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In the Lion’s Den: The House of Falconer

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‘That’s such a nice thing to hear. I know Uncle George loves The Chronicle. My grandmother is always saying he’ll never get married because he’s married to his newspaper.’

Jane laughed, fascinated by the ease, grace and confidence she discerned in this very good-looking young man. And wondering why Alexis had been so nasty about him. She suddenly knew it had nothing to do with Falconer, in the sense that he was more than likely innocent of any wrongdoing. The fault was probably with Alexis and her troubled mind.

James said, ‘I grew up in Kent as a small child, and my great-grandfather, Edward, owned a grocery shop in Rochester. Anyway, it is a beautiful county, especially around here.’

‘It is indeed. I love it too. Although we have a house near Cirencester, I still enjoy it here.’

‘May I ask you a question, Lady Carpenter?’

‘Yes, please do. I’ll answer if I can.’

‘I couldn’t help wondering why you told Mr Broadbent that I ran the Malvern Company.’

‘Because you do, don’t you? I know Mr Malvern is not well at all, his brother Joshua is dead, his cousin Percy is missing. And his heir, Miss Malvern, is mostly here at Goldenhurst. That leaves you, as I see it, in charge.’

‘I think Mr Malvern does very well, under the present circumstances, Lady Carpenter. I would prefer to say it’s a joint effort, and we do have another good man, Peter Keller, who has taken charge of the Wine Division.’ He leaned forward slightly, staring at her. ‘I wouldn’t want Miss Malvern to think … that I was …’ His voice trailed off and he just shook his head.

Jane thought, oh God, he’s right. She’ll think he really is an opportunist, and I’m sure he isn’t. After a moment Jane gave a small chuckle and, trying to make light of it, she finished his sentence for him. ‘She might think you’re getting too big for your boots … that’s what you were going to say, isn’t it?’

He nodded and leaned back in the chair. ‘I try to do my best,’ he said, and then added, ‘Basically, I’m following in my great-grandfather’s footsteps. I love retailing and I hope to open my own shop one day. A shop like Fortnum and Mason in Piccadilly. That’s my ambition.’

‘I love Fortnum’s!’ Lady Jane exclaimed, and thought to add, ‘And I’ll be your first customer.’

At this moment, Mrs Bellamy came in with the tea tray. Once she had poured for them, she left with a smile and a nod, taking with her the menu Jane had left on the desk.

Jane said, ‘I hope I’m not intruding into your life, Mr Falconer, but it sounds to me as if you are planning quite a different career for yourself … what I mean is, it sounds as if you will be leaving Malvern’s.’ She raised a brow and gave him a penetrating look.

‘You’re not intruding, Lady Carpenter. Everyone knows about my dream … but I won’t leave Mr Malvern until he’s really well again. I wouldn’t let him down.’

‘I believe I already know that,’ Jane said, and changed the subject, asking James if he had any hobbies.

He chuckled at the question and said, ‘It’s perhaps the same as yours, Lady Carpenter.’ He glanced at the book on the desk. ‘I love reading, and I’m especially devoted to Dickens. Are you enjoying Our Mutual Friend?’

Jane did not answer at once, thinking that James Falconer was full of surprises. Finally she said, ‘Yes, I am. Who cannot love his marvellous books?’

The sound of horses’ hooves clattering in the yard announced the arrival of Lord Reginald and Alexis. Jane nodded at the window and said, ‘They have returned from their ride around the estate … Miss Alexis and my husband are about to join us.’

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James, knowing intuitively that Alexis would be angry that he was here at Goldenhurst, immediately stood up. Reaching into his jacket, he took out the letter.

Lady Jane, her eyes fixed on him, saw how intelligent and clever he was. There was no doubt in her mind that he understood Alexis and her complicated mind, her ever-changing moods.

Clearing her throat, Jane looked at James, and said, ‘That’s the best idea. Give her the letter at once to prevent any aggravation on her part.’

He simply nodded and glanced towards the door as it burst open, and Alexis and Lord Reginald came in from their ride.

