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Earthworms and Their Allies

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Next to the Naids a group of aquatic worms present themselves for consideration which are usually placed in three distinct families, which families are however rather hard to define. These three families are the Tubificidae, Phreodrilidae, and Lumbriculidae. The Phreodrilidae were at one time placed with the Tubificidae by Michaelsen. It is now perhaps the general opinion that they form a family of their own, at any rate since the discovery of two other genera Phreodriloides and Astacopsidrilus, besides the original genus founded by myself, and named Phreodrilus from the fact that the species was found in a deep well in New Zealand.

The distribution of this family especially of the genus Phreodrilus is extremely interesting. The genus Phreodrilus is the only one genus of the aquatic Oligochaeta which has, like Notiodrilus, a circumpolar range, the pole being the south pole. It occurs in New Zealand, in Kerguelen, and, if we are to accept the opinions of Drs Michaelsen and Benham that my genus Hesperodrilus is to be merged in Phreodrilus, in Patagonia also.

In this genus the male pores are upon the XIIth segment while the spermaries lie in segment XI. Moreover the spermathecae lie behind the male pores. In the Tubificidae on the other hand it is at least the rule for the spermaries and male pores to be pushed a segment further forwards. And the spermathecae are before the male pores. Phreodriloides is like Phreodrilus but has no spermathecae. It is also New Zealand in range. Astacopsidrilus is Australian and is semi-parasitic upon the Crayfish Astacopsis, whence its generic name. Phreodrilus branchiatus is one of the few forms of Oligochaeta that possesses gills. Of these there are a series of pairs on about the last eleven segments of the body. They are lateral in position, and thus contrast with the also gilled Branchiura sowerbii, where the gills, also on the posterior segments of the body, are more numerous and lie dorsally and ventrally, a pair to each segment.

The Tubificidae differ from the Phreodrilidae mainly in the points already noted. There are a considerable number of genera of which the following are the best known, viz., Tubifex, Limnodrilus, Limnodriloides, Branchiura, Lophochaeta, Ilyodrilus, Psammoryctes, Clitellio, Telmatodrilus, Bothrioneuron, Lycodrilus.

The Tubificidae are mainly northern temperate forms, and a few of them such as Clitellio arenarius and 'Peloryctes inquilina[1 - With many synonyms, including Tubifex ater (see p. 53).]' are found on the sea coast. There are also a few of this family in the southern hemisphere. These forms include Clitellio abjornseni from Australia, and a few species of Branchiura from New Zealand and the islands of the Antarctic ocean. There is also to be mentioned Rhizodrilus (or Vermiculus) aucklandicus from the island of that name in the New Zealand area. The only tropical species appears to be the Indian and Malayan Bothrioneuron iris, though this genus also occurs in Europe and in southern South America. It is quite likely however that Branchiura sowerbii, a species known at present from tanks in hot houses, may be a tropical American species.

The family Lumbriculidae is yet more restricted in its range. It has not yet been met with away from the temperate northern hemisphere, and the great variety of species recently described from Lake Baikal by Dr Michaelsen is a very remarkable fact. The Lumbriculidae are entirely fresh water in habit and not even partially terrestrial. The following are the principal known genera: Lumbriculus, Trichodrilus, Rhynchelmis, Phreatothrix, Claparedilla, Stylodrilus, Mesoporodrilus, Sutroa, Eclipidrilus, Aurantina, Athecospermia, Lamprodrilus, Teleutoscolex.

In the worms of this family the male pores are usually upon the tenth segment but sometimes upon the eighth or eleventh. And in addition to a pair of funnels in the antecedent segment there is also commonly a second pair in the same segment as that which contains the external pore. The two sperm ducts however open into the same distended atrial cavity before opening on to the exterior. In Lamprodrilus however each sperm duct opens by its own separate atrium on to the exterior and in two consecutive segments. In Teleutoscolex there is but one pair of funnels opening into the same segment with the atrial pore.

