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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. 2-е издание. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии

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CM court-martial

CM countermobility

CM cruise missile

CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps

CMD countermeasure dispenser

cml chemical

cml agt chemical agent

cml atk chemical attack

Cml C Chemical Corps

cml co chemical company

cml wpn chemical weapon

cmpr, cmptr computer

CNI communication, navigation, and identification

CNO Chief of Naval Operations

CNR combat net radio

CO commanding officer

co company

COCOM combatant command

CofS chief of staff

COGARD Coast Guard

co hq company headquarters

COIN counterinsurgency

COL colonel

colm column

COLPRO collective protection

COLT combat observation/lasing team

comd command

comdr commander

comd sec command section

comd veh command vehicle

COMFLTFORCOM Commander, Fleet Forces Command

COMINT communications intelligence

COMLANTFLT Commander, Atlantic Fleet

comm communication (s)

comms communications

COMMCEN communications center

COMMZ communications zone

ComO commissioned officer

comp component

COMPACFLT Commander, Pacific Fleet

COMSEC (101) communications security

COMUSFLTFORCOM Commander, U.S Fleet Forces Command

COMUSNAVCENT Commander, United States Navy, Central Command

con control

con surf control surface

conn control room

CONR Continental US NORAD Region

const construction

CONUS continental United States

COP common operating picture
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