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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. 2-е издание. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии

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GCE ground combat element

GCS guidance and control section

gd guard

GD soman

GE General Electric

gen general

GEO (93) geosynchronous

GEV ground effect vehicle

GIG global information grid

GLCM ground-launched cruise missile

gli glider

GM guided missile

GMD Ground-based Midcourse Defense

GMLA guided missile launch assembly

gnd ground

gnd cbt ground combat

gnd recon ground reconnaissance

gnr gunner

gp group

GP general purpose

GPMG general purpose machine gun

GPS Global Positioning System

GPWS ground proximity warning system

gr grade

GS general support

GSR general support reinforcing

GTP ground tactical plan

GZ ground zero

HCLOS high-capacity line-of-site

HD (sulphur) mustard

HDD head-down display

HDSB heavy dry support bridge

HDTV high-definition television

HE high-explosive

HEAT (122) high explosive antitank

HEAT proj (122) high explosive antitank projectile

HEDP high-explosive dual purpose

hel helicopter

HEMAT heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer

HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck

HEP high-explosive plastic

HERA high-explosive rocket assisted

HF high frequency

HHB headquarters and headquarters battery

HHC headquarters and headquarters company

HHD headquarters and headquarters detachment

HHS headquarters, headquarters and service

HHT headquarters and headquarters troop

HIMAD high-to-medium-altitude air defense

HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System
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