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Rancher Rescue

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“Why would they come looking for me? They said I had twenty-four hours. Why come after me before that?”

“Might be afraid you’ll alert the authorities, or disappear. Plus, they must’ve figured out your nephew needs medication since they asked what was wrong with him.”

“How did they find me?”

“There weren’t many places to look other than my ranch.”

“Good point.” She hated the thought of putting Caleb and his men in danger. At least the sheriff was there to defend them. He would have questions for the men in the SUV. He’d slow the plans of any attackers and keep Caleb’s crew safe. A little voice reminded her how the kidnappers had warned her about police involvement. She prayed Sheriff Coleman’s presence didn’t create a problem for Noah.

The trip was short and bumpy but allowed enough time for her eyes to adjust to the dark. Caleb cut the engine well before the clearing as she dug around in her purse for the keys.

“They might be watching your car, so we’ll need to play this the right way.” His earnest brown eyes intent on her, radiating confidence, were all she could see clearly in the dark.

A shiver cycled through her nerves, alighting her senses. It was a sensual feeling she was becoming accustomed to being this close to him. It spread warmth through her, and she felt a pull toward him stronger than the bond between nucleons in an atom. His quiet strength made her feel safe.

Caleb’s powerful arms wrapped around her, and she wanted to melt into him and disappear. Not now. She canceled the thought. Noah needed her. No amount of stress or fear would make her shrink. She would be strong so she could find him. Sheer force of will had her pushing forward.

“Wait here.” Caleb moved pantherlike from the tree line. Stealth. Intentional. Deadly. His deliberate movements told her there wasn’t much this cowboy had faced he couldn’t handle.

Katherine scanned the dark parking lot. She couldn’t see far but figured even a second’s notice would give Caleb a chance to react.

There was no one.


Except the din of the woods behind her. Around her. Surrounding her. A chilling symphony of chirping and sounds of the night.

Silently she waited for the all-clear or the telltale blast of his gun. For a split second she considered making a run for it. Maybe she could give herself up and beg for mercy before it was too late? Maybe the men would take her to Noah, and she could get his medicine to him now that she had her purse back?

Maybe they would take what they wanted and kill her?

They’d been ruthless so far. She had no doubt they would snap her neck faster than a branch if given the chance. Without his medicine, Noah would be dead, too.

All her hopes were riding on the unexpected hero cowboy, but what if he didn’t come back? What if he disappeared into the night and ended up injured, bleeding out or worse?

Caleb was strong and capable, but he had no idea what kind of enemy they were up against. A bullet didn’t discriminate between good and evil.

When the interior light of her car clicked on, she realized she’d been holding her breath. Caleb’s calm voice coaxed her.

Another wave of relief came when she slid into the passenger side and secured her seat belt. He put the car in Reverse and backed out of the parking space. The sound of gravel spinning under tires had never sounded so much like heaven.

“You did good.” His words were like a warm blanket around her frayed nerves.

“Thank you. Think it’s safe to call the ranch?”

He nodded, stopping the car at the edge of the lot. The phone was to his ear a second later. He said a few uh-huhs into the receiver before ending the call and getting on the road. “Everyone’s fine. Two men showed up, asking questions.”

“What did they want?”

“They flashed badges. Said they were government investigators following a lead on a corporate fraud scheme.”

A half laugh, half cough slipped out. “Leann? She didn’t even have a normal job. She worked at a coffee shop.”

“They didn’t ask for your sister. They asked if someone matching your description had been seen in the area.”

Fear pounded her chest. “Me? Corporate fraud? I don’t have the first idea what they’re talking about. I’m a scheduler for a software company. That’s a far cry from a spy.”

“Coleman took their information and plans to follow up through proper channels. Maybe the trail will lead somewhere.”

“I hope so. Where do we go in the meantime?”

“Your sister’s place. What’s the address?”

Katherine scrolled through her contacts and read the details while he programmed the GPS in her car.

“We can check her computer and talk to her friends. Maybe we’ll find answers there.”

“Or just more questions. I told you. Knowing my sister, this won’t be easy. I’m not sure who she hung around with let alone what she might’ve gotten herself into that could lead to this.”

“Maybe the sheriff will come up with something. Good thing he was there. Might make these men think twice before they do anything else.”

“Or...” She could’ve said it might make them kill Noah but didn’t. No police. They’d been clear as day about it. Had she just crossed a line and put her nephew in more danger? Damn.

“They won’t hurt him,” Caleb said as though he read her thoughts.

“How can you be so sure?”

His grip tightened on the steering wheel. His jaw clenched. His gaze remained steady on the road in front of them. “We can’t afford to think that way. First things first, let’s get to Austin. We’ll take the rest as it comes. Send Coleman the photos you took of Noah earlier.”

“I almost forgot I had these.” She scrolled through the pictures from the pumpkin patch. Noah smiled as he climbed on top of a huge orange gourd and exclaimed himself “king.” Tremors vibrated from her chest to her neck. A stab of guilt pierced her. She scrutinized other details in the picture. Nothing but yellow-green grass and brown trees. A frustrated sigh escaped. “No good. I can’t make anything out on the small screen except him and a couple of large pumpkins.”

“Look up the last number I dialed, and send Coleman every shot you took today. He can blow them up and get a better view.”

Her heart lurched as she shared the pictures one by one. When she was finished, she shut her eyes.

Caleb took her hand and squeezed. Warmth filled her, comforting her. When was the last time a man’s touch did that?

She searched her memory but found nothing. No one, aside from Caleb, had ever had that effect on her.

“Think you can get a little shut-eye?”

Katherine was afraid to close her eyes. Feared she’d relive the horror of seeing a screaming Noah being ripped from her arms over and over again. “Probably not.”

“Lean your seat back a little.”

She did as she watched out the window instead. Interstate 35 stretched on forever. Every minute that ticked by was a reminder Noah was slipping away. Waco came and went, as did a few other smaller towns. The exhaustion of the day wore her nerves thin. Sleep would come about as fast as Christmas to June, but she closed her eyes anyway, praying a little rest would rejuvenate her and help her think clearly. Maybe there was something obvious she was overlooking that could help her put the pieces together.

Had Leann said anything recently? Dropped any hints? Given any clue that might foreshadow what was to come?
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