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A Family Holiday: A heartwarming summer romance for fans of Katie Fforde

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‘No… No! Honestly, it’s over. It’s just… don’t laugh,’ said Fleur, lying back on the rug, her auburn hair splaying out around her head like a giant halo.

‘Go on,’ said Charlie, scanning the park and spotting Wriggly trying to pull Eleanor’s arm off with his lead so that he could chase a pigeon.

‘There was so much to do before the wedding. There was this massive list of things that had to be perfect and I was busy every day sorting it all out. The caterers, the marquee, the church, the place names, the champagne, the honeymoon, it was a very long list. But now, I have nothing to do. There was this big full stop and I don’t know what to do now.’

‘But after the honeymoon, what had you planned to do?’ asked Charlie, feeling this was possibly the most ridiculous dilemma ever.

‘Be with Rob… the Knob,’ said Fleur, with a clear hesitation before she added the insult. Charlie feared that she was wavering and Fleur was as robust as a wet paper bag when it came to men.

‘Really? That was the rest of your life. You following him around while he pratted about with the Headless Hamsters.’

‘Rodents,’ corrected Fleur.

‘I know. Come on, Fleur, maybe this is the wake-up call you need. Do something with your life. You can do anything. You simply need to make it happen.’ And with Mummy and Daddy’s money and unwavering support behind you, you really could do anything you wanted, thought Charlie.

‘Do you ever think about when we were in foster care?’ asked Fleur.

Charlie turned away from her surveillance operation to look at Fleur. ‘Blimey, that was a long time ago, Fleur.’

‘I can’t remember any of it,’ said Fleur, her eyes filled with sadness.

Charlie turned back to watch George poking something in the grass with a stick. ‘Nobody can remember stuff from when they were that young. I was four and I only have vague memories and you were what? Eighteen months old?’

Fleur nodded. ‘It’s like a book with the first chapter missing.’

Charlie glanced over her shoulder and smiled indulgently. ‘Oh, Fleur, that’s very poetic but it’s a right load of crap!’

Fleur looked tense. ‘Don’t you want to know about your early life?’

‘Nope,’ said Charlie, with a shrug. ‘Why would you want to know about a time when people didn’t care enough to look after you properly?’

Fleur bit her lip. ‘It feels like I’ve got something missing.’

Charlie resisted the opportunity to make a joke. ‘Fleur, I think you’re looking for excuses. You have the most amazing family, who love you to bits. Knowing about the past might fill in a few blanks but that’s all it will do. It won’t suddenly unlock the key to your future.’ Fleur sighed and Charlie decided to leave things there.

Fleur and Charlie’s childhood experiences had been very different. Charlie had been like a pinball in the care system, bouncing from one place to another and from one misadventure to the next. It wasn’t an excuse, it was simply fact and, coupled with the usual teenaged angst, it had made for an explosive cocktail. Thanks to the kindness and unrelenting persistence of her last foster parents, Charlie had finally straightened herself out. The Van Bentons had also been a constant presence, letting Charlie and Fleur keep in touch after they adopted Fleur, as the girls had shared an early bond in their foster placement together. It was thanks to the Van Bentons that she had got this job. They were good friends with Helen and Toby and knowing the Cobley’s situation they had engineered a meeting and waxed lyrical about how well Charlie was doing, having achieved her level one in childcare. The Van Bentons had been incredibly good to her.

‘Maybe I should have gone to Borneo for the honeymoon on my own,’ mused Fleur, staring up at the branches of the tree above her.

‘Great, so that would have kept you occupied for two weeks. Still leaves the question of the next seventy or so years,’ said Charlie, losing sight of Millie and half getting to her feet before spotting Ted supporting Millie on the climbing equipment.

‘Pa is driving me potty as well, so a break from the parents would be a good thing.’

‘What’s your dad done?’

‘Nothing he hasn’t done before. He just takes over everything. He cancelled the honeymoon, sorted out the return of all the presents. He’s sorting out the divorce. He does everything and it drives me mad,’ said Fleur, waving her arms and from her prone position looking a little like a dying fly.

‘Eleanor washes her own hair now,’ said Charlie after a pause.


‘I don’t remind her, because I know she can do it herself. Before, I used to have to remind her and before that I had to do it for her.’

‘Riveting,’ said Fleur. ‘Should I book a holiday?’

‘What I mean is, you need to show your parents that you can do things for yourself. Start by sorting out the divorce. Show them you’re not a little girl any more,’ said Charlie, taking a quick glance at Fleur, who was pouting.

