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Rancher at Risk

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“Sounds like a big operation.”

“It will be. We’re starting small and plan to increase enrollment in future.” It was the most she’d said to him since their first meeting. She spoke slowly and clearly, ensuring he didn’t miss a thing, as if she wanted to emphasize the importance of what she was saying. Or as if she recalled the conclusion he’d jumped to when they’d first met—that she was drunk.

At times, he still found her hard to understand, though even when he lost a few words along the way, he got the message. Considering her voice and her niece being deaf, he reckoned Lianne had some hearing loss, too.

“As part of the noncredit courses,” she continued, “we’ll teach life skills, rolled into lessons that fit with living on a ranch. Cookouts, hikes and nature walks, riding lessons. In fact, that part of the curriculum will run along the lines of a dude ranch. But don’t tell Caleb’s daughter that.”

“Why not? When I met Nate at the ranch in Montana, she was all about horses.”

“Oh, she still is. She’s just not a fan of dudes.” She gave a soft, throaty chuckle. “And she’s not alone. When I first suggested Caleb turn this into a dude ranch, you should have heard the reactions of the people around here. It could have been a wise investment. But with the school, we’ve got so many more possibilities to make a difference.” Her eyes shone.

When she wasn’t glaring at him or counting off points on her fingers, she was a nice-looking woman.

What did that matter? He tightened his hand around the coffee mug. “And you’re in charge of all this.”

The light in her eyes dimmed. Her defenses had snapped back into place.

“I am.” She said it flatly, as if expecting a challenge.

He’d give her one. “What makes you the right candidate for this job?”

“Don’t worry about that. We’ll have trained counselors to work with the boys. My role is strictly to take care of the behind-the-scenes operation.”

“That’s what I meant.”

She stared him down. “I’ve got a B.A. in business administration and eight years’ experience working with newly established companies.”

He nodded. “Not in this area of the country, I take it, since you’ve made a move and brought everything with you.”

“My sister, Kayla, lives here. She’s married to one of the local ranchers. I’m from Chicago.”

A city girl, then. Probably knew nothing about live critters except maybe for cats. “A boys’ school doesn’t exactly follow along the lines of one of your big-city corporations.”

Her eyes narrowed. “What exactly are you saying?”

“For Caleb’s sake, I hope you know something about dealing with kids.” He gripped the mug again.

“I told you, my job is behind the scenes. And from here I do it all. Budgets, schedules, spreadsheets, insurance—” she gestured around the office again “—and whatever admin work needs to be done. And I have other experience that makes me qualified to deal with the boys. I’m sure they’ll be much easier to work with than some men.” She eyed him steadily.

No trouble catching any of that. Irritation had made her bite off every word.

“By the way,” she said in the same clipped tones, “since you’re determined to share the house, then we’ll be taking turns with the meals.” Over the rim of her mug, her eyes gleamed.

She thought she’d one-upped him.

He’d go her one better—though he knew the reaction he would get. “I don’t cook.” As she opened her mouth to protest, he added, “I’ll take my meals with the ranch hands in the bunkhouse.”

“That’s fine with me.”

“Right,” he said under his breath.


“Right. Glad we’ve got that settled. As for the rest—” he looked around the room, then forced a smile “—I’m not a fan of organized chaos. You do your job, I’ll do mine. And we’ll stay out of each other’s way.”

Chapter Four

“The supply sheds still need to get stocked,” Caleb said as he and Ryan stood in the horse barn, after their return from inspecting the western boundary. “The larger one first, since we’ll start off grazing the herd near there.”

Ryan nodded and made a mental note. “I’ll add it to the list.” He had spent the morning with Tony and a couple of the wranglers, hauling around all the new tack and equipment the boss had bought to outfit the barn. Close enough to the house that he could be ready to head out on his second tour with Caleb as soon as he was needed.

And far enough from the house to keep him out of range of Lianne.

Grimacing, his boss stretched. It was easy enough to see that another long afternoon in the saddle had him tired and sore.

“Getting to be an old man,” Caleb said.

Ryan laughed.

“Aw, you don’t know old,” said Tony from his stool beside the mare he was grooming. By the look of him, he was pushing eighty.

“Well, I do know I’m ready to head for home.” Caleb looked at Ryan. “You remember we’re having dinner tomorrow?”

“It’s number one on my list.”

“Good. Tess and Nate are looking forward to seeing you again—”

Lianne had said the same about them.

“—and the ladies are eager to meet you.”

“Are they?” How much had Caleb told them of his situation?

“Yeah.” Caleb looked over at Tony. “Roselynn—Tess’s mom—is a real Georgia peach. Roselynn’s sister...” He grinned. “Let’s just call Ellamae a chili pepper.”

“She hot tempered?”

“No, she just likes to spice thing up.”

Tony chuckled. “My kinda woman. I gotta meet her.”

“I’m sure you will one of these days. She’s bound to show up here to check things out.”

After a couple of other reminders for Ryan’s mental list, Caleb said his farewells. From the barn doorway, Ryan watched him head in the direction of the corral, where he had left his truck.

The back door of the ranch house opened, and Lianne stepped onto the porch. She called Caleb’s name, then hurried across the yard to him, her blond hair streaming in the sun.

She moved like a thoroughbred. He’d noticed those long slim racehorse legs of hers right away. Well, after he’d gotten past the angry glare in her blue eyes.
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