Near perhaps to the Lumbriculidae comes a very small family indeed, that of the Alluroididae. So small is it that it consists of but a single genus Alluroides of which there are two species A. pordagei and A. tanganyikae. Both of these species were described by myself, one of them from but a single specimen, the other from only two. Both species – and the name of one denotes the region – are from eastern tropical Africa. The Tanganyika worm is purely aquatic; the other species was found in a swamp of the mainland opposite to Mombasa. This remarkable genus has a pair of spermaries in segment X; but the ovaries are as in earthworms in the XIIIth segment. The male pores are upon that segment also, i. e. further back than in the aquatic worms. The spermathecae open close to the median dorsal line of the body in one species; in A. tanganyikae there is but one spermatheca which opens actually in the dorsal median line between segments VIII and IX. This family seems to come nearest to the Lumbriculidae but has also obvious points of likeness to the terrestrial Moniligastridae. It fully deserves a separate family, which was founded for it by Dr Michaelsen.

Not obviously related to any of the other families of Oligochaeta is the family Enchytraeidae. This consists of a very large number of species, which are placed in about a dozen genera, and whose habitat is nearly confined to the cold and temperate regions of the world. A large number of species for example have been described by Dr Eisen from Alaska, while others inhabit the verge of Patagonia. It is only a few which are found in warmer countries. There is for instance a solitary Enchytraeid in India and the neighbouring parts of Asia described by myself as Henlea lefroyi but doubtfully of that genus according to Dr Michaelsen. I have also myself obtained another Enchytraeid from British Guiana. Apart from such rare exceptions the family is arctic or temperate in its range and is even met with upon the ice of glaciers. These little worms – they are very rarely of more than minute size – are both aquatic and terrestrial and inhabitants of the sea shore. They have four bundles of short often straight and somewhat stumpy setae; Anachaeta is entirely without setae. That they bear some relation to the lowest group of Oligochaeta, that of the Aeolosomas and Naids, appears to be shown by the very anterior position of the spermathecae, i. e. in the fourth or fifth segment. The spermaries and ovaries on the other hand are in segments XI and XII. They are peculiar among the aquatic families in having complex glands appended to the oesophagus which recall the calciferous glands of the earthworms. The funnel of the sperm duct is extraordinarily deep and lined with glandular cells except in an apparently primitive genus from Lake Baikal.

The remaining family of the Limicolae is that of the Haplotaxidae which contains two genera, viz., Haplotaxis, better known as Phreoryctes, and Pelodrilus. These two genera overlap somewhat in their characters and it is in the present state of our knowledge rather difficult, if indeed possible, to differentiate them thoroughly. They are slender worms which frequent either damp earth or water and are thus somewhat intermediate in habit between the Limicolae and the Terricolae. The chief peculiarity of their structure lies in the fact that the sperm ducts are unprovided with any kind of terminal apparatus whatever, but open directly upon the exterior. Moreover there are generally two pairs of testes in segments X and XI, and in some species two pairs of ovaries in the two following segments. The small family is very widely distributed in more temperate regions, principally of the antarctic hemisphere. It occurs for instance in New Zealand, South Australia, the Cape, and in the northern hemisphere in Europe, Western Asia, and North America.



We have now completed a brief survey of the general characters of the group of the Oligochaeta which will at least serve to impress upon the reader the fact that these animals are somewhat diverse in structure, and that even as regards outward appearance it is not difficult to distinguish a large number of different types. These facts become all the more remarkable when we reflect upon the very similar conditions which surround all the species of earthworms. It is not clear how far the influence of the soil differs in a tropical forest in South America and in Central Africa. With divergent external conditions anatomical differentiation becomes more accountable. But in this case we have a lavish anatomical variation which would appear to have no connection with any kind of need that we can as yet appreciate. Comparing the Terricolous Oligochaeta with other large groups of the animal kingdom, all or nearly all the members of which lead a closely similar life, such as the frogs and toads, or the land mollusca, or snakes, we get a much wider range of structural change in the Oligochaeta than in any of these.

We shall now consider their mode of life and their relations to the environment.

The mode of life of earthworms seems at first sight to need no special chapter or section. They simply live in and beneath the soil, leaving it at times to wander over the surface especially at night and during wet weather. But there are a number of species which habitually lead an aquatic life and whose characteristics therefore demand consideration.

