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The Idiot: His Place in Creation, and His Claims on Society

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This painstaking observer has investigated this subject in an interesting communication on Sporadic Cretinism in the "Edinburgh Medical Journal" for May, 1893. Dr. Ireland considers Sporadic Cretinism to be a congenital or infantile form of myxœdema, and bearing in mind the increasing mental torpor which has followed the ablation of the thyroid gland performed by Kocher, and the cretinoid condition induced in monkeys by the removal of the thyroid by Horsley, he is drawn to the conclusion that this gland secretes and pours something into the blood which has a powerful effect upon the nutrition and function of the brain, and of the whole organism, and these views receive a certain amount of confirmation from the fact that in most cases of Sporadic Cretinism the thyroid gland is totally wanting. Dr. Ireland also expresses the opinion, in which I fully concur, that there is too much solidism in our pathology, and that the vital powers of the blood have been too much overlooked.

Although the effect of thyroid treatment in the idiot is still sub judice, there is overwhelming testimony of its value in Myxœdema, an allied affection; and I would refer those who desire further information upon this matter to an important discussion at the Edinburgh Medico-Chirurgical Society, in February, 1893, arising out of papers read by Professor Greenfield, Dr. Byrom Bramwell, Dr. Lundie, Dr. Dunlop, and Dr. John Thomson, when important additions were made to the literature of this affection by Dr. Affleck, Dr. George Murray, and others, whose matured views will form a valuable contribution to our knowledge of this somewhat obscure subject.


"Pediatrics," May, 1896, p. 460.


I give M. Voisin's description of the symptoms in his own words. "Elle est arrivée dans mon service en état d'extase mystique, exécutant continuellement des mouvements de ses deux mains, surtout de la droite, semblables à ceux d'une personne en prière; elle porte souvent les mains à son front comme pour faire le signe de la croix. Elle murmure des mots, entre autres, Ave Maria. La physiognomie exprime la douleur mêlée d'extase."


"Edinburgh Medical Journal," May, 1893, p. 1053.


"Edinburgh Hospital Reports," Vol. 3, 1895, p. 245. "This is the most complete monograph on thyroid treatment that has come under my notice. Dr. Bramwell has recorded, in minute detail, the clinical history of twenty-three cases of myxœdema, and five cases of sporadic cretinism."


"Journal of Mental Science," April, 1895, p. 280.


"British Medical Journal," Jan. 30th, and Feb. 6th, 1892, "Remarks on the Function of the Thyroid Gland." I recommend a careful perusal of this important and exhaustive essay of Professor Horsley to all those who desire to acquaint themselves with what is known about the structure and functions of the thyroid gland; for it will be remembered that it is to the experiments on animals by this learned and accomplished scientist, that we are principally indebted for our knowledge of the connection between myxœdema and loss of function of the thyroid gland.


"Traitement et Education des Enfants Idiots et Dégénérés," p. 241, par M. Bourneville, Médecin de Bicêtre, Paris, 1895. The author of the above treatise is one of the most prolific French writers on Idiocy, and I desire to call especial attention to that part of the work which embraces the Medico-Pedagogic Treatment of Idiocy. In this section, M. Bourneville describes in minute detail the gymnastic and physical training adopted at Bicêtre, the description being copiously illustrated by plates, which cannot fail to interest those engaged in the treatment of idiocy.


"Journal of Anatomy and Physiology," January, 1895, p. 304.


"Pediatrics," March, 1896, p. 243.


"On Idiocy and Imbecility," page 91.


As showing the result of individual effort, I may mention that in the year 1894, as much as £155 0s. 7d. was collected in the N. Walsham District, £89 12s. 9d. in the Norwich District, and £80 15s. 6d. in the Diss District, under the presidentship respectively of Mrs. Petre, Lady Lade, and Mrs. Sancroft Holmes.


The Countess of Warwick, at the "Young Helpers' League."


Des Maladies Mentales, Tome ii., p. 103.

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