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The Tycoon And I: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms / The Tycoon and the Wedding Planner / Swept Away by the Tycoon

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“I’m not interested.”

The thought of that stunning architecture disintegrating for no apparent reason spurred her on. “But houses need to be cared for or they start to look and act their age. And it’d be such a travesty to let the place fall down—”

“It’s fine as is. End of discussion.”

She wanted to warn him about the leaking roof, but he’d cut her off. She doubted anything she said now would even register in his mind.

With a huff, she turned away. Frustration warmed her veins. Here was a problem that could so easily be resolved and yet this man was too stubborn to lift up the phone and ask for help. If only her problems could be fixed as readily.

Her thoughts filled with the possible scenarios for today’s meeting with Molly’s specialist. This surgeon was their last hope. Kate prayed he wouldn’t dismiss the case as quickly as Lucas had dismissed the problem with his house.

She tilted her head against the cool glass. It soothed her heated skin. She stared blindly ahead, noticing how even at this early hour, the city was coming to life. An army of people with umbrellas moved up and down the walks while traffic buzzed by at a steady pace. Her world might be teetering on the edge, but for everyone else, it was business as usual.

Now was not the time for self-pity. As the towering hospital came into view, she straightened her shoulders and inhaled a deep breath, willing away all of her doubts and insecurities.

“Which entrance should I drop you at? Emergency?”

“No. I told you I’m fine. Fit as a fiddle.” She forced a smile to her lips before gathering her things.

“You’re sure?”

“Absolutely. The main entrance will do.”

“You know hospitals aren’t a great place to be alone. Is there someone I can call for you?”

He surprised her with his thoughtful offer. How could a man be so frustrating in one breath and sweet in the next?

“No, thanks. I have some people waiting for me.”

He pulled the car over to the curb. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. What she failed to tell him was that the people waiting for her consisted of the medical staff. No family. Except for Molly. She was all the family Kate needed.

“Thank you for everything.” She jumped out into the rain. “I just have to grab my suitcase.”

Lucas swiveled around. “Leave it.”

“But I—”

“Obviously you have enough to deal with already. Besides, I’m planning to work from home today. Call me when things are wrapped up here and I’ll give you a lift to your hotel.”

She had to think fast. Without an umbrella, the rain was soaking her. She really should end this here and now, but she’d feel more confident for the meeting if she wasn’t lugging around an old suitcase. Lucas was only offering to keep her possessions for a few hours, not asking her to run off and have a steamy affair or anything. The errant thought warmed her cheeks.

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m not sure how long I’m going to be.”

“No problem. Let me give you my number.”

In seconds, she had his number saved on her cell phone and was jogging up the steps to the glass doors. Thoughts of Lucas slid to the back of her mind. She was about to have the most important meeting of her life.

She refused to leave until she heard: “Yes. We will help your daughter.”

CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_1cbcbdda-3b1c-52e5-a5c5-b9d4cbd9ac87)

“I THINK WE can help your daughter but—”

Kate’s heart soared. She’d been waiting so long to hear those words. It took all her self-restraint not to jump for joy. She wasn’t sure what the surgeon said after that as the excitement clouded her mind.

For months now, they’d traveled to one hospital after the other. Every time she located a place that offered a possibility of hope, they were there. Now at long last they had come to the right place. The weight of anxiety slipped from her shoulders and left her lighter than she’d been in recent memory.

When a stack of papers was shoved in front of her, she glanced down, spotting her name and a very large dollar figure. Her excitement stuttered.

“What is this?” She couldn’t move her gaze from the staggering dollar figure.

“That is the amount you’ll need to pay up front if we are to perform the operation.”

This couldn’t be right. She had health coverage and it wasn’t cheap. “But my insurance—”

“Won’t cover this procedure.” Dr. Hawthorne steepled his fingers and leaned back in his chair. “It doesn’t cover experimental procedures. I’m willing to donate my time, but in order for the hospital to book the O.R. and the necessary staff, you’ll need to settle this bill with Accounts Receivable.” He paused and eyed her up as though checking to see if she fully understood. “You also need to be aware that this is an estimate. A conservative one at that. If there are complications, the bill will escalate quickly.”

Kate nodded, but inside her stomach was churning and her head was pounding. Her gaze skimmed over the long list of charges from the anesthesiologist to medications. How in the world was she going to raise this staggering amount of money?

Her daughter’s smiling face came to mind. She couldn’t...no, she wouldn’t let her down. There had to be an answer, because this operation was going to happen no matter what she had to do to make it a reality.

“You should also know that we normally like to treat children on an outpatient basis until surgery but with this tumor’s aggressive growth rate and with it already affecting her mobility, I feel it’s best to keep her admitted under close observation.”

Kate nodded in understanding even though her head was spinning with information. “I understand.”

Dr. Hawthorne cleared his throat. “Will you be able to come up with the funding?”

Without hesitation, Kate spoke in a determined voice. “Yes, I will.”

The surgeon with graying temples gave her a long, serious stare. She didn’t glance away, blink or so much as breathe. She sat there ready to do battle to get her daughter the necessary surgery.

“I believe you will,” Dr. Hawthorne said. “I need you to sign these forms and then my team will start working to reduce the tumor’s size before surgery.”

Kate’s lungs burned as she blew out a pent-up breath. She accepted the papers and started to read. Her stomach quivered as she realized the overwhelming challenge set before her.

A half an hour later, with her life signed away to East Riverview Hospital, Kate took comfort in knowing she’d done the right thing. This surgeon had performed miracles before. He could do it again. Kate was spurred on by the thought of Molly healthy once again. She could do this—somehow. She just needed time to think.

The elevator pinged and the doors opened. Kate stepped inside. A man stood in front of the control panel.

“Five, please.” She moved to the other side of the elevator and stared down at the paperwork in her hand, wondering how she’d pull off this miracle.

“Kate?” a male voice spoke.

The door slid shut as Kate lifted her head. When her gaze latched on to the man, her breath caught. This couldn’t be happening. Not here. Not now.

“Chad, what are you doing here?”
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