Aquatic Earthworms

Although it is perhaps somewhat of a contradiction to speak of aquatic earthworms the collocation of words will serve to emphasise the fact that there are species of Oligochaeta belonging to the tribe Megadrili or terrestrial group, which are as purely aquatic in their habits as is a Tubifex or Limnodrilus. In such cases we may fairly assume rather a return to an aquatic life than the persistence of such a habit. For we do not find among these genera and species much evidence of particular resemblance with the purely aquatic familes of Oligochaeta. It is therefore particularly interesting to examine into the characteristics of these water-living genera; for we may expect to be able to deduce from them some hints as to what characters are really to be associated with the purely aquatic life. We can in fact hope to differentiate between adaptive and fundamental characters in these animals.

These secondarily aquatic species can be referred to two categories. There are examples of particular species which differ from their congeners in being aquatic; and there are whole genera, even sub-families, which are exclusively, or very nearly so, aquatic in habit. The former division need not detain us; for the actual occurrence of the worms in fresh water instead of upon dry land may be a temporary affair and not a mark of habitual sojourn. Thus I myself found the British and European earthworm Eiseniella (Allurus) tetraedrus in the River Plym in Devonshire, while it has been generally met with upon land. The Patagonian and Falkland Island species Notiodrilus aquarum dulcium was so called on account of its having been collected in fresh water. But its near ally N. georgianus (which is perhaps even identical with it) was found on the sea shore in the same region of the world. While the differences which the small species of Notiodrilus shows from other purely terrestrial members of the same genus are trifling, further information may prove that this case is on all fours with that of Eiseniella referred to above. There are plenty of similar instances which I shall not enumerate.

We may now therefore pass on to the second category. These examples are obviously much more important because they are of worms which appear to be wholly aquatic, or very nearly so, and which belong to definite genera easily distinguishable as such from their allies. The examples are not however very numerous. And they belong practically exclusively to the family Geoscolecidae, a family which, it will be seen later, is confined to South America, South Africa, Madagascar, certain parts of India and Burmah and of Europe. It is not a family which has reached the greater part of the East or which has been carried to the Antarctic parts of the globe. It is furthermore very important to bear in mind that there are reasons for regarding this family Geoscolecidae as one of the more modern branches of the Oligochaeta; this latter statement tends to prove that the aquatic life is, as already suggested, a secondary matter in these worms, and is not due to their belonging to an ancient race which has never left the waters of the land.

A very interesting fact offers itself first of all in considering this family of earthworms. The Geoscolecidae are one of the only division[2 - In the Eudrilidae also these pores are very frequently absent.] of the Oligochaeta terricolae which are generally found to be without those characteristic series of pores in the middle line of the back known as the dorsal pores. They are thus eminently suited for an aquatic life; for it is to be supposed from the fact that the purely aquatic 'Limicolae' are also without these pores that their existence is prejudicial to a water-living worm. Indeed the entrance of water into the body-cavity would presumably be dangerous to the worm. The Geoscolecidae are thus already marked out, as it were, for an aquatic life. No modification is here necessary for them. It is also to be noted in this connection that various species of the genus Notiodrilus to which reference has been made as a partly aquatic genus have no dorsal pores. They too are thus fitted for at least an amphibious life.

The rule however regarding the absence of dorsal pores in the Geoscolecidae is not absolute. A few species and among them two species at any rate of the aquatic genus Sparganophilus have a few pores between some of the anterior segments which have been spoken of as 'neck pores.' They are not, it is to be believed, of a different nature from the generally distributed dorsal pores of other worms but are in fact limited to the 'neck' region.

There are no other obvious characters of the family Geoscolecidae as a whole which might be regarded as fitting them for a purely aquatic life.

Of this family one entire sub-family, the Criodrilinae, is very nearly purely aquatic in habit. Two genera, viz. Callidrilus and Glyphidrilus, out of another sub-family, Microchaetinae, which contains perhaps five other genera, are also aquatic in their mode of life. In examining into the characters of the various aquatic species with a view to searching for common characters which might be put down to modifications induced by the aquatic life, there are two or three which arrest attention. In the first place the Criodrilinae never possess a well-developed gizzard, having at most a rudimentary gizzard, or even two. However this character is not of universal applicability, for both Callidrilus and Glyphidrilus have got a gizzard and a strong one. These later genera however have no calciferous glands or oesophageal pouches of any description, structures which are also absent among the Criodrilinae. It will be remembered that the purely aquatic families, Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, etc., rarely show signs of a gizzard and rarely possess oesophageal pouches of any kind. In view of the fact that in the case of a life in fresh water no calcareous salts are necessary to resist the acids of the soil, and that the mud passed through the alimentary canal is already finely divided, it is not surprising to find gizzard and calciferous glands absent or rudimentary.

