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Park Avenue Secrets: Marriage, Manhattan Style

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There was a light rap on the door. “Mr. Wellington?”


The solid door creaked open, revealing one of the housemen. “A phone call for you, sir.”

“Obviously something important,” Elizabeth sassed.

“Obviously,” he agreed, giving her shoulder a quick rub before getting up from the sofa. He was keeping his cell phone turned off most of the time, and he’d asked the office not to contact him through the chateau unless there was an emergency.

This better be good.

The uniformed man pointed to a telephone in the corner of the room, and Reed perched himself on a tiny, French provincial chair.


“Reed, it’s Mervin Alrick calling.”

Reed was shocked to hear Elizabeth’s father’s voice. “Mr. Alrick?”

Elizabeth swiveled her head to look at Reed, brows knitting together in a question.

Reed shrugged in answer.

“I’m afraid—” Mervin cleared his throat. “I’m afraid I’m calling to give you some terrible news.”

Reed’s chest tightened in dread, his thoughts going to Elizabeth’s mother. “Yes?” he asked slowly.

Elizabeth leaned forward, cocking her head, a look of concern growing on her face.

“It’s Brandon.”


Elizabeth came to her feet.

“Brandon and Heather were in a car accident on the coast.”

“Are they okay?” Reed reached for Elizabeth, and she moved forward to take his hand.

“What?” she whispered.

Reed gave his head a little shake, concentrating on the call.

“I’m afraid—” Mervin cleared his throat again.

“Mr. Alrick?”

“They’ve died.”

Reed felt like he’d been sucker punched. “They?”

“Both of them.” Mervin’s voice broke, while Reed pulled Elizabeth against him.

Watching his expression, her eyes had gone wide with fear.

“You’ll tell Elizabeth,” Mervin rasped.

“Yes. Of course. We’ll be there as soon as possible. And Lucas?”

“Is fine. He was with his babysitter.”

“My jet’s in France. We’ll go straight to San Diego.”

“Yes … well …” Mervin was clearly struggling for control.

“We’ll call you soon.” Reed disconnected.

“Reed?” Elizabeth’s voice was paper dry.

He turned to face her, bracing one hand on each of her shoulders.

“Why do we have to go to—”

“It’s Brandon,” said Reed, hating what he was about to do to her. “He was killed in a car accident today.”

Elizabeth shook her head in denial. “No. No. That doesn’t make sense.”

“Heather was killed, too.”

Elizabeth took a step back, still shaking her head.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

Brandon was her only sibling, and she’d adored him.

“It can’t be,” she whispered, even as her eyes welled up with tears.

Reed stepped forward and pulled her back into his arms. She struggled against both his touch and the cruel reality of the situation. “No. No. I can’t believe it. I won’t believe it.”

“I need to get hold of Collin.” Even as he rocked her, Reed reached for the phone. “He’ll contact the jet and make arrangements.”

Elizabeth let out a low, keening moan that nearly broke Reed’s heart.

“We have to get to California,” he told her firmly. “Lucas needs us.”

She stilled, looking up. “Lucas?”

“Lucas is fine. He’s with a babysitter. But we need to get to him.”
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