‘Pa knows solicitors and it’s all a bit upsetting.’

‘Don’t be so lazy! Google solicitors and pick one. Ring them up and ask them if they’ll take you on as their client. It’s not hard!’ said Charlie, shaking her head in dismay. Sometimes she wanted to give Fleur a good shake and this was one of them. ‘Right, I’ll round up the troops, you unpack the hamper,’ and Charlie strode off towards where she’d last seen Wriggly trying to wee up a litterbin.

The children all ate their sandwiches in silence apart from Eleanor, who lay on the rug copying Fleur. Some teenagers walked close by them and Millie waved at them. When this elicited no response, she happily called after them, ‘Riff Raff!’ George started to chuckle and a smile broke out on Eleanor’s face and then, like the best disease ever, they all started to laugh. Fleur lifted her sunglasses to survey them all. It was like a release valve and the laughter went on a fraction longer than was sane.

The laughter trickled away and Charlie saw her opportunity. ‘I’m glad we’re together. I need to talk to you about going back to school,’ she said, checking each face in turn and waiting for the deluge of complaints. ‘I’ve been speaking to your schools regularly and they’re keen to have you back.’

Ted looked at his siblings and shrugged at Charlie. ‘Fine, it’s boring at home,’ he said.

‘Even more boring than school,’ said George. They all turned to look at Eleanor.

‘I’ve missed school. Can I go tomorrow?’

‘If you want to,’ said Charlie, totally stunned by the reaction. Maybe getting back into their normal routine was what they were missing, but she couldn’t help but worry how they would manage all the questions and curiosity that would surely come their way from their classmates. She knew she couldn’t protect them from that. All she could do was be there when they came home.

‘Are there any crisps?’ asked Eleanor, and Charlie handed them over and resisted the urge to hug her.

After the food, the children disappeared with the football and whatever the game was they were playing Wriggly appeared to be at the centre of it. Charlie packed away all the leftover food before any flies got interested and Fleur grabbed the last couple of chunks of celery before they were hastily wrapped in cling film. Charlie leant back against the tree and felt herself relax a little.

‘Here you go,’ said Fleur, handing Charlie a thick cream embossed business card. ‘Sorry, I forget to give it to you earlier.’

‘Melvyn Halsey, Chiropractor. What do I need that for?’

‘Job, Duh? Their nanny is having a baby. They’ve got two girls… no two boys… or is it one of each? Anyway they’ve got two children and they’ll soon need a new nanny and they only live ten minutes away from me, so it would be perfect.’

Charlie gazed at the business card. This was her get-out clause; the easy answer. ‘Um, thanks,’ she said, stuffing it into her jeans pocket and trying to halt all the questions it was triggering in her mind. Was this the point where she made a decision? She could wish the children well and walk into a new job. That would be the sensible thing to do. She’d worked hard to get her life on track and this would be another step in the right direction, with another professional family on her CV. Or she could risk everything and fight for the children she loved.

‘Pa will give you a reference because, well, the Cobleys can’t.’

Charlie felt a wave of grief come over her. Why did the Cobleys have to die? Why did everything that was so perfect have to change? She lay back on the grass and fought hard to stop the tears she knew were brimming in her eyes.

They had to visit the Joy of Life Fountain before they left the park, as Millie always loved to hurl coins in. Charlie already had a few pennies in her pocket in anticipation. The others usually wandered off when they got to the fountain, but today they all took a penny from Charlie, tossed them in and stood silently. Charlie wondered what wishes they were making and if any of them could possibly come true. Millie asked for another coin and this time did an impressive over-arm lob and narrowly missed Fleur.

‘I bet your wish was that you weren’t standing in Millie’s firing line,’ joked George.

Charlie flipped in a coin and watched it disappear under the water. Her wish was a simple one – she wished she knew what to do.

The walk back was definitely more upbeat, the children seemed to have perked up at the thought of returning to school and it was good to feel that they were taking steps in the right direction, even though they were baby ones. Ted was still looking slouchy but even he had a fleeting smile on his face. Charlie started to mentally go through all the school things she would need to get ready for tomorrow. She would also get Millie back into her toddler groups, which she knew she had been missing. That would also mean that Charlie was back in her old routine and she felt a great wave of comfort at the thought of it and realised that this must have been the same for the children.

‘Is that people at the house?’ asked Fleur, pointing up the road to where two figures were standing on the steps.
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