Another not unusual feature among these aquatic Geoscolecidae is the quadrangular form of the posterior end of the body. This is shown – as its specific name denotes – by Glyphidrilus quadrangulus, by species of Alma and in all the species of the genus Criodrilus. It is to be noted in this connection that a species of the partly aquatic Eiseniella has been named tetraedrus on account of precisely the same phenomenon. In these cases it is the posterior part of the body which is thus quadrangular; the anterior segments down to the ninth in Criodrilus being rounded in the usual Oligochaetous fashion. As the paired setae are apt to lie in the four projections of the quadrangular body, one is tempted to see in this arrangement of structures a faint approach to the dorsal and ventral parapodia of the marine worms, and in any case it seems possible that by this means the worms can cling more effectively and continuously to the stems and leaves of aquatic plants among which they so largely live.

It is a very remarkable fact that in the genera Criodrilus and Alma the vent is dorsal in position instead of being surrounded as in earthworms generally by the last segment of the body. This fact might be put down to the near affinity between these two genera, were it not for the fact that Glyphidrilus shows precisely the same state of affairs. These facts gain additional significance in my opinion from the fact that among the leeches which are now universally admitted to be allies of the earthworms the same position of the vent is met with. This abnormal position of the end of the alimentary canal may thus be fairly quoted in connection with structures modified by the aquatic life.

Finally, and this seems to be very important, the only genus among the Megadrili which possesses gills is the Nile worm Alma nilotica.

Marine Species

There are a few, but relatively speaking very few, worms of the order Oligochaeta which lead a marine life. And of these the majority are shore forms not extending into the waters of the sea. The most salient example, at any rate the best known perhaps, is the genus Pontodrilus, the name of which fixes its habitat, and was naturally given to it on that account. It was originally found on the sea shore of the South of France, and I have myself examined examples from Nice. The worm lives among bunches of sea-weed cast up by the sea, and which are thoroughly salt. Besides the two forms that have been met with in this Mediterranean region but which are united by Dr Michaelsen into but one species, other Pontodrilus have been described from so many and such diverse parts of the world as the following. The West Indies (Bermudas, Jamaica etc.), the coasts of South America, of both West and Eastern Africa, the Red Sea, Christmas Island near Java, Sharks Bay in West Australia, the Hawaii Archipelago, Celebes, South West Australia etc. In fact there is no great tract of the ocean excepting the antarctic region where this genus is not to be found. It is possible however that this latter statement is not correct and that New Zealand ought to be added. But the species described from those islands, viz. Pontodrilus lacustris, is not a marine form at all as its specific name denotes; nor is it quite certainly to be included in the genus. On the other hand a form from the Chatham Islands in the same quarter of the globe, described originally as Pontodrilus chathamensis, is to be referred to the antarctic region. Altogether some dozen species of Pontodrilus have been described by different naturalists; but quite recently Dr Michaelsen has reduced these to three only, which are P. bermudensis (F. E. B.), P. litoralis (Grube) and P. matsushimensis (Izuka), with the doubtful addition of P. lacustris already referred to. Whatever may be the ultimate verdict upon this question of species it is clear that the genus is widely spread upon the sea shores of the world and that forms from different regions show some fixed variations, which others may eventually agree with their original describers in regarding as definite species.

It cannot be said that any salient characters in the organisation of these worms mark them out from either terrestrial or fresh-water Oligochaeta. There are no such important variations of structure as can be seized upon to characterise them as inured to salt water. The genus agrees with many aquatic forms in the fact that the nephridia are not present in the earlier segments of the body, not indeed putting in an appearance until about the thirteenth segment or even later. They are thin delicate worms; but there is nothing distinguishing about this, while the feeble or absent gizzard is a character which is really difficult to correlate with habitat. Still we have here a whole genus which is marine in its habit. Among the Megadrili or earthworms there are not many other examples of these 'euryhaline' forms as they have been named. On the shores of Patagonia however and Kerguelen shore-living species of the mainly antarctic genus of earthworms Notiodrilus have been met with. And there are a few allied cases among the antarctic genera of Acanthodrilinae.

