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The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon

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Heat flared in her cheeks. “I...uh... Thank you.”

“Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much at those parties.”

Her mouth gaped. “Of course I did. It’s a girl’s dream to get all gussied up and go to the ball. You can say that because you’ve gone to countless parties. Just once I’d like to check it out for myself.”

He chuckled. “Beneath the jeans and T-shirts, I guess you really are a girl.”

She frowned. “You actually had doubts about me being a girl?”

“Not at all. You just struck me as being different from the other women I’ve known.”

“I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.”

“It’s neither.” He cleared his throat, looking exceedingly uncomfortable. “What if I throw in free room and board if you work for me?”

The man certainly didn’t give up easily. “From what I’ve seen in the kitchen, I’d probably starve to death.”

“You’ve got me there. But I have all of the local takeouts on speed dial. And...maybe I’ll entertain some of your design ideas.”

She had to admit she was impressed, but she couldn’t spread herself too thin. She opened her mouth to turn him down...again.

“No.” He held up his hand to silence her. “Don’t answer so quickly, because this will be my last offer and I can see the glint of temptation in your eyes.”

On second thought, her serious consideration of his offer would give her license to browse around. She’d love to check out the closed-up rooms she hadn’t dared explore before. “Do you mind if I look around? To see what I’m getting myself into?”

He waved his hand, granting her free passage. “Help yourself.”

She jumped to her feet and hurried down the hallway. She noticed how he trailed her—so close that the scent of his spicy cologne wrapped around her. She paused in front of the double doors just off the foyer and glanced over her shoulder as though making sure he hadn’t changed his mind about her nosing around the place.

“Go ahead.” His tone was reserved and a bit hesitant.

She turned and pushed the doors open. This was her first glimpse of the living room and she was impressed by its sheer size. Her entire ranch house could fit in this one room with space to spare. And the ceilings were at least twelve feet high, giving the room a wide-open feel.

But there was something not quite right. She scanned the area again, taking in the furniture. Though of high quality, it was too contemporary for the house. And the impressionistic artwork on the walls didn’t quite fit. A stately home such as this deserved to be decorated with items that exuded grace and elegance, not flash and fad.

With no throw covers, everything was coated in heavy dust that tickled her nose and made her eyes water. Beneath the filth, the house looked as though the occupants had gotten up one morning, gone about their day but never returned.

Throw pillows were haphazardly strewn about as though people had tossed them aside and forgotten to pick them up. Even a newspaper was spread across the glass coffee table, open to the sports page. Was that why Lucas lived like he did? Was he waiting for someone to return? A lost love?

Kate recalled him mentioning an ex-wife. Was that it? Was he still grieving the loss of his marriage?

A white-and-pink figurine caught her attention. Drawn to it, like a curious feline to a buzzing fly, she couldn’t stop herself from picking it up. It was of a mother holding her baby girl. Her fingers stroked over the smooth surface. The mother and child were smiling at each other as if they’d just spent a marvelous day together. It touched something deep inside Kate and had her frowning at the thought of never spending another carefree day with her daughter.

“Put it down.”

Kate jumped at the boom of Lucas’s voice. Her fingers tightened around the porcelain figurine to keep from dropping it. With the knick-knack safely returned to the dust-covered end table, she faced Lucas. “You know you’re going to have to learn to trust me or this will never work.”

His expression transformed into one of contrition. “Sorry. I... Oh, never mind.”

She noticed a deep sadness in his eyes and wondered what had put it there. But she knew it was none of her business. He probably didn’t want to talk about his past any more than she did.

“The good news is from what I’ve seen of the downstairs, there’s no damage. The rooms need a thorough cleaning and a fresh coat of paint. How attached are you to the furniture?” She tried to sound impartial just in case he actually liked the pieces.

“It can go as far as I’m concerned. Does this mean you’ve accepted the job?”

Oh, she was certainly tempted. “This place is so big. You know you could clear away the furniture and dance in here.”

“It’s been done before.”


He nodded. “My great-grandmother started the tradition of throwing grand parties here at the house. She considered it her duty to entertain clients of Carrington Gems. She’d think up some of the grandest parties. It didn’t matter the occasion as long as she could get together the city’s movers and shakers to flaunt Carrington’s latest creations.”

Already Kate could imagine the big-band music, the beautiful dresses and glitzy jewelry. “Oh, how I’d have loved to attend. It must have been something.”

“Great-gran was a crafty one. She knew these women were quite wealthy and hated to be outdone by anyone. So my great-grandfather ended up employing the finest craftsmen to design something unique for each of them.”

“Those must have been some grand parties.”

“They were. In fact, there should be pictures of them around somewhere.” He paused as though trying to remember what had happened to them. “Then again, I think they might have been packed away in the attic. Elaina, my ex, didn’t like to have antiques and memorabilia around. She called it clutter.”

Without thinking, Kate blurted out, “Did Elaina by chance redecorate the house?”

Pain showed in his eyes. “I thought it’d make her happy. She made a mess of the house and...” He pressed his lips together as though realizing he’d said too much. In a blink, the glimpse into this man and his closely guarded feelings was once again hidden behind a wall. “About my offer—are you willing to take me up on it?”

Looking around the place, she was filled with ideas. “How would you feel about making a deal?”

“I thought that’s what I’m trying to do. Name your price.”

“It isn’t your money that interests me.” She worried her bottom lip. Should she do this? She had to be crazy, but what did she have to lose?

“What sort of deal do you have in mind?”

“When the work is all said and done, I’d like to borrow your house for an evening.” The words poured out of her mouth like a breached dam, but at least they were now out there. “We could hold the fund-raiser here. In honor of your great-grandmother, we could have a 1920s flapper party—”

“What?” He reared back as though slapped.

“Think about it. You could show off your new line of jewelry.”

“Impossible. I don’t want people parading through my house like it’s some sort of museum. You’ll have to find another way to advertise your interior design work.”

Her hands pressed to her hips. “That’s what you think? That I’m planning to line potential clients down the block to have a look-see at your house? Well, you don’t have to worry—the thought never crossed my mind.”

She had more to say about him misjudging her, but she bit back her tongue. She couldn’t forget how much was riding on her making a successful deal.

He eyed her up as though trying to make up his mind. “Maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion. But the days of parties being thrown here are over. We’ll find you another venue.”

“Not one with so much allure or history. We could double or triple the ticket price for people to come to the Carrington mansion.” Lucas shook his head, but she couldn’t stop. The ideas were coming hard and fast. Her hands waved around as she talked. “Think about it. This could provide publicity for Carrington Gems, too.”
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