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The Boy Ranchers in Death Valley: or, Diamond X and the Poison Mystery

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"But can't we do anything, meanwhile, for that poor Chink?" asked Nort.

"Guess there isn't much hope for him if he drank all that stuff,"remarked Bud in gloomy tones. "Though we might try to help him get itout of his stomach."

"How you goin' to do that?" Snake demanded.

"By giving him an emetic," Bud answered. "Mustard and water's good,I've heard. Come on – we got to try something," and he turned to hiscousins as the most likely ones to be of service.

They found poor Fah Moo rushing around the somewhat narrow confines ofhis kitchen. The Chinese was still yelling and holding both yellowhands across the pit of his stomach. On a table, amid pots, pans anddishes, were the three bottles of the Elixer of Life. Two werecompletely emptied and the third had but a little fluid remaining in it.

"You drink all that?" asked Bud, pointing to the three bottles when hecould get Fah Moo's attention for a moment.

"Can do! Dlink lot – chop-chop!" was the groaning answer the import ofit being that he had taken the stuff quickly.

"Whew!" murmured Nort. "Guess there's no hope for him."

"There may be," said Dick. "Sometimes an overdose of poison is its ownantidote. He may have taken so much that he'll be sick and that wouldbe the best thing for him."

"He sure took an overdose," declared Bud. "See if you can find somemustard, you fellows. I'll put on a kettle of water to boil. Themustard ought to be mixed with warm water to make it work."

The boys bustled about, Fah Moo, meanwhile, rushing around, clutchinghis stomach and howling at the top of his voice. Billee and hiscompanions looked in now and then to ask if they could help, or tooffer suggestions, more or less useless, but their services were notrequired. Indeed there was room for no more first-aiders in the smallkitchen.

In due time the water was warm, the mustard had been found and a bigdose mixed. Then came the difficulty of administering it to theChinese cook, and a great difficulty it was. As soon as he got theidea that he was to be made to drink something more, and when he hadsight of the unappetizing yellow mixture of warm water and mustard in abig bowl, the cook revolted. He retreated into a corner, pulled achair in front of him and yelled:

"No can do! No can do!"

"But you've got to do!" insisted Bud. "It's the only way to save yourlife! Drink it!"

"No can dlink! Fah Moo dlink chop-chop – plenty – no can do!"

And that was all there was to it. He yipped and yapped, clutched hisstomach but would not come out of his corner nor touch the emetic. Theboys were in despair, and their comrades were of no help, Snake evensuggesting that it served the Chink right for taking the stuff. Butjust when it seemed that Fah Moo would raise the roof with his yells,Dr. Taylor arrived in his rattling flivver and took charge of the case.

"What did he take?" was his first question.

"Poison!" chorused the whole Diamond X outfit.

"All right, but what kind? I can't tell what to give him to counteractit until I know what poison it was," said the medical man.

"Here's the dope!" announced Yellin' Kid, handing over the bottlecontaining what was left of the Elixer.

Dr. Taylor smelled it, tipped the flask to get a little of the mixtureon his finger and then, gingerly, applied the digit to his tongue. Hewaited for any possible reaction, and then took a larger taste of thestuff. Then a slow smile spread over his face as he indulged in even abigger "swig," as Snake called it.

"This stuff isn't poison," he said, setting the bottle back on thetable. "If this is all the Chink drank he won't die."

"Not if he took three bottles of it?" asked Bud.

"Not if he took a dozen. It may make him mighty sick, but he won't diethis trip."

"What is that stuff?" asked Nort.

"Sarsaparilla!" was the chuckling answer. "Nothing but good, old-fashioned sarsaparilla soda pop with the pop left out. It's asflat as ditch water. Where'd you get it?"

"Bought it from an old geezer who said it was Elixer of Life," Snakeinformed the doctor.

"You mean old Tosh?"