In addition to these terrestrial forms there are a few limicoline genera which are partly marine in their habit. Thus several species of the prevalently arctic and antarctic family Enchytraeidae are shore living. There are also marine Tubificids such as Clitellio arenarius and Tubifex ater (not uncommon on British shores), marine Lumbriculids and a marine Naid from the Italian coast. These forms show no great differences from their fresh-water allies.

Earthworms originally purely aquaticanimals

The very name Earthworm, so distinctive as it is of the habitat of these animals, seems to have been expressly invented in order to crystallise into one word the remarkable distributions of these creatures. They are with very few exceptions the most purely terrestrial animals that we know. There are a few Mammals like the mole and several underground Amphibians and Snakes in the tropics which share this habitat with the worms, probably because they chiefly prey upon them. But there is no group of animals that is characterised by a subterranean existence in the way that earthworms are. For we cannot put burrowing animals, such as the prairie dog and many rodents, into the same category. These make and seek their burrows for protective purposes and in order to bring forth their young in security. They do not feed beneath the surface of the ground or pass their entire lives in that situation. We have already in a previous chapter dealt with such exceptional forms of earthworms as do not lead an entirely subterranean existence; but as was pointed out in chapter I these exceptions are but few and the immense bulk of earthworms fully justify their name.

Nevertheless there are many arguments which tend to show that these purely land-dwellers have grown out of exclusively water-dwellers and even that the change from the one mode of life to the other has been accomplished comparatively recently. For there are here and there vestiges of structures which seem only fitted for an aquatic life; and in other cases structural changes have commenced which would appear to be in definite relation to the underground mode of life prevalent to-day. Let us consider for a moment the differences which obtain between the conditions of life in water or in soft mud at the bottom of pool or river, and those which are undergone by a dweller in stiff soil or vegetable débris. In the first case the medium is fluid or at most very soft, while the soil is at least stiffer and harder to traverse.

Secondly the transition between the very bottom of a pool and the top layers of the water is more or less gradual, while the stiff soil ends abruptly in the tenuity of the atmosphere.

A third point of difference is doubtless the smaller supply of readily available oxygen in the still pools and even rapid rivers, which in certain stagnant pools and in the bottom waters of deep lakes must produce a very vast difference in physiological conditions.

We have already dealt with the characteristics of the aquatic genera of earthworms, not only in detailing the general characters of the families which are found in this situation but also in studying the features which earthworms show in those cases where they have reverted to an aquatic mode of life. It remains in the present section to attempt to descry in the purely terrestrial forms the remnants of adaptations to an aquatic life which are no longer of service to them.

It is a noteworthy fact, that the continuous circle of setae which is met with in certain earthworms is by no means a character of such classificatory importance as it was at one time, perhaps, thought to be. It is true that we meet with this character in the genera Megascolex and Pheretima which are not very far from each other in the system and are at any rate members of the same sub-family, the Megascolecinae. But we also find the continuous circle of setae well developed in Plagiochaeta which is not so near to Pheretima, and an approach towards it in Dinodrilus and Dinodriloides which are equally remote perhaps from both Pheretima and Megascolex on the one hand and Plagiochaeta on the other. Still it may be urged that all of these genera are at least members of the family Megascolecidae and that the question of a character which thus merely shows affinity is not yet eliminated. It is therefore of particularly great importance that Dr Cognetti de Martiis should have met with the South American genus Periscolex which, undoubtedly a member of a totally distinct family, the Geoscolecidae, yet shows the same complete circle of setae. The reason for dwelling upon this particular anatomical character in the present connection is because it would seem to be a character specially suited to an underground life where there is an equal pressure all round the body and where progression would seem therefore to be best attained by a continual leverage round the circular body. And this view is strengthened by the sporadic occurrence of this modification in different families. We thus come to the conclusion that the opposite state of affairs is a remnant of an aquatic life, a conclusion which it is the object of the present section to discuss. More than this, it would seem that an equal disposition of the two bundles of setae on each side of the body was a less modified state of affairs than the restriction of the two bundles or pairs of setae to the ventral surface, such as occurs for example in the genus Dichogaster and which is very obvious in some of the larger-sized members of this extensive genus. For the restriction of the setae to the ventral surface obviously favours progression upon a surface and not through a medium. And it is only among the terrestrial Oligochaeta that this mode of progression occurs. It might also be urged, and with some reason, that the retention of rather longer setae upon the clitellum in the Lumbricidae and Geoscolecidae, and the possession of equally long or in many cases much longer setae corresponding to one of the two pairs of setae of the generative segment in certain Megascolecidae, is a feature in which an aquatic condition – so to speak – is retained. The setae would represent a vestige of the general presence of long setae over the body generally such as is convenient or at least not inconvenient to an Annelid living in water or soft mud. But probably it will be thought the modified genital setae are a recent development and not a retention.

