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His Convenient Virgin Bride / Seduction on the CEO’s Terms: His Convenient Virgin Bride

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The question annoyed her. “I’m fine.” It was Amber who was in trouble. And Alec, who might get hurt or worse trying to save her.

The flame leaped higher.

Alec’s foot touched the ground outside the truck.

He gripped Amber close to his chest, rising to rush away.

“Get back!” he shouted to the growing crowd, just as the hood blew open, missing the tree trunk and cracking against the roof of the cab.

He staggered forward, but stayed upright and didn’t lose his grip on Amber.

Three hands arrived with fire extinguishers, aiming them at the engulfed truck.

Stephanie backed away from the heat. Remembering the cell phone in her hand, she quickly dialed Royce’s number.

Another pickup pulled up, and Alec lay Amber carefully across the bench seat.

“Don’t try to move,” he warned her.

“Hello?” Royce’s voice came into Stephanie’s phone.

“Royce?” Her voice shook.


She didn’t know what to say.

Alec scooped the phone. “Alec here.” He took a breath. “There’s been an accident. Amber’s fine.” A pause. “No. No one else was in the truck.” He glanced at Stephanie, then down at Amber. “She’s conscious.”

He moved the phone away from his mouth. “Can you talk to Royce?”

Amber nodded, so Alec handed her the phone. Then he motioned to everyone else to back off. They obeyed, with the exception of Wesley who still hovered next to Stephanie.

When Amber put the phone to her ear and listened, tears welled up in her eyes. Stephanie instinctively moved in to comfort her, but Alec stopped her with his arm.

“Don’t touch her,” he whispered, keeping his arm braced around Stephanie’s waist.

He reached into his pocket, retrieving his own cell phone.

Stephanie looked at him with a question.

“Medical chopper,” he said in a low voice, turning away from Amber to speak to emergency services.

Stephanie’s attention immediately returned to Amber. Blood was still oozing from the cut on her forehead, and there was a wicked bruise forming on her right shoulder. Her blouse was torn, her knuckles scraped.

Was she really okay? Had Alec lied to Royce? And what did Alec know anyway? He wasn’t a doctor.

Okay, so he knew enough to pull Amber from a burning truck.

That was something.

That was huge.

While Stephanie, Stephanie had been stupid enough to march out in front of Amber and cause all this.

Her chest tightened with pain, and a sob escaped from her throat.

Alec turned back. His arm moved from her waist to her shoulders, and he gave her a squeeze. “It’s not your fault,” he rumbled in her ear.

But his words didn’t help.

“Listen to me, Stephanie.” He kept his voice low. “Amber is fine. The chopper will be here in fifteen minutes. But it’s just a precaution.”

“You’re not a doctor,” she snarled.

“No, I’m not.”

“I’m sorry.” Stephanie shook her head. “You pulled her out. She could have—”


Amber let the cell phone drop to her chest. “Royce is on his way.” Her voice was weak, but just hearing it made Stephanie feel a little better.

“The medical chopper’s going to beat him here,” Alec told Amber, lifting the phone and gently smoothing her hair away from the wound.

“Want to bet?” Amber smiled, and Stephanie could have wept with joy.

Somebody had located a first aid kit, and Alec gently cleaned the blood from around Amber’s head wound and placed a square of gauze to stop the bleeding.

“Are you okay?” Stephanie dared to ask her.

“Did I hit you?” Amber asked back with a worried frown. “Are you hurt?”

Stephanie quickly shook her head. “No. No. Not at all. I’m perfectly fine. Just worried about you.”

“I’m a little stiff,” said Amber. She wiggled her fingers and moved her feet. “But everything’s still working.”

Stephanie mustered a watery smile.

Amber’s eyes cut away to focus over Stephanie’s shoulder. “I guess that’s it for the truck, though.”

“It was pretty spectacular,” Wesley put in.

Alec frowned at him. “A small fire can do a lot of damage.”

Amber looked back at Alec. “Thank you,” she told him in a shaky voice.

“I’m just glad you’re all right.” His smile was so gentle that something warm bloomed to life inside Stephanie.
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