"Don't know what his name is," Bud said, "but he's an old man and hehas a place back here in a cave. We caught him, a little while ago, brewing the stuff. Just before that we found some of our cattle deadand we sort of jumped to the conclusion that he'd poisoned the animals.Then, when we got here and found the Chink taking on so, and discoveredthe three bottles in his kitchen, empty, we thought he was poisoned."

"Not a bit of it!" chuckled Dr. Taylor. "A barrel of that wouldn'tpoison anybody, though, as I said, it would make them ill and giveconsiderable pain. Elixer of Life! Ha! Ha!"

"Do you know this old man – what did you say his name was?" asked Dick.

"Old Tosh he calls himself. Might better be Bosh! No, I don't knowhim – never saw him as far as I know. But a lot of fools in Los Pompanhave bought his dope, and it made some of them sick. That's how Ihappened to know what it was soon as I tasted it. I've seen samples inthe homes of folks who called me in to treat them for stomach pains.Almost always it was because they had taken too much of this Toshelixer. I've sampled dozens of bottles of it. He puts it out underall sorts of names – makes the labels himself, I guess. So I didn'trecognize his concoction here until I sampled it," and the medical manwaved his hands at the three bottles. "So that's that. Fah Moo won'tdie."

"He'll wreck our nerves, though, if he keeps this yelling up!"complained Bud. "Can't you give him something?"

"Yes, I can relieve him," chuckled the doctor. "Mustard and water;eh?" he went on as he saw the mixture. "Good enough but you have toswallow too much of it to be effective. I've got something that willdo the work."

He produced a couple of capsules, which after much urging, the Chinesewas induced to swallow when told they would save his life. Then he wasled outside and far away by Snake and Yellin' Kid. In a short time FahMoo was a very sick Celestial, but after that he grew rapidly betterand came creeping back to the kitchen, somewhat pale, wan and drawn, but no longer yipping, yelling and yapping.

"Can do now," he said, meaning that he could proceed with his work, which he did, when he had formally been engaged by Bud who wasvirtually head of the new ranch.

"Well, I guess that's all there is to this case," remarked the doctoras he repacked his black bag. "There was no danger. He would havegotten over it in time, anyhow."

"So the Elixer is only sarsaparilla; is it?" asked Bud.

"That's about all. Just a sort of root beer mixture of herbs and barksthe old man concocts. Harmless enough. It hasn't even the virtues ofsoda water, for that has carbonic acid gas in it and that's beneficialat times. So he calls it Life's Elixer; does he?"

"He does," assented Bud.

"And he stung me for a dollar!" sighed Snake. "Wait till I get hold ofhim! Did I hear you boys say you caught him in a cave?"

"We didn't catch him – he vamoosed as soon as he heard us," reportedBud. "But we saw him boiling the stuff. Only we thought it waspoison, on account of the dead cows."

"That's so – you did mention dead cows!" exclaimed Billee. "So Death

Valley is livin' up to its name. Let's have the yarn, boys."

Bud and his cousins explained what they had discovered and the oldercowboys looked anxious. Dr. Taylor listened attentively.

"I don't believe old Tosh had any hand in it," he said. "He bears thename of being a harmless crank, always imagining every one is going todie who doesn't take his herb medicine."

"I wonder if you could tell what those cows died of?" asked Bud.

"I could take a look at 'em," said the medical man, "but unless signsof the poison – granting that it was poison – were very plain, I couldnot say what kind was used. It would require an autopsy and a chemicalanalysis. I'm not equipped for such work."

"Well, would you mind having a look at the bodies?" asked Bud. "I knowit isn't in your line – "

"Oh, I don't mind," said Dr. Taylor, good-naturedly. "Anything tooblige. I'll run out and go over the matter with you to-morrow. I'vegot to get back to town now. Not that my practice is so large," and helaughed, "but I've got to look after it. Your Chink cook will be allright in a little while," and he hurried off in his flivver, promisingto return next day.
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