There is no more thoroughly terrestrial family of earthworms than that of the Moniligastridae and yet this family in its general anatomical characters shows many points of likeness to aquatic forms as has been now pointed out by many observers. It is true that these characters are not those which might be associated at first sight with an aquatic life. But none the less they are characteristic of most of the families which live in the waters of the earth. Thus Moniligaster and its allies (Eupolygaster, Drawida, etc.) have quite short sperm ducts which open on to the exterior at furthest in the segment next to that in which their internal funnel lies. Again the simple structure of the terminal gland into which they open and which in its turn opens on to the exterior is very like that of such a family as that of the Lumbriculidae. Another fact is the simple undivided cavity of the sperm sacs which is unlike that of typical earthworms but again like that of all of the Limicolous families. We may fairly see in these worms evidence of origin from aquatic ancestors. Evidence of the same nature, i. e. not as showing the retention more or less of anatomical characters commonly associated with a life in water, but as affording indirect evidence of an origin from actually aquatic forms, is to be seen in certain members of the families Geoscolecidae and Eudrilidae. In both of these it not infrequently happens that the sperm sacs are but a single pair and that that pair consists of sacs of extraordinary length. Thus in Trichochaeta (or Hesperoscolex) barbadensis Miss Fedarb and I have shown that the long thin sperm sacs extend through no less than 109 segments, which is vastly in excess of the length of those of the majority of earthworms in which they are most commonly limited to a single segment. In the same way the Eudrilid worm Polytoreutus magilensis has a pair of long and thin sperm sacs which extend through some fifty segments. This elongation of the sperm sacs in the ripe worms is a very common feature of the Limicolous genera.



