge.

"A sound and finely practical commentary." —Saturday Review.

"We have been impressed by the carefulness, fulness, and almost minuteness of the expositions which Dr. Lumby gives in this volume." —Literary World.

Seventh Series

Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each

The Epistle to the Romans

By the Right Rev. HANDLEY C. G. MOULE, M.A., D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham.

"We do not hesitate to place it in the very front of the little group of volumes which are the best examples of this carefully edited work. It would be pleasant to linger upon this commentary, upon the clearness with which the great evangelical doctrines of the Epistle are explained and enforced, upon the earnestness of its personal appeal, and the charm which often marks its language; but the judicious student of the New Testament will obtain the book for himself." —Record.

The Second Book of Kings

By the Very Rev. F. W. FARRAR, D.D. F.R.S., Dean of Canterbury.

"For a vivid picture of men and times, and a spirited account of the events which led to Israel's and Judah's downfall, with fine illustrative use of the contemporary writings of the prophets, his book is a distinct accession to the series." —Glasgow Herald.

The Books of Chronicles

By the Rev. W. H. BENNETT, D.D., Professor of Old Testament Languages and Literature, Hackney and New Colleges.

"Readers of Mr. Bennett's contribution to 'Faith and Criticism' might expect that a book written wholly by him would be distinctive and original. But few could have foreseen that he would produce anything so illuminating, so broad, so powerful as this volume." —Daily Chronicle.

The Second Epistle to the Corinthians

By the Rev. Prof. JAMES DENNEY, D.D., Author of "The Epistles to the Thessalonians," etc.

"Mr. Denney's commentary is a masterly one in every respect. Its exegesis of the text is exact and thorough; its use of the best expositors most helpful; its final conclusion generally convincing." —Methodist Times.

The Book of Numbers

By the Rev. R. A. WATSON, D.D., Author of "Judges and Ruth," etc.

"Dr. Watson's exposition may be commended as showing considerable insight into the deeper meanings of Scripture, and skill in applying them to the needs and conditions of modern life; … his book is throughout scholarly in tone and earnestly written." —Scotsman.

The Psalms. Vol. III.


"With the exposition of the whole Psalter before us, we may say that for what it professes to be, the work is very well done, and there has been no falling off in the third volume from such an amount of excellence as was attained in the other two." —Guardian.



Hebrews, I. 1.


The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia, p. 258.


As represented for instance by the earlier editions of Dr. Angus's Bible Handbook, or by Keil's O. T. Introduction.


As represented by Driver's Introduction.


The belief in a dim, shadowy existence in Sheol, the Semitic Hades; and the belief in exact retribution for sin and reward for virtue in the present life.


Religion of Egyptians, etc., p. 296.


T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. Four Volumes, with a fifth supplementary volume.


A. & C. Black. Four Volumes.


The Study of Religion, p. 51.


That of the "Vatican MS.," with its lacunæ supplied from the uncial MS. which occupies the next place in point of age and importance.


T. & T. Clark. Judges by Prof. G. F. Moore, Samuel by Prof. H. P. Smith, etc., etc., only four or five O. T. volumes published as yet.


Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen. Job by Prof. Budde, Psalms by Prof. Baethgen, Ezra, etc., etc., by Prof. Siegfried, etc.
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