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The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon

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“Didn’t your mother ever teach you to wait patiently for your surprise?”

“My mother didn’t do surprises. Let’s just say she had an active social life and kids didn’t really fit into the equation.”

Lucas’s lips pressed into a firm line. “If it makes you feel any better, I know where you’re coming from. My mother wasn’t big into the parenting scene either, unless it fit some sort of social agenda.”

Their conversation dwindled as they started to walk again. Destination unknown. Kate gave up worrying about it and lifted her face up to the sun. The exercise and the sunshine were working wonders on her mood. The tension in her neck and shoulders eased away.

In no time at all, Lucas was taking her by the hand and leading her through Central Park. “Come on.”

This was his surprise? A trip to the park? Her good mood dimmed as she thought of how much Molly would enjoy this adventure. “What are we doing here?”

“I’ll show you.” He led her over to a beautiful white horse-drawn carriage and held out his hand. “We’re going for a ride.”

“Are you serious? But why?” She hesitated. “I shouldn’t be here.”

Lucas’s dark brows drew together. “Why?”

“Because it isn’t right. Not with Molly in the hospital.”

He nodded as though he understood. “I guess I didn’t think this through. Would you rather go see her?”

“Yes...but I can’t. This is Chad’s agreed time with her. And she likes having her dad around. And I...I don’t do so well with his occasional snide little comments.”

“Well, since you can’t see Molly yet, consider this a research project.”


“Sure. I’m showing you how to have a good time without spending a fortune. You didn’t believe me so I decided to show you.”

“This can’t possibly be that cheap.”

“You’d be surprised. It’s actually reasonable. Although the price does go up if you reserve a carriage for a specific time or have some extras thrown in.”

Kate was impressed as she climbed in the carriage with a plush red interior. The driver, all decked out in white tails and a hat, closed the door for them. Instead of fighting it and thinking of everything she should be doing, she settled back on the seat and enjoyed the moment.

Now, she truly felt like Cinderella. Wait, that would make Lucas her Prince Charming, and she’d already decided that could never be. As the horses’ hooves clipped along, she shoved the troubling thought to the back of her mind. Why ruin this one magical moment with reality?

A few minutes later, Lucas leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Are you enjoying your surprise?”

His breath tickled her neck, sending an army of goose bumps down her arms. “I am.” The admission rolled easily off her tongue. “But I don’t know if Molly would be excited about a carriage ride.”

“Sure she would. What little girl wouldn’t want to ride in a horse-drawn carriage?”


“I guess I’ll just have to work a little harder. I’m sure I can come up with an idea or two sure to impress a little girl and a big one, too.”

Kate’s stomach fluttered. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to let herself imagine that Lucas was her Prince Charming and this was the carriage taking her to the ball. After all, fairy tales weren’t true. Everyone knew that. This would just be pretend.

When Lucas stretched his arm out behind her, she gave in to the dream and leaned back. Her head rested on him and shivers of awareness cascaded down her spine. She closed her eyes, willing this moment to go on and on. They could just keep going, leaving their troubles behind. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she envisioned them riding off into the sunset together. If only fairy tales came true...

“And what has you smiling?”

Kate’s eyelids fluttered open. She’d been busted. It was almost as if he could read her thoughts, but even if he could, there was no way she’d confirm how she’d been daydreaming about him pulling her closer and pressing his lips to hers.

She crossed her fingers before telling a fib like she’d done as a child. “Just enjoying the day.”

All too soon the ride was over. Lucas gave her a hand down. It was then that she realized they hadn’t stopped in the same spot where they’d started.

“It’s time for lunch and I know the perfect thing to have on our outing.”

He treated her to a hot dog with the works. They settled on a park bench and quietly ate while the world went by without any notice of them. When they’d finished, Lucas took her by the hand and they started walking. He smiled, appearing very relaxed. She hadn’t seen him in this good of a mood since...well, ever.

After they’d walked a little ways, she couldn’t contain her curiosity. “Where are we going now?”

“You’ll see in just a moment.”

Soon carousel music lilted through the air, giving the day a surreal feeling as though all was right in the world.

“Come on.” He pulled her closer to the colorfully painted merry-go-round.


“You’ll see.”

How could she resist when he looked like an excited child himself? Laughter bubbled up in her throat, and she let him lead her by the hand. But when he paid for her to ride the merry-go-round, she hesitated.

“I can’t ride that.”

“Why not?”

“It’s for kids.”

“Are you trying to tell me that you aren’t a kid at heart? Besides, you wanted examples of things you can do with Molly on a budget. This is one of them.”

“True.” She really did like the idea. She’d been to a carnival as a little kid with her father and she’d loved riding the carousel, especially the horses that went up and down. “But that doesn’t mean that I have to ride one.”

“Give me your phone.”

“What? Why don’t you use your own?”

“It will be simpler this way.”

“What will?” The man certainly wasn’t explaining himself very well today.

“I’m going to take some photos for you to show Molly.”

“I don’t know.” What would Molly think? Her mother off playing without her. Guilt riddled her. “What if it upsets her?”
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