To the very inexperienced eye all earthworms might appear to be quite similar in detail as they undoubtedly are in general form. But it needs not a great deal of examination to detect even salient characteristics whereby one kind may be distinguished from another; to the expert it is possible in very many cases to go no further than the outside before assigning its correct place in the system to a given example. The general external features of this group of worms have been already dealt with in another chapter. To some of these we again direct attention in a more elaborate fashion in order to emphasise the possible meanings of the variations met with apart from their use in systematic arrangement. It is difficult to say in comparing one worm with another what is the most salient external difference. There are however a few which may be regarded as equally conspicuous on a nearer examination of the specimens. The varying position and greater or less extent of the clitellum, the longer or shorter retractile or nonretractile prostomium, the position of the usually conspicuous male pores, and the existence of in the first place and – when present – the numbers and situation of the so-called genital papillae are among the most obvious. The setae and their position we treat of under the heading of the modification of the worms to lead a terrestrial life; and though these chitinous organs differ greatly they do not concern us in the present section. The girdle or clitellum ('eminentia quasi ulcerata') has been long observed as a character of these animals and it is one which distinguishes them from all other worms except the leeches and a very few marine Polychaeta. This modified region of the body is often of a different colour to the rest and has a glandular look which readily enables one to recognise its position and limits, though its obviousness is less in some cases. It either forms a complete ring round the body or is developed upon the dorsal surface and only to a slight extent upon the ventral surface. Its use, as is well known, is to secrete the cocoon in which the eggs are deposited; and the epidermis which forms it is thickened and more glandular than that in other regions of the body. Among earthworms it is doubtful whether the clitellum ever occupies less than three segments; it consists of three only in the great majority of species of the marked genus Pheretima. From this lowest level it extends in other forms, and in the partially aquatic African genus Alma it may occupy as many as forty segments. The position also varies from genus to genus and from species to species. It is sometimes further forward and sometimes further back. In the remarkable family Moniligastridae this organ is developed earlier in the body than in any other group of true earthworms, consisting of four segments or so commencing with the tenth. As a rule the clitellum begins further back than this – the thirteenth or fourteenth being a common place for the first commencement of the organ among the Megascolecidae, while among the Geoscolecidae and Lumbricidae it is generally much further back, commencing in Alma at the forty-fifth. These details might be increased to many pages; but enough has been said to emphasise the variability of the organ. What reason can be assigned to this variability, which might be supposed unnecessary in view of its functions? There are perhaps two suggestions that may be made, though many facts are lacking which might offer confirmation or refutation of either of these. It is to be noticed that on the whole the older types such as the Moniligastridae and the Megascolecidae (including for this purpose the Eudrilidae) have clitella which are short. There are a few but not many exceptions. These older types do not seem capable of extending their range with any rapidity. It is true that here again there are exceptions, notably many species of Pheretima which are considered under the section which deals with the migration of these animals. On the other hand the Lumbricidae have on the whole a more extensive clitellum and so have many Geoscolecidae. It is obvious that of all earthworms the Lumbricidae is the family which has the greatest capacity of migration and adaptation to new circumstances. The reason for this may be that in the latter case the more extensive clitellum produces a larger cocoon which in its turn can hold and cherish while they reach maturity a larger number of embryos. Much remains to be learnt under this heading. But the comparatively small clitellum of the large Ceylon Megascolex coeruleus only contains two embryos, while the also comparatively small cocoon of the large and restricted Octochaetus multiporus (limited to the South Island of New Zealand) only contains a single embryo. This latter fact may be regarded as fairly well established since I myself examined quite fifty cocoons.

On the other hand larger numbers seem to arrive at maturity in the cocoons of Allolobophora. The more extensive clitellum must produce a relatively larger cocoon, and it is interesting to note that the cocoon of the widely distributed genus Criodrilus (Europe and South America) is very long although not of great diameter. However the facts are not sufficiently great to dogmatise much upon this subject. Another conceivable reason for differences in the clitellum is – as I also think is the case with the genital papillae – to prevent hybridisation. That the sense of touch is delicate in these animals seems clear from the abundant development of epidermal sense-organs. It may be that the feel of the clitellum during union enables two individuals of a given species to come together and prevents those of different species from mating. In any case there is no positive evidence that hybridisation does occur in this group of animals. The astounding variability and yet constancy in a given species of the genital papillae is in favour of regarding these organs as tactile recognition marks; and it will be noted that they are not by any means characteristic of some of the older types of earthworms. Furthermore they are particularly conspicuous in such genera as Pheretima, Megascolex etc., which possess a large number of species. In these of course mutual recognition would otherwise be more difficult.



As this is not an anatomical treatise we shall not attempt any detailed anatomical and histological account of the sense organs in this group of worms. But a few facts must be given in illustration and explanation of the senses of touch and sight that the Oligochaeta undoubtedly possess. These Annelids, unlike their allies the marine Polychaeta, and even their allies on two other sides, the leeches and flatworms, have no complexly organised eyes or other sense organs. They have in fact no organs to which a definite sense can be attached on histological grounds. There is nothing comparable to an eye or to the auditory sacs of other low worms. There are only particular cells of the epidermis, often associated into small groups, and those again into larger associations of rows of such groups of cells. It is to be presumed that these modified groups of cells have a sense function; but no more can be said than that they are doubtless tactile and also to some extent receptive of the influence of light. True visual cells have been asserted to exist in earthworms, consisting of cells of which a part is clear and transparent and has been supposed to serve as a lens for the rest of the cell which represents a retina. But belief in the function of these cells is by no means unanimous. On the other hand many investigations have proved the existence of groups of epidermic cells of an oval form which are at present arranged in definite rows upon the segments of both terrestrial and aquatic forms, which are moreover connected with nerve terminations, or are at least – according to more modern views – in close contact with the terminations of nerve fibres. These are furnished often at their free tips with minute sensitive processes. There is nothing in the structure of these to associate them definitely with any sense in particular. They suggest of course tactile organs more than organs of any other sense. In addition to these are certain problematical organs which are found in the Eudrilidae and are present in the members of one section of that group, the section which is represented by the universally found Eudrilus.

