Unfortunately the British Museum file is imperfect, and does not contain the Number for August 20th.
A. de Beauchamp, Vie de Louis XVIII. Paris, 1824.
Antonius Bonfinius: Rer. Hungaricarum Dec., v. 1., 3, gives four reasons. Thomas Cantipratensis, Lib. II., c. 29, gives another and preposterous one, not to be quoted even in Latin.
Fleury, Hist. Eccl., vi. p. 110.
Le Jubilé d'un faux Miracle (extrait de la Revue de Belgique), Bruxelles 1870.
"Cuncti fere cum publicis uxoribus … ducebant vitam." "Et ipsi, ut cernitur, sicut laici, palam uxores ducunt." —Andr. Strum. "Vit. Arialdi." "Quis clericorum non esset uxoratus vel concubinarius?" —Andr. Strum. "Vit. S. Joan. Gualberti."
"Cœperunt ipsi presbyteri et diacones laicorum more uxores ducere suscepsosque filios hæredes relinquere. Nonnulli etiam episcoporum verecund â omni contemptâ, cum uxoribus domo simul in unâ habitare." —Victor Papa "in Dialog."
"Qui unius mulieris, aut uxoris, aut concubinæ (ut ei placuerit) sit conjunctione contentus." – 1st Conc. of Toledo, can. 17. "Hæ quippe, licet nec uxoribus, nec Reginarum decore et privilegiis gaudebant, erant tamen veræ uxores," say the Bollandist Fathers, and add, that it is a vulgar error "Concubinæ appellationem solis iis tribuere, quæ corporis sui usum uni viro commodant, nullo interim legitimo nexu devinctæ." – Acta SS., Jun. T. L. p. 178.
It is the same with St. Gregory, Nyssen, Baronius, Alban, Butler, and other modern Hagiographers make this assertion boldly, but there is not a shadow of evidence, in any ancient authorities for his life, that this was the case.
"Hic Archiepiscopus habuit uxorem nobilem mulierem; quæ donavit dotem suam monasterii S. Dionysii, quæ usque hodie Uxoria dicitur." —Calvaneus Fiamma, sub ann. 1040.
"Nec vos terreat," writes St. Peter Damiani to the wives of the clergy "quod forte, non dicam fidei, sed perfidiæ vos annulus subarrhavit; quod rata et monimenta dotalia notarius quasi matrimonii jure conscripserit: quod juramentum ad confirmandam quodammodo conjugii copulam utrinque processit. Ignorantes quia pro uniuscujusque fugaci voluptate concubitus mlle annorum negotiantur incendium."
Landulf Sen. ii. c. 27.
For authorities we have Andrew of Vallombrosa, d. A.D. 1170, a disciple of Ariald. He was a native of Parma. He afterwards went to Florence, where he was mixed up with the riots occasioned by St. John Gualberto in 1063. He joined the Order of Vallombrosa, and became Abbot of Strumi. At least, I judge, and so do the Bollandists, that Andrew of Vallombrosa and Andrew of Strumi are the same.
"Plebs fere universa sic est accensa."
"Hæc cum Guido placide dixisset; eo finem orationis dixerit, ut sacerdotibus fas esset dicere uxores ducere." —Alicatus, "Vit. Arialdi."
Arnulf., Gesta Archiepisc. Mediol. ap. Pertz, x. p. 17.
"Sic ab eodem populo sunt persecuta et deleta (clericorum connubia) ut nullus existeret quin aut cogeretur tantum nefas dimittere, vel ad altare non accedere." —Andr. Strum.
Arnulf., Gesta Ep. Mediol. ap. Pertz, x. p. 18. It is necessary not to confound Landulf Cotta, the demagogue, with Landulf the elder, the historian, and Landulf the younger, the disciple and biographer of Ariald.
Ap. Pertz, l.c., pp. 19, 20.
We have a full account of this embassy in a letter of St. Peter Damiani to the Archdeacon Hildebrand (Petri Dam. Opp. iii; Opusc. v. p. 37), besides the accounts by Bonizo, Arnulf, and Landulf the elder.
Pertz, x. p. 21.
"Nulla misericordia habenda est."
Bonizo. It is deserving of remark that Bonizo, an ardent supporter of Hildebrand and the reforming party, calls that Papal party by the name of Patari, thus showing that it was really made up of the Manichean heretics.
Opp. t. iii.; Opusc. xiii. p. 188.
"Cui Florentini clam insidiantes tentando dicere cœperunt," &c… "ille utpote simplicissimus homo cœpit jurejurando dicere," &c. —Andrew of Genoa, c. 62.