They were both obviously completely taken aback at the sight of James. Alexis stopped suddenly, her expression one of alarm. However, Lord Reginald, experienced man of the world that he was, hurried forward, his hand outstretched.

‘Falconer, isn’t it? How nice to see you again!’ he exclaimed, shaking hands with James.

‘Thank you, Lord Carpenter,’ James said in a calm and steady voice. ‘I came on behalf of Mr Malvern. He is quite well, but he wanted to be in touch with Miss Malvern.’ He took a step forward, offering the letter to Alexis.

As she took it, she tossed her riding cane and hat to one side and said, ‘You could have just left it with Lady Carpenter and returned to London. You didn’t have to hang around here.’

Jane flinched at the undercurrent of anger in Alexis’s voice, and glanced at her husband, who looked nonplussed at this rudeness.

James said, ‘I had to wait for your answer, Miss Malvern. Those were your father’s instructions, and he told me he wishes to have your reply in writing.’

This last comment appeared to surprise Alexis, her face changing. She simply answered, ‘Oh, I see. I’ll be back in a moment.’ Looking at Jane, she added, ‘Excuse me,’ and left without another word.

Once they were alone, Lord Reggie stared at Jane and raised a brow. ‘Bit abrupt, wouldn’t you say?’

‘Yes, indeed.’ Turning to James, she went on, ‘Let’s not stand here waiting.’ She motioned to James. ‘Please, sit down, Mr Falconer, and you, too, darling,’ she finished, smiling at her husband.

Both men did as she suggested, and after a moment, pushing down his annoyance with Alexis, Reggie said, ‘It’s almost tea-time, Jane. Ring for Mrs Bellamy or Broadbent, would you please? Falconer must be hungry, and he’s got a long trip ahead of him this afternoon.’

James shook his head vehemently. ‘That is a very kind thought, Lord Carpenter, but I must leave when Miss Malvern comes back with her reply. Her father is very anxious to have her thoughts on a certain matter.’

‘I understand!’ Jane exclaimed. ‘Only too well.’ Rising, she continued, ‘Please excuse me for a few minutes. I am going to ask Mrs Bellamy to make sandwiches for you and the driver, and bottles of hot tea. She’ll pack everything in a small hamper and you can enjoy it on the return trip.’

‘Oh really, Lady Carpenter, that’s not necessary. You don’t have to go to all that trouble,’ James said, looking suddenly worried.

‘Yes, I do,’ Jane responded as she left the library, closing the door quietly behind her.

Lord Reginald moved to sit in a chair closer to James, and confided, ‘For eight hundred years the Carpenters have been known for their generosity and kindness to others, and especially for their hospitality. You don’t think I’m going to let someone else who’s not a Carpenter besmirch our reputation, do you?’

When James merely nodded his understanding, Lord Reginald added, with a wry smile, ‘I’m afraid some people, when they’re upset, are not quite themselves, do odd things, even behave badly. Just put Miss Malvern’s rudeness down to that, Falconer.’

‘I certainly will, Lord Carpenter. I haven’t taken offence.’

‘Is Mr Malvern in good health?’ Lord Reginald now asked, giving James a penetrating look. The urgency of the letter was troubling him.

‘He is. Though he has been a long time recovering from his fatigue. But we’re doing various new things in his business, and he urgently needs some signatures and approval from Miss Alexis. That’s all I can tell you, sir.’

‘I understand.’

Reginald Carpenter was a good judge of character, and he had been impressed with James’s demeanour, his quiet steadiness when confronted with Alexis and her curtness. After a moment, he said, ‘Do you like your job at the Malvern Company, Falconer?’

‘I do, yes, sir.’

‘If ever you want a change, come and see me on my paper.’

James smiled, obviously quite flattered. ‘I’m afraid I can’t write, Lord Carpenter. I’m not gifted like my Uncle George. But I do appreciate your very kind offer.’

‘I know you’re not a journalist,’ Lord Reggie said. ‘But we have a division called Management and I know you would fit in very well there. I think you are most probably a good businessman and could tackle any number of problems.’

‘Thank you for this extraordinary gesture, Lord Carpenter. But I think it’s best for me to stick with retailing.’
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