These bodies have been compared to a Pacinian body (a sense-organ found in Vertebrates) and they bear no little resemblance to it. For each consists of a darkly staining core surrounded by a layer of cells arranged like the coats of an onion. In any case it would appear that these bodies must be looked upon as of a sensory nature, though they do not reach the surface of the body but underlie the epidermis. Their function must remain purely a matter of guesswork at present, for nothing to the point is known of the habits of the Eudrilidae. It has been suggested by Dr Gustav Eisen that these cells are auditory and serve to warn the worm of the footsteps of birds and other enemies. That too is his view of certain peculiar but different cells found in the epidermis of Pontoscolex. In the latter something like an otosome has been found which is certainly lacking in the Eudrilidae, whatever may be the function of the cellular epidermic bodies here briefly referred to.

While there is thus nothing very positive to be gleaned from an examination of the structure of the Oligochaeta as to the senses which they may possess, experiment has done something towards an elucidation of their behaviour under stimuli and their reaction to light and to other forces which come into play during their lives. There is some evidence that earthworms can see, using that expression of course in a very broad way. At any rate they react to changes in the intensity of light. The gross experiment of flashing a lantern upon earthworms which are reaching out from their burrows with the tail end inserted in those burrows shows that they have an appreciation of light. More refined experiments have been conducted upon the sense of light. Dr Graber used a box with two compartments, the one of which was dark and the other illuminated with diffused daylight, i. e. not direct sunlight. The worms were allowed equally free access to both and were examined at the close of every hour, and their positions noted. The investigator found that on the average the dark half of the box contained 5·2 times as many worms as the light chamber, thus indicating a very marked preference for absence of light.

Not only is this the case, but the same observer proved that earthworms can distinguish between degrees of intensity of light. This obviously indicates a more complete 'visual' sense. He illuminated the light-box of the former experiment with light admitted through a ground glass screen, thus diminishing its intensity. The other chamber was left as before but the screen was removed, thus admitting full daylight. In this experiment the number of worms in each compartment proved to be different. The results were not so striking as before, since only rather more than one-half were found in the more dimly illuminated chamber. It is a well-known fact that if earthworms are abroad at all from their burrows, it is during the night that this movement takes place, the numbers decreasing towards morning though worms are often seen crawling about well after sunrise. Some experiments have been made in attempt of explanation of this apparent anomaly. It would appear from these experiments that while worms are negatively phototropic to strong and moderate light as has already been pointed out, they are positively phototropic to very dim light; hence the advent of evening calls them forth from their burrows. It will be noted that this perception is of very great advantage to the worm since its more active enemies above ground are diurnal. It was held originally that the head end of the worm only was thus sensitive to light; but more recent experiments have shown that this is not the case, and that all of the body is sensitive. This disposes of course of the existence of special light-receiving organs in the anterior part of the worm's body. Not only this, but an interesting extension of the view has been promulgated. It has been shown by Prof. G. Parker and a colleague that in the common Brandling worm, Allolobophora foetida, the response to light stimuli was related to the amount of the body exposed to its influence. This is very important as showing that the light perception in these creatures is probably not due to special organs having a limited position on the body, but is due to collective sense impressions of many cells scattered over the whole body, the impression being the greater when the whole body is exposed and less when only parts of it are exposed. Furthermore, and this has quite another importance, these observers noted that the reaction effects differed when only a part of the body was exposed; that they were greater in the front of the body, less in the middle, and less still at the tail end. Indeed they found that the reactions in the case of the front end of the body alone being exposed were rather more than one-third as compared with those which were shown when the whole body was subjected to the light stimulus. The fact that the least sensitive region of the body is the posterior end has, it is true, only been definitely proved in the case of the worm whose specific name has been mentioned. But it is possible that others are similarly affected. And it is highly important to note the prevalent habit among the Tubificidae of lying with the head end imbedded in the mud of the pool which they inhabit, while the tail end emerges and waves freely in the flood. The additional fact that this tail end occasionally bears gills (as in Branchiura sowerbii and Phreodrilus branchiatus) has a collateral importance not